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PLEASE VOTE: Give Us Real Combat Logs


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i see so many don't turn this into wow, why not?


WoW has many many flaw but one thing they have right (except maybe lately) is raiding.

Raiding in WoW ever since TBC is the golden standard. Right dosage of story, mechanics, challenge.


Do you remember lady vashj encounter, kael'thas, illidan, yogg saron, lich king.


That star wars should have it's own style of an MMO, sure, but make no mistake, WoW raiding is not surpassed by current star wars operation.




Damage meters bring fair play


This being said, full comabt log allow Fair Play


Right now, it's a dictatorship, you don't have full columi/rakata gear, your dps must be crap, that guy has full columi, he his the top dps of the guild.


Reallity might very much be VERY DIFFERENT.



Damage meters brings fair play. Now you really who is trully making effort for the raid/guild, who is studying his class on internet, practicing in the world, focus in raid and trully helping the guild/raid progress


and who is just a parasite, sticking around and hoping that a 8 man raid can be beating with 7 1/2 .


When you feel the raid is lacking dps, the boss health is not dropping fast enough, comabt is too long, you're hitting enrage. It's never your fault right, has to be someone in the raid who is not pulling it's weight. You start inspecting people and the lowest geared must be the responsible, so you replace him. Fair play?



Damage meters bring fun


Competition with yourself, the dps you did last week, with other class, with the same class from other guild (offline, ranking system). Competition is a good motivator and it's fun. Not knowing where you stand, what you do, how the other are doing isn't fun.



Damage meters bring strategic dimension


How many times sis we come up with idea on how to modify strat while stuying the logs. Can we remove a healer, should we rebalance the dps between target, what damage should be avoided, and practice in taking less and less damage that can be avoided.


Damage meters better yourself as a raiders, not just on the DPS/HPS point but a better raider overall.



You are in a guild of reasonable people, understanding. People make mistake. People practice and get better, everyone understand that. Damage meters is never a tools to hurt people, damage meters only function, their only fonction is to HELP people and to help guild.

Edited by Vankris
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I do not want to see any LOGS or meters that can use as a tool or excuse to kick or exclude people from groups.. I've heard all the pros and cons on this for the past 5+ years.. Every game I have seen these logs and meters have shown more drama caused by them, then help.. There is normally MORE then ONE reason a group wipes, and to use some log or meter as the excuse to point fingers defeats the whole purpose of playing a MMO RPG.. This is not some online FPS Esport game.. If that is what you're looking for, maybe try Call of Duty or similar.. or wait for Planetside 2..


I hope Bioware stands firm against Logs, Meters and combat macros.. You want a threat meter.. Use the one in the game.. IF YOU get smacked, you got agro.. LOL Learn to play your character.. I actually enjoy the challenge of figuring out what went wrong on a wipe.. It's part of the RPG of the game for crying out loud.. lol I view these challenges like a puzzle.. FIGURE it out on your own, or get creative..


I have to say tho.. I hope Bioware allows us to be creative on our combat mistakes, rather it be kiting or what not.. There are times things go wrong, and instead of blaming someone based on a meter or log, we learn to adjust and compensate.. so Bioware, allows us that freedom is all I ask.. Don't hamstring us into a predetermined dance that must be followed like WoW does.. I hate that..

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Not worth a whole lot when it's flat text, easily editable for anyone embarassed that they broke a vital CC or w/e. It is fine when you trust everyone in your group is dedicated, but it has some serious issues when you have players willing to freeload.


Why not allow people to share their (original uneditable) combatlog as an opt-in via an ingame option?


Than you are in the wrong groups dude and have other problems then someone who brokes a CC.

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All you people saying "dont turn this into wow" do realise it's already to late? At the recent guild summit combined with 1.2 has shown that this game will become wow in space by the end of April.


- Nightmare modes will now be very difficult requiring months (BW hopes) of engaging attempts.

- Nightmare modes will now drop gear superior to heroic modes, so many players will give it a try as everyone wants the best gear.

- Rated Warzones will now award superior pvp gear....this is arena all over again. Ranked teams will sell spots to players to earn ratings points.


