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Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull


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I'm sure this has been beat to death, but the fact that this is usable on the ball carrier completely breaks Huttball as a warzone. It's an entirely comp dependant warzone at this point, and if you have leaps/team pulls, you instantly have an advantage, not to mention the insane ranged bias that's already present. Either disable these abilities on the ball carrier, or redesign this gimmick of a map.


EDIT: For those that don't read the rest of my posts, I'll just summarize what I believe to be the best way to prevent rescue chain abuse. If there was a debuff placed on the player that was just Rescued, that would not allow the use of rescue on that player for 10-15 seconds. This would allow for a full resolve bar to diminish and give the defending team the possibility of defending past the first pull, as the carrier would either have to pass the ball (and risk the ball getting intercepted or the receiver being pulled/CCed/killed) or try to run it as his resolve bar emptied. Any other ideas that would still leave the ability useful, but still give a tactical edge without being abusable would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by buubz
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I'm sure this has been beat to death, but the fact that this is usable on the ball carrier completely breaks Huttball as a warzone. It's an entirely comp dependant warzone at this point, and if you have leaps/team pulls, you instantly have an advantage, not to mention the insane ranged bias that's already present. Either disable these abilities on the ball carrier, or redesign this gimmick of a map.


Both teams have this ability just like the BH/trooper has the pull away ability, its here to stay.

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Even that would be productive at this point, but the fact of the matter is leaps/pulls break that map fundamentally. They remove the need to pass, and just make it a 'give ball to tank, leap, pull, pull score!'. I doubt this was intended but Bioware has shown that they have 0 clue on what constitutes balanced gameplay at this point, so I'm not surprised this hasn't been addressed.
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Im sorry but i think its you that has no clue, it just seems you have come up against a team knowing what they are doing in Hutt Ball it seems that you just a little upset.


If BW took out all the abilities that people are complaining about then what type of game would we have?

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Even that would be productive at this point, but the fact of the matter is leaps/pulls break that map fundamentally. They remove the need to pass, and just make it a 'give ball to tank, leap, pull, pull score!'. I doubt this was intended but Bioware has shown that they have 0 clue on what constitutes balanced gameplay at this point, so I'm not surprised this hasn't been addressed.


You can't be serious at all. Even with a team full of pullers/leapers, the other team can win by playing as, wait for it, a team, what a novel concept that is. Use it.

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Im sorry but i think its you that has no clue, it just seems you have come up against a team knowing what they are doing in Hutt Ball it seems that you just a little upset.


If BW took out all the abilities that people are complaining about then what type of game would we have?


We would have a pretty version of rock, paper, scissors. Even then all the rock players would be crying about how OP paper is and saying that scissors is just fine as is and no buffs are needed.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I'm sure this has been beat to death, but the fact that this is usable on the ball carrier completely breaks Huttball as a warzone. It's an entirely comp dependant warzone at this point, and if you have leaps/team pulls, you instantly have an advantage, not to mention the insane ranged bias that's already present. Either disable these abilities on the ball carrier, or redesign this gimmick of a map.


although it's annoying to have this comp against you...


here's a pro tip: kill or knock them off your zone ramps into the pit, tell your team to do it too

Edited by wessik
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although it's annoying to have this comp against you...


here's a protip: kill or knock them off your zone ramps into the pit, tell your team to do it too


Exactly right. Knowing that they have the power to pull the ball carier, the real quesiton is, why did your team let them get so far ahead of the ball and allow them to use their rescue power?

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I love those post.

Remove Friendly pull

Remove grapple

Remove charge

Remove stun/root

Remove Tracer missile

Remove Stealth


Evryting is balance on this game.Not 100% but evrything can conter evrything.

Don't let sorc move ahead if you dont want them to Friendly pull.


If you remove all this from Huttball.

People will just Move ahead to get pass.

and You will be back here on forum for a Nerf on Pass ability.

Even if all class could be 100% the same.you will find a ways to call for Nerf.



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Myself and another Sage are notorious for moving ahead and pulling the ball carrier. You have any clue how long either of us live when we get in front of the ball carrier? As much as you want that gone.. I want to be able to do the pull while dead.



Can we have force leap also drop the ball? Would be nice to not watch the same dual weld player leap to the newer player standing at the edge of the pit being a turret over and over and over and over.

Edited by _Kayko_
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Pull for friend players 1 AC sorc/sages

Pull for enemy players 2 AC Powertech/vanguard Assassin/Shadow


I think it'a a problem of teamwork and your utility class care about medals and not the ball carrier, it's not a game problem it's player's problem


in huttball there are fires preventing too much sprinting, the bridges are thin so if one were on the ball carrier.... knockback, teamwork will show you how huttball really shines

Edited by Rohns
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I love those post.

