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FIghting with the force


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What do you suppose it's like for Jedi when they're channeling the force and fighting? I know it's supposed to generally help them, make their reflexes better and stuff. I imagine it being like they're fighting in slow motion (at least that's how the Jedi sees it), like at the end of the first matrix with neo vs. agent smith. That's a Jedi vs. Joe Blow.
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I'm guessing it's more like being "in the zone" or "on fire" in a competition while also clearly feeling "in command".


You can't seem to screw up, your awareness expands and you become speedy as well.


Things don't go in slow motion for a Jedi, they just think faster.

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Well I know it's not really slow motion...i'm just saying, with the heightened reflexes and speed and everything, in a jedi's perception, that blaster bolt coming at him appears to be going half speed. What we see as an expert twirling of the saber is, to the jedi, effortlessly and lazily moving his saber up to deflect the bolt.
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Things don't go in slow motion for a Jedi, they just think faster.


The thing about thinking faster, is that things DO go in slow motion. Regular people can experience this during an adrenaline rush, in dire circumstances, etc. Things seem to slow down because your brain is actually registering things faster.


It's like watching things through a high-speed camera as opposed to a regular one.


That said, I think this would get annoying pretty fast if you were stuck in hyper-perception all the time.

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