With the greater difficulty will come more QQ about it being to hard, "we need addons", "we need macros", "we need damage meters & combat logs" will become a roaring crescendo. Ultimately BW will give in just as they have on everything else, welcome to Wow in space ladies & gentlemen.

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I want to know how you "dps meters/combat logs are bad" people go about running into a target (FP, OP etc..) and have no hope of making the dps requirement needed to win.


Do you stop trying and leave?


Keep wiping till everyone ninja logs?


or do you use your trusty DPS meter and see its the Jedi Sage doing very little dps and you try to help him out, thus helping your group to victory!


You really have no experience doing content without meters?

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All you people saying "dont turn this into wow" do realise it's already to late? At the recent guild summit combined with 1.2 has shown that this game will become wow in space by the end of April.


- Nightmare modes will now be very difficult requiring months (BW hopes) of engaging attempts.

- Nightmare modes will now drop gear superior to heroic modes, so many players will give it a try as everyone wants the best gear.

- Rated Warzones will now award superior pvp gear....this is arena all over again. Ranked teams will sell spots to players to earn ratings points.


With the greater difficulty will come more QQ about it being to hard, "we need addons", "we need macros", "we need damage meters & combat logs" will become a roaring crescendo. Ultimately BW will give in just as they have on everything else, welcome to Wow in space ladies & gentlemen.



All I gotta say is Bravo! Nicely done!

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But you don't even know if you're doing the dps needed, so how could you politely tell someone that you are or aren't?


I have seen abuse from meters, but that doesn't change the fact that right now, when you're hitting enrages, and you're trying to find out why, you have no real ability to do so. I'm not saying "give us meters so we can all hate on the low dps". I'm saying talking and being nice to the low dps could and would help him, but it's not possible, because we have no clue who the low dps is!


So instead, the really good player in crummy gear gets the shaft, or the op is called. Or people playing correctly mistakenly assume that they're messing up, and change their rotation, and makes it worse. Or who knows what other mistakes we might make in our ignorance.


Information can be used and abused, but it's almost always preferable to ignorance.




You talk with your group and figure out how your whole group can improve. This is an example of people replacing socialization with meters.


That alone is enough reason not to have public logs / meters.

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Still waiting on a logical answer.


He gave you one. Helpful communication is how billions of mobs have died over the years with no meters. It is a little depressing most mmog players today can't even guess how to do content without meters.

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I'm telling you.. If all these people who have issues with DPS meters and Logs used their time QQing here and read up on their class and how to play correct. They would not be asked to leave groups or not be invited back to raids.. its simple.


You just said you have no idea how to do content without a meter. You should not be telling anybody to learn to play.

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Yes too full combat logs of the WHOLE PARTY! Stop hiding and getting carried and pony up or go back to hello kitty!


Its exactly this type of comment and attitude that turns people OFF to any form of add ons. If you want to talk Kitty, real men do and clear content without needing to min max via parsers- they get in there and stay until the job is done.



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You talk with your group and figure out how your whole group can improve. This is an example of people replacing socialization with meters.


That alone is enough reason not to have public logs / meters.


Exactly. You cant tell that to the German Kid beating his keyboard though.

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YES Please!


Why do these posts collect so many care bears, keyboard turners and people who can't find ignore buttons?


Wow since Nov 2005, never cared one jot about people whining, never had a problem in a pug with (my)DPS/heal/tanking. Its the internet get used to it. Get a backbone or perhaps actually start playing better so you lot don't get moaned at.


I'm sick that the forums are full of all these people who hate wow because they hated the people. Games are games, logs are logs and people are idiots. Stop blaming the games.



WoW since first week of launch...combat logs are a must have, the only way this game will ever have truly challenging content is to have this feature IN game, otherwise there will be no way to make corrections on the fly. Out of game logs are too tedious.


People who have a problem with this need to stop being bad. In all the years Ive used Recount, the only times people ever get called out is by being herpaderps, dps well below tank for example. Being last place dps but above tank and enough to down content, no one cares.


Seriously, this should be a no brainer. Look how much flack this game gets because every other mmo that matters has this feature.

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Theres 3 different difficulty's for a reