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Let's make "Imbalance" clear. Maybe then Bioware will understand.


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So, most everyone and their brother sees the massive imbalance that exists in this game - but many attribute it to a PVP problem only. Fact of the matter is, it's not just PVP - PVE is also massively in the Empire's favor.


So, any Bioware people who happen to read the Forums, here's a list of things I personally notice that help to create your Empire-centric situation:


1) Easier to level in PVE as Empire.

Perhaps you haven't noticed how easy you make it on your Empire players. Playing from 1 to 30 on both a Republic & Empire based character, you begin to see a few issues. First off, the "Bonus" missions where you click things, or kill "X" number of NPCs. Both sides get them - But, note that for the Republic, it's generally killing 10 to 15 NPCS. On Empire, many have you killing 30 to 45. So, the higher number = more XP for a particular mission off the bat. Add to this that many of these "Bonus" missions are the Mulit-tier type (Which give better rewards), so of course, the players note it's faster & more efficient to roll on Empire.


2) The Empire doesn't walk as much?

So, both sides have taxis to offset the walking issue at low levels. It's a huge complaint from players, and it seems we are getting scaled run speeds in the future as a response. however - why is it that on Nar Shadaa the Empire players can find speeders to click to speed up their travel from spot to spot? I don't seem to recall any of those for Republic characters...


3) Mirror classes?

If this were true, the Republic would have attacks that could be chained with extremely low cast & build-up times. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuns...


4) PVP valor levels.

Empire has more people on the side on most servers- this is acknowledged. as a result, even if they have to play Huttball over & over, they gain Valor at a more rapid pace. This results in the ability to get to battlemaster far faster than n the Republic side - which means more Expertise & better gear faster. So you DO run into situations where you face a team of battlemaster equipped people taking on people lucky to have some Expertise at all. Yes, this is not truly a game mechanic issue - but consider that the problem WILL get worse the longer imbalances exist.


So people, add to the list. Maybe (Doubtful, but one can hope) someone will eventually get that it's NOT just our imagination.

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1) Easier to level in PVE as Empire.

Perhaps you haven't noticed how easy you make it on your Empire players. Playing from 1 to 30 on both a Republic & Empire based character, you begin to see a few issues. First off, the "Bonus" missions where you click things, or kill "X" number of NPCs. Both sides get them - But, note that for the Republic, it's generally killing 10 to 15 NPCS. On Empire, many have you killing 30 to 45. So, the higher number = more XP for a particular mission off the bat. Add to this that many of these "Bonus" missions are the Mulit-tier type (Which give better rewards), so of course, the players note it's faster & more efficient to roll on Empire.

The republic has these 30-45 quests too. Coruscant is full of them.



2) The Empire doesn't walk as much?

So, both sides have taxis to offset the walking issue at low levels. It's a huge complaint from players, and it seems we are getting scaled run speeds in the future as a response. however - why is it that on Nar Shadaa the Empire players can find speeders to click to speed up their travel from spot to spot? I don't seem to recall any of those for Republic characters...

The republic has these disposable speeders too.


3) Mirror classes?

If this were true, the Republic would have attacks that could be chained with extremely low cast & build-up times. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuns...

The Republic has exactly the same number of stuns the Empire does.


4) PVP valor levels.

Empire has more people on the side on most servers- this is acknowledged. as a result, even if they have to play Huttball over & over, they gain Valor at a more rapid pace. This results in the ability to get to battlemaster far faster than n the Republic side - which means more Expertise & better gear faster. So you DO run into situations where you face a team of battlemaster equipped people taking on people lucky to have some Expertise at all. Yes, this is not truly a game mechanic issue - but consider that the problem WILL get worse the longer imbalances exist.

This one makes no sense. You gain valor at the same rate as any other player who queues for PvP. Individual players aren't doing more warzones than you unless you aren't queuing.


Mostly I see that you just haven't explored the Republic classes and areas very much.

Edited by Caelrie
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I think by now everyone knows and sees this.


LOL... I mean have you seen the difference between the bases on Alderan?


It's not to difficult for you to see the disparity.... The Alderan republic space port on has very minimal defenses, and is pretty easy pickins for any IMPs determeined to get in and camp. In fact it has happened on numerous occassions, IMPs camping the Alderan space port and killing the lowbies.


Now take the Imp space port on Alderan. It's loaded to the teeth with turrets and high level npc's all around. I don't even think there are any Champ NPC's on the Republic space port.


Anyone care to explain?

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The republic has these 30-45 quests too. Coruscant is full of them.




The republic has these disposable speeders too.



The Republic has exactly the same number of stuns the Empire does.



This one makes no sense. You gain valor at the same rate as any other player who queues for PvP. Individual players aren't doing more warzones than you unless you aren't queuing.


Mostly I see that you just haven't explored the Republic classes and areas very much.


Actually, I play mainly Republic. 30-45 quests? A couple, I agree. I get that many in ONE area on Nar Shaddaa, and each area offered more.


Republic has those speeders? Strange how i have taken 4 Republic characters through there, and never seen ONE. Must be hidden well.


No sense? OK - I guess the ability to get a queue every 20 minutes vs every hour (3 to 1 ratio on average) is a better way to put it - they have 3 times the valor earning ability. Better?

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My server is heavily Empire. I PvP a lot at 50.


I have run into teams of republic players, who have 5-6 Battlemasters on their team, compared to the 1-2 I see in many of my teams on Empire side.


What is the PvP problem again?

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The imbalance is caused by more people wanting to play empire and wanting to play with their friends(who happen to be empire). It's not something Bioware did, it was the playerbase.


I do believe I said that a lot of it IS in fact not a Bioware issue. However - if they simply ignore the issue and say "You all made your choice", people can and will get tired of the disparity.


Some will in fact simply roll on the Empire side. But - some will unsub. Maybe they don't care if a certain percentage simply vanish- I however don't wish to see people leave a game they want to play (Or a faction) simply because issues exist.

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I've got toons on both sides and I haven't noticed any sort of imbalance as far as Leveling Mechanics and quests...


The only imbalance I've ever seen is that there's just alot more people wanting to play Empire and you can't change that. Personally as someone who loves RPGs i like playing the stories from both sides. Most of my server does as well apparently since on quiet nights on the empire side its usually rocking on the Republic side and vice versa.

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My server is heavily Empire. I PvP a lot at 50.


I have run into teams of republic players, who have 5-6 Battlemasters on their team, compared to the 1-2 I see in many of my teams on Empire side.


What is the PvP problem again?


It sounds as if you don't have a large Empire side PVP existence. Darth Sion on the other hand does indeed have it.

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Anecdotal evidence is not really a good way to make your point. If you feel that the Empire has more "Bonus" missions that give better rewards, log them. Come here and say that the Empire has 20 more missions that give xxxxx more exp and compare the rewards.


Your #2 just made me laugh. A lot. The speeders are located in one section of one neighborhood of Nar Shadaa. Runspeed is 35% bonus, the Requisitioned Speeder is 45%, lasts 3 whole minutes, and if you talk to anyone, get in combat, or blink its gone. I have also only been able to find 2 to ride, and they are pretty close to each other.

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The imbalance is caused by more people wanting to play empire and wanting to play with their friends(who happen to be empire). It's not something Bioware did, it was the playerbase.


agree, the only thing that Bioware might have done was they put to much of cool factor on the imp side or at least, it is the perception most have..outsoed that players are gona play /shrug

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I've got toons on both sides and I haven't noticed any sort of imbalance as far as Leveling Mechanics and quests...


The only imbalance I've ever seen is that there's just alot more people wanting to play Empire and you can't change that. Personally as someone who loves RPGs i like playing the stories from both sides. Most of my server does as well apparently since on quiet nights on the empire side its usually rocking on the Republic side and vice versa.


It's not something I noticed first time through either. I was too busy enjoying the story to care. However, upon deciding to create another character of the same type on the same server after a delete - I didn't care about story, and looked around more.


Heck, I don't even include the obvious "Player created" stupidity of Economics - although i do laugh about it. On my main server, Republic side sells (example) Bioanalysis materials fairly cheap, on the order of 10 cpu. On the Empire side though, the same materials sell for 1000 cpu and up. Stupid Republic players are killing their economy. Makes it easier to make things for sure, but they've killed their own market (and to a point player interdependency).

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Having to kill 30-45 mobs for a quest is not a bonus.


If I have to kill 45 for quest, then I have to kill 45 to get the quest xp.


You only have to kill 15? You kill 15, get the quest xp, and then you can kill 30 more if you feel like it.


People will complain about anything.

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Anecdotal evidence is not really a good way to make your point. If you feel that the Empire has more "Bonus" missions that give better rewards, log them. Come here and say that the Empire has 20 more missions that give xxxxx more exp and compare the rewards.


Your #2 just made me laugh. A lot. The speeders are located in one section of one neighborhood of Nar Shadaa. Runspeed is 35% bonus, the Requisitioned Speeder is 45%, lasts 3 whole minutes, and if you talk to anyone, get in combat, or blink its gone. I have also only been able to find 2 to ride, and they are pretty close to each other.


There are 4 - just saying.


The issue there is however that one side gets something - even something as minor and non-breaking as that - that the other doesn't. In the long run, it is after all only 10% difference - so why does one get it and the other doesn't? What's the need that made it a good idea?


As far as anecdotal - you're absolutely correct. Most personal observations are anecdotal in nature, it's the nature of the beast. Maybe if someone really cares enough they'll do as you suggest - I'd be interested, but lack the time to do that kind of analysis efficiently. until then -as I pointed out from the start, these are my *personal* observations.

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It's not something I noticed first time through either. I was too busy enjoying the story to care. However, upon deciding to create another character of the same type on the same server after a delete - I didn't care about story, and looked around more.


Heck, I don't even include the obvious "Player created" stupidity of Economics - although i do laugh about it. On my main server, Republic side sells (example) Bioanalysis materials fairly cheap, on the order of 10 cpu. On the Empire side though, the same materials sell for 1000 cpu and up. Stupid Republic players are killing their economy. Makes it easier to make things for sure, but they've killed their own market (and to a point player interdependency).


The prices are cheaper because the demand is lower to do to lower population. Demands are higher and so is the cost on Empire since there's alot of buyers. Its like basic checks and balances that I believe most of us learn in what 7 / 8th grade.

Edited by Kindara
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Having to kill 30-45 mobs for a quest is not a bonus.


If I have to kill 45 for quest, then I have to kill 45 to get the quest xp.


You only have to kill 15? You kill 15, get the quest xp, and then you can kill 30 more if you feel like it.


People will complain about anything.


It's about incentive. Kill this, get that. It's human nature to go to more extremes for a perceived reward - so either 10 or 30, if they want the bonus XP, they will do it.


So, if you add the incentive of (example) 3500 XP after killing 10, you'll kill the 10 - then move on to the next quest. Each of the 10 gives you 150 XP per kill, so grand total of 5000 XP, with NO incentive to kill 20 more.


But, if you add the incentive with 30 instead of 10, using the same numbers, you get 3500 + 4500 = 8000 XP. 3000 more XP doesn't seem like much, but when you continue the progression, it adds up.


Yes, you are right - a player CAN simply go kill 20 more to get the same XP. But game companies KNOW that to add an incentive will more likely cause a player to kill more NPCs, whereas a majority of players try to rush through missions as stated.

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The prices are cheaper because the demand is lower to do to lower population. Demands are higher and so is the cost on Empire since there's alot of buyers. Its like basic checks and balances that I believe most of us learn in what 7 / 8th grade.


Basic economics. Supply & demand. You're right.


MORE players creates MORE demand, absolutely right. However, it also creates more Supply side as well. So unless (Which could be the case) very few acquire their own materials & a few gather an excess, the ratio should be roughly the same for both sides, not dependent whatsoever on the size of the population.


Or it could be that Empire side makes more credits overall, so the perception is that things should cost more. Or any number of factors beyond simple Supply & Demand.


The notion is that across the board, Empire side economics seem to work (Again, in my opinion) correctly vs the Republic side version of "make things cheap".

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A lot of this is anecdotal, but try this little experiment:


Create a Jedi knight. Level him to 10 spacing through all dialogue, and record your time doing it.


Create a Sith warrior. Do the same.


You *will* find a large disparity in the time. I will leave it to you to guess who gets there faster.

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A lot of this is anecdotal, but try this little experiment:


Create a Jedi knight. Level him to 10 spacing through all dialogue, and record your time doing it.


Create a Sith warrior. Do the same.


You *will* find a large disparity in the time. I will leave it to you to guess who gets there faster.


Great idea - but I would think 1 to 10 isn't overall the best case. It's extremely fast & easy on both sides to get to 10. Would be better to try 20 - or even 30.


Best I can offer at this moment isn't a direct correlation. My level 24 BH has taken (thus far) 17 hours, whereas my Jedi Consular at level 29 is 2 days, 1 hour.


5 levels difference - but it seems strange that 5 levels would more than double the time needed.

Edited by Maxlord
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My server is heavily Empire. I PvP a lot at 50.


I have run into teams of republic players, who have 5-6 Battlemasters on their team, compared to the 1-2 I see in many of my teams on Empire side.


What is the PvP problem again?


Same on my server, but they still loose to our noobs in huttball. :D

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Actually, I play mainly Republic. 30-45 quests? A couple, I agree. I get that many in ONE area on Nar Shaddaa, and each area offered more.


Republic has those speeders? Strange how i have taken 4 Republic characters through there, and never seen ONE. Must be hidden well.


No sense? OK - I guess the ability to get a queue every 20 minutes vs every hour (3 to 1 ratio on average) is a better way to put it - they have 3 times the valor earning ability. Better?


Are you even questing?


I am playing both sides and even if my trooper is no where near the same level as my maxxed out Assassin, because: I play my assassin more


I have not had ANYT issues with PVE, leveling and exp, just the other night I had a kill 30, then a 40 on Alderaan.


But ofcourse if you are doing class quests only, then you don't get them, which again is no different from an empire player focusing on class only.

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Are you even questing?


I am playing both sides and even if my trooper is no where near the same level as my maxxed out Assassin, because: I play my assassin more


I have not had ANYT issues with PVE, leveling and exp, just the other night I had a kill 30, then a 40 on Alderaan.


But ofcourse if you are doing class quests only, then you don't get them, which again is no different from an empire player focusing on class only.


Again, it's an issue only in that there would be more opportunity to be given an incentive to do more. After all, they ARE "bonus" quests - and a lot of people going through on Alts seem to bypass a lot of these. I personally do them all, as it does - even if fractionally - increase my level faster.


Do a /played one of these days - it doesn't matter how many days you've had your account, only how long you've played that individual character. it can be quite demonstrative.

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