Remove Friendly pull

Remove grapple

Remove charge

Remove stun/root

Remove Tracer missile

Remove Stealth


Evryting is balance on this game.Not 100% but evrything can conter evrything.

Don't let sorc move ahead if you dont want them to Friendly pull.


If you remove all this from Huttball.

People will just Move ahead to get pass.

and You will be back here on forum for a Nerf on Pass ability.

Even if all class could be 100% the same.you will find a ways to call for Nerf.




It's amazing how ignorant this post is, you're insinuating that the entire teams efforts should go to protecting every single prong that the attackers can take. It's also astounding that you think that everything in this game is balanced. Specs that rely on ~2 buttons vs. Marauders/Sentinels that have to juggle energy management with an active ability list of 8+. Also, insinuating that I'm just some crybaby by saying I'd want a nerf on the pass ability is very telling of how protective this community is over things that are clearly not fair. Stay classy bud.

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Pull for friend players 1 AC sorc/sages

Pull for enemy players 2 AC Powertech/vanguard Assassin/Shadow


I think it'a a problem of teamwork and your utility class care about medals and not the ball carrier, it's not a game problem it's player's problem


in huttball there are fires preventing too much sprinting, the bridges are thin so if one were on the ball carrier.... knockback, teamwork will show you how huttball really shines


Whilst i do not support the OP in the belief that Sorc/Sage rescue should be nerfed....


I tend to find Assassin/Shadow.. very very rarely have the pull ability (is it in a specific spec?) and Vanguards/Powertechs... what are they again? i dont see them in my games :)


To OP: I have been on receiving end of teams using rescue, and been 'rescued' by my own team when i have the ball, yes this one ability has a huge advantage on Huttball, but there is LOADS of Sages and Sorcs, both teams have this ability, if the opponent is using it well tell your own team to learn to use this also.

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Pull for friend players 1 AC sorc/sages

Pull for enemy players 2 AC Powertech/vanguard Assassin/Shadow


I think it'a a problem of teamwork and your utility class care about medals and not the ball carrier, it's not a game problem it's player's problem


in huttball there are fires preventing too much sprinting, the bridges are thin so if one were on the ball carrier.... knockback, teamwork will show you how huttball really shines


This is also a very situational arguement. If my team has already exhausted ~2 stuns (or other combinations of CC effects) then the grapple a PT/Van | Sin/Shadow will have no effect because they are reliant on the target not having a full resolve bar, which is very easy to attain on a tank class, especially getting pocket healed by said sorcs/sages. The sorc/sage pull however has no bearing on the status of the player, so can be used in literally any situation bar the sorc/sage being stunned. Also, the fires you say prevent sprinting actually do nothing of the sort in the 50 bracket. Any tank with even champion gear can waltz through fire with just 1 sorc/sage bubble.

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Whilst i do not support the OP in the belief that Sorc/Sage rescue should be nerfed....


I tend to find Assassin/Shadow.. very very rarely have the pull ability (is it in a specific spec?) and Vanguards/Powertechs... what are they again? i dont see them in my games :)


To OP: I have been on receiving end of teams using rescue, and been 'rescued' by my own team when i have the ball, yes this one ability has a huge advantage on Huttball, but there is LOADS of Sages and Sorcs, both teams have this ability, if the opponent is using it well tell your own team to learn to use this also.


I'm not saying I havent been on both ends of the rescue ability, as I have. I've seen both the benefits and the detriments of it being used in huttball. The fact remains that it still ruins the dynamic of huttball as a competitive game. It removes the skill involved in setting up passes and replaces that with chains of rescues. Huttball is ENTIRELY a comp dependant gametype, and that's my problem with it.


EDIT: And yes, the Sin/Shadow pull ability is exclusive to their respective tanking trees.

Edited by buubz
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Huttball is ENTIRELY a TEAM dependant gametype, and that's my problem with it.



There, I fixed it for you.


Seriously, kill the sage/sorc standing on the very top /dancing waiting for the ball carrier to get into range.... or, have someone grapple when they get the rescue.

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Huttball is just a piece of crap warzone to begin with. The devs will realize this once we get to pick which warzones we want to do.

Is what skilled player will like, huttball is about teamplay and skill... and of course a little about gear

Voidstar and expecially Alderaan are mostly about gear and a decent team with 2 healers

but that count for huttball also

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