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Final blow to pvp.


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So at this exact moment im in the 5th warzone today ( out of 5 ) that ppl get 4 medals and just stop playing the wz. If its huttball some ppl even help the other team to score. If you complain on ops chat you are either flamed or ignored. Why the hell would they do such a stupid thing before adding ranked wz ?? At this rate the game will be dead even before they managed to implement that, 3 of my premade buddies quit the game already . It is sad to see a game with such potential dieing.
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Same here, I've actually had some of the best PvP I've ever had today. Instead of trying to farm medals the entire time they actually spent more time playing the objective and our win rate went up a ton. NICE CHANGE!!


PS: If your team stops playing that's not a problem with game mechanics, thats a problem with the people playing the game, they are ruining the experience for themselves and others not bioware.

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Same here, I've actually had some of the best PvP I've ever had today. Instead of trying to farm medals the entire time they actually spent more time playing the objective and our win rate went up a ton. NICE CHANGE!!


PS: If your team stops playing that's not a problem with game mechanics, thats a problem with the people playing the game, they are ruining the experience for themselves and others not bioware.


Well the problem involves a bit of both. I just dont think this system should be in place before ranked warzones. Im for one play the best i can but its really discouraging when 3-5 ppl just stand idle or do close to nothing

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The question you should be asking is, "Why would Bioware implement a system so obviously flawed that it incentizes simply farming your 4 medals and having the match end as quickly as possible afterwards no matter what?"


Don't blame the players for choosing the best option given to them.

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i've seen this also. The second pugs realize they are against either a slightly more organized pug or any sort of premade they push super hard for 4 metals and then pretty much AFK the rest of the wz, I saw it most of the day yesterday on shadowtown.


No incentive to try to win or actually fight after 4 metals, you get valor, commendations and credit towards ilum dailies win or lose...

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I'm glad I'm not seeing this on my server. Instead, everyone is excited about Ranked Warzones, so they are all pushing as hard as they can to become as good as they can before April. Most of my guild members have been requesting time with me [i'm the best PVPer by far in the guild] to give them instruction to become better. I've had more discussions today, with even randoms, on improving than in weeks of play time.
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Same here at lvl 50. People told "**** it, we have 4 medals" and then 5 of them sits at generator doing nothing. Even when 3 others was fighting just few meters away with enemy.


Instead of allowing DPS getting more medals (healers and tanks can have 6-8 VERY EASLY while DPS have problem getting so many) and add objective medals they decide to cut medals to 4 and that's it.


This way people AFK after 4 medals or just go to killing spree for fun without playing objectives.


Again - good job Bioware! You s**t on everything you touch ?

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Problem is, like any other MMO, a large minority of players are not in it to win matches. They are only interested in thier personal achievements and that is Getting pvp gear as fast as they can. I hope that bioware can reward more for teamwork than just grabbin the medals and xp and run.

The MVP voting? doesnt help. Guildies will vote other guildies or friends regardless if they play well or not. That needs to change with some automatic system that works out all the players scores, adding them up and who ever contributed the most gets 1st 2nd or 3rd and gets a nice bump in valor.

Reducing valor for the losing team wont be fair on those that do their best on a losing team.


Also if players drop out during a match should not be allowed to que up for 10 mins. Ok there are times where we might crash out. But it happens, thats up to biware to make sure that doesnt lol.

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You know... Once up on a time people played games to win. For fun.


Is it the new WoW generation that only play for personal and persistant benefits I wonder. That only queue up to a match of PvP if they get loot for it. That stop playing to win once they no longer think the effort is worth the extra loot reward...?


There was a time when people spend hours and hours playing for no other reason but to win and to have fun. There was a time this was true for online multiplayer computer games as well (counterstrike was a great example of this. People playing the same map over and over and over. Same gear. Same damage, health and armor each time the map restart)


I honestly does not think it is up to Bioware to "fix" this. I think it is up to the new WoW generation to step back and get a grip. You kids really need the developers of the game to hold your hand through the entire match in order to play to win. To have fun? Is it maybe too late. Do we have an entire generation that is lost. That will never play to win. to have fun. That always need more loot as a carrot to do... well.. anything.



Edited by Xenon-se
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Without ranked WZ there is no way to fix all this stuff.


1. You create system that encourages winning games. People quit at first sign of possible loss.


2. You create system that encourages participation only (like this 4 medals change). People afk after getting 4 medals.


3. You create system that rewards higher number of medals.

a) people farm medals instead of playing objectives

b) if medals are for objectives, people starts to trade-capping, passing ball to each enemy back and forth in huttball etc.


