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champion gear is too expensive


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I know this might sound like a whine but listen.


one champion commendation cost 125 warzone commendations

one piece of champion gear cost 67 champion commendations thats a total of 8375 warzone commendations. I average 60-70 commendations per warzone when i lose and 100-130 when i win. taking the minimum and maximum you get an average of 85 commendations per game. thats around 100 games per piece of champion gear and thats for regular pieces like helm/chest/boots ect. Weapons now cost twice that so you have to play 200 games average to get a champion weapon. For a Battlemaster weapon you need 3 battlemaster commendations you need 3000 of each type of commendation to acquire that. using the same stats you have 47 games for the only piece that cost 3 and only 12 games for most every other piece. doesnt 200 games seem alot further out than 47. I know you can get 3 bags for the weekly and 1 for the daily. we take 10 games to do each daily on average due to only getting 3 ilum daily credit per wz played and if you get your 3 wins in the 10 games which is saying a 30% win/loss ratio you will get 70 games per week for 13 bags adding 7 comms each for a total of 91 champion commendations add that to the 47 comms per week you get 1 weapon in a week and up to 2 armor pieces per week. Thats at least 1/4th the speed you acquire battlemaster. Honestly to level the field you should only need 15 games to acquire the weapons and 7 to acquire other champion pieces. This again benifits the pvpers who have already obtained the battlemaster way way more than newer 50's new players and those who havent acquired th battlemaster gear either due to time constraints or refusal to farm ilum like some people who i prefer not to name.


I would be fine with say 125 comms of both warzone and mercenary and they champion using the same system as the battlemaster. That would allow for a gearing up over only 2-3 weeks and in that time you'll be close to being battlemaster anyway. Just my 2 cents.

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What he means is I want my stuff and I want it now! Frankly Champ gear should probably have been for valor 50 and up anyway. You should have all your champ gear before you hit BM and then you can pray for BM token or pay an even higher price for one.
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This would be expensive if comms were the only way you got champ bags.


However you get the daily to win 3 games and the weekly to win 9 (which gives you 3 bags), which helps them come in pretty fast.


In fact as of today now you get the ilum credit for that daily and weekly just from WZs too. 30/150 kills for the daily/weekly which apparently translates to "Play 10/50 WZs"


Now I know not everyone's going to play 10 warzones every day but even so, the daily will complete eventually and more bags for you. Ditto for the weekly.

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Anyone else notice that Bioware can't do math? At valor rank 50, you unlock the awesome ability to purchase individual Champ commendations individually instead of spending 800 for 7 of them. It costs 120 WZ comms to buy 1 Champ commendation. 7, purchased individually, would cost 840. Instead of 800. So, I guess if somehow you make it to valor rank 59 without a full champion set, and you only need 6 more champion commendations to finish your set, you can spend 720 instead of 800? Yay.


Even at 110 I'm not sure it would be worth it, since I can use the 15 cent comms from a bag to gear up my companions. The only way I can see it being really good is if low-level players who made it to 50 can spend their commendations on those.

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Wait, I have a better idea.


Champ comm. 1 buck

BM comm. 5 bucks


Good business.



Why they are so expensive on the vendors? Because they are the relief measure to those unlucky poor souls or, like when you only need 1 more to grab a certain piece of gear. Its tagged that price for a certain purpose.

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I know this might sound like a whine but listen.


one champion commendation cost 125 warzone commendations

one piece of champion gear cost 67 champion commendations thats a total of 8375 warzone commendations. I average 60-70 commendations per warzone when i lose and 100-130 when i win. taking the minimum and maximum you get an average of 85 commendations per game. thats around 100 games per piece of champion gear and thats for regular pieces like helm/chest/boots ect. Weapons now cost twice that so you have to play 200 games average to get a champion weapon. For a Battlemaster weapon you need 3 battlemaster commendations you need 3000 of each type of commendation to acquire that. using the same stats you have 47 games for the only piece that cost 3 and only 12 games for most every other piece. doesnt 200 games seem alot further out than 47. I know you can get 3 bags for the weekly and 1 for the daily. we take 10 games to do each daily on average due to only getting 3 ilum daily credit per wz played and if you get your 3 wins in the 10 games which is saying a 30% win/loss ratio you will get 70 games per week for 13 bags adding 7 comms each for a total of 91 champion commendations add that to the 47 comms per week you get 1 weapon in a week and up to 2 armor pieces per week. Thats at least 1/4th the speed you acquire battlemaster. Honestly to level the field you should only need 15 games to acquire the weapons and 7 to acquire other champion pieces. This again benifits the pvpers who have already obtained the battlemaster way way more than newer 50's new players and those who havent acquired th battlemaster gear either due to time constraints or refusal to farm ilum like some people who i prefer not to name.


I would be fine with say 125 comms of both warzone and mercenary and they champion using the same system as the battlemaster. That would allow for a gearing up over only 2-3 weeks and in that time you'll be close to being battlemaster anyway. Just my 2 cents.

wall of text says you're whining because you can't get full champion in a day. How about you play the game and get the commendations over time like the rest of us.


lazy kids, I swear.

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I know this might sound like a whine but listen.


one champion commendation cost 125 warzone commendations

one piece of champion gear cost 67 champion commendations thats a total of 8375 warzone commendations. I average 60-70 commendations per warzone when i lose and 100-130 when i win. taking the minimum and maximum you get an average of 85 commendations per game. thats around 100 games per piece of champion gear and thats for regular pieces like helm/chest/boots ect. Weapons now cost twice that so you have to play 200 games average to get a champion weapon. For a Battlemaster weapon you need 3 battlemaster commendations you need 3000 of each type of commendation to acquire that. using the same stats you have 47 games for the only piece that cost 3 and only 12 games for most every other piece. doesnt 200 games seem alot further out than 47. I know you can get 3 bags for the weekly and 1 for the daily. we take 10 games to do each daily on average due to only getting 3 ilum daily credit per wz played and if you get your 3 wins in the 10 games which is saying a 30% win/loss ratio you will get 70 games per week for 13 bags adding 7 comms each for a total of 91 champion commendations add that to the 47 comms per week you get 1 weapon in a week and up to 2 armor pieces per week. Thats at least 1/4th the speed you acquire battlemaster. Honestly to level the field you should only need 15 games to acquire the weapons and 7 to acquire other champion pieces. This again benifits the pvpers who have already obtained the battlemaster way way more than newer 50's new players and those who havent acquired th battlemaster gear either due to time constraints or refusal to farm ilum like some people who i prefer not to name.


I would be fine with say 125 comms of both warzone and mercenary and they champion using the same system as the battlemaster. That would allow for a gearing up over only 2-3 weeks and in that time you'll be close to being battlemaster anyway. Just my 2 cents.


The current state of PVP rewarding is as good as it gets. Stop crying, play more. You wont get faster Champ commendations if you PVE all the day.

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Buy the champ bags. 200/200 or total of 800 WZ points gets you a much greater rate of return. Now you even get some merc commendations on every WZ so the cost is even less (per warzone comendation earned). Edited by HelinCarnate
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Or just go get your columi.. which is better stats than champ anyway. I pvp in full columi/rakata and I'm way better off than if I was in champ gear. On the other hand Battlemaster gear is worth it seeing as how it's equivalent to Rakata and looks better for some classes :).


The only thing I use champion gear for, is my fresh 50's. max wz/merc comms on your way to lvl cap, buy the bags, hope for a piece or two, get you foot in the door for running HM's, wz in between your HM's, save your comms, buy more bags, hope for another token drop.

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OP is lazy and this is obviously a whine.


With the 3x buff to Valor gain in WZ's from 1.1.5 , getting to BM should take at most 10 days even for a casual player.

Edited by ntyzor
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Or just go get your columi.. which is better stats than champ anyway. I pvp in full columi/rakata and I'm way better off than if I was in champ gear. On the other hand Battlemaster gear is worth it seeing as how it's equivalent to Rakata and looks better for some classes :).


