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Turrets at start of EV secretly buffed?

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Our guild just started EV HM 8-man as normal. We go up to clear the turrets as we always do flawlessly each time with the same group. We rarely lose anyone on the turrets going on to do the boss. Yet this time as we go in we wipe over and over again and much more damage is coming out of the turrets then I ever remember. After finally downing them we go on and one shot the boss.


Did they buff the damage from the turrets? They are much harder then I ever remember them being. Is anyone else experiencing difficulty with them?

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I just did a 8 man EV nm run with a PUG of mostly pretty casual players, we took down both the turrets and the boss with little effort and even less organized behavior.


Definitely haven't been buffed, if anything they ve been nerfed.

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