You cannot fix people who just want to get valor and gear, they dont pvp for fun and it is just impossible to do anything with them.


I see only 2 solutions.


1. Ranked games. This way if you actually are good, you should be fairly quickly separated from them.


2. Give best pvp gear for free or almost free, like you can get top pvp equip in 6 hours. They will get it and quit/reroll and problem solved;)


Looks like BW is going to use both approaches - ranked WZ and best pvp gear without valor req.


Currently, this is a passing period, we just have to withstand those who tries to destroy our fun a bit longer...

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I remmber the days, of playing RainbowSix FPS games. You get no rewards and even if u have lost most of the matches, you still go back for more. There was no gear no xp . just kill or be killed and have fun. I miss those days :(
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You know... Once up on a time people played games to win. For fun.


Is it the new WoW generation that only play for personal and persistant benefits I wonder. That only queue up to a match of PvP if they get loot for it. That stop playing to win once they no longer think the effort is worth the extra loot reward...?


There was a time when people spend hours and hours playing for no other reason but to win and to have fun. There was a time this was true for online multiplayer computer games as well (counterstrike was a great example of this. People playing the same map over and over and over. Same gear. Same damage, health and armor each time the map restart)


I honestly does not think it is up to Bioware to "fix" this. I think it is up to the new WoW generation to step back and get a grip. You kids really need the developers of the game to hold your hand through the entire match in order to play to win. To have fun? Is it maybe too late. Do we have an entire generation that is lost. That will never play to win. to have fun. That always need more loot as a carrot to do... well.. anything.




It is the CoD generation.... older gamers don't know such attitude. But dont blame the kids, they grew up with such stupid games and the carrott infront the head, so they play every game like this and begin flaming if the game doesnt have such ********.

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Not even being funny when i say this, a while ago i too ended up crying about how hard it was getting a win to finish the damn daily or weekly. But yesturday....was the most amazing fun i had in a while even hutt ball. I was on pugs and did my whole weekly in one sitting i had a streak of like 12/15 win loss or something crazy like that. What changed? The min max factor is gone from wz, so even premades are playing to have fun, and even in the loses i took, no one quit, NO ONE QUIT, i even had a team stay for a 6-0 huttball riding we got roflstomped but they stayed for the entire beating. I LOVE IT, GREAT JOB ON THIS BW. why quit when you can still get your 4 medals on a losing squad? Not bad at all.


I didnt que in to anyones loss the entire night it was great.

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But you earn more comms when you win!


I'm not sure if I'm getting this right, but unfortunately the gains when you win seem not to be bigger at all in the mind of a gearjunkie.


If both teams go for the win it may take 15 minutes and the winner gets 3500 valor / 2500 for the loser.


Trying hard with the objectives is only attractive to both teams when the outcome isn't certain, but then you're not even sure you will win.


1 hard fought warzone (15 minutes) won: 3.5 k / lost: 2.5 k valor ...+ comms


3 times AFK after 4 medals gained in 3 consecutive warzones (5 minutes each) give you 7.5 k valor + comms. If you are the winning team, even better, but only when the match ended quickly.


Don't get me wrong, I prefer the fun option. Just trying to explain (partly to myslef) why people do that.

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I had nothing but great PVP all day yesterday. In fact, I had two matches where I came in late, down 3-0, and we turned it around and won 6-0. The team didn't go into farm medals mode, they actually coordinated and won. It was beautiful.
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More drama queens. Now I hate huttball. It favors certain classes but with that said I didn't see anyone getting 4 medals and taking it easy.


if they were they would be called out and remembered.


It was a great night of pvp overall.

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Haven't experienced this in 13 warzones played yesterday.


After the end of maintenance the warzones were full. We never played huttball against imperials. We had 7 premades of 4 peps each ongoing in the guild at the same time. All games were Imps vs Reps with a mix of the 3 warzones.


This patch totally gave air to breathe to Warzones. More people have become interested in warzones and PvP, on both factions.


Thumbs up BW, keep it going.

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Instead of allowing DPS getting more medals (healers and tanks can have 6-8 VERY EASLY while DPS have problem getting so many) and add objective medals they decide to cut medals to 4 and that's it.


I'm sorry, but since when is it hard for dps to get medals? As a dps sorc, I easily net 8-9 medals every match.

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