The only thing I use champion gear for, is my fresh 50's. max wz/merc comms on your way to lvl cap, buy the bags, hope for a piece or two, get you foot in the door for running HM's, wz in between your HM's, save your comms, buy more bags, hope for another token drop.


Ever heard of expertise?

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well they said that its 150k valor to reach level 60 from 50 at 2500 per game thats still only 60 games. the deal is you should actually get to battlemaster faster than getting your weapon at the current rate. Thats a problem if you want to put a level of 50 to get champion gear you should in all honesty be able to outfit in a full set before you can buy and outfit in battlemaster. honestly it should be at a price where between 50 and 60 you can fully outfit in a full set of champion gear right now you might have the weapon if you run 6 days of 10 games per day. Hell if I could buy battlemaster tokens right now i'd just buy those and wait fro 60.....
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actually as an update. I didnt count the increased amount of valor needed as you progress. I did go from level 48 to level 56 valor in one session. Granted that session took from 11am tuesday to 1am thursday but sometimes i cant sleep and i'd rather do something besides watching tv. In that time I finished both weeklies and two dailes. I was able to purchase 1 champion chest piece. At this rate I'll hit 60 by monday night easy and will be ably to purchase 1 batlemaster piece no later than tuesday night. I got 10 bags from daily/weeklies and 6 from buying them thats easy 5-6 battlemaster tokens per week. From my best guess you need 3 per weapon 2 per 5 normal piece of body armor ie boots/gloves/chest/legs/helmet and 1 for the rest. Plus you can buy the implants and earpiece for 600 warzone each. that means you need 19 tokens plus 1600 warzone comms thats total of 80k warzone comms which means you will be rank 72 and have your full set if you do not get lucky on daily and weekly. at 85 comms average for me per game and 20 minutes average time thats 304 hours of pvp. I can do 8-12 hours on a normal day so 25 days. thats not including getting lucky on bags. You'll have 16 battlemaster bags per week and with a 25% chance at a token you can do it average around 2.5 weeks. i'll update when i hit 60 though i'm going to take a break today so i'll push to 60 friday maybe saturday morning.
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OP is lazy and this is obviously a whine.


With the 3x buff to Valor gain in WZ's from 1.1.5 , getting to BM should take at most 10 days even for a casual player.

First I want to state that I actually agree with you regarding OP's whine. Second I want to state that I do just fine atm (quite well actually) on my character with Centurion gear, so the incessant gear whines definitely grate my nerves. Third I want to note that while I get some people can play tons etc, the 10 days for a casual to get BM nonsense really is unreasonable. Definitions of "casual" vary of course, and maybe you meant 10 days to go from 50-60 I'm not sure, but if you're saying 0-60 maybe reconsider how much time you think people are playing.


Yes, the true OGs had to grind their way to BM only with warzones at release. Yes the "budget OGs" had to grind their way to BM via Ilum kill trading and/or bolstered Ilum valor. The new system really is no less reasonable than either of the old ones.

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well i'm 58 and a few thousand from 59 so i'll probably make 60 tomorrow. The problem i ran into is we have some premade battlemaster groups who like to queue and because of the queueing system being borked to give prefference to groups over individuals we always end up facing them luckily unlike most days there was 2 groups of republic queueing during peak hours and we only got them a few times. The problem with these groups are because they used cheats and exploits to get battlemaster so they could get geared back in 1.1 and are fully geared as of a few weeks ago we cant get more than 1-2 medals per wz. during most wz's I am actually quite capable of getting 4 easy and a few i get 10-12 if things really go well. the big difference is bioware needs to put single queuers against single queuers as a preference and not start a wz until 8 people are queued not 5 because alot of games we time out because we only get 5 players. this allows the daily to get done quickly as we get back to back to back instant 5 mans and it takes like an hour for 10 games. The wins on the other hand are really really hard to come by. hell I end up making threats against empirials and honestly if i met someone who played emperial on my server i'd probably beat the tar out of them because of them constantly exploiting the advantages. that said cross realm warzones are on the way and being able to always have a full 8 man team is sounding very very good at this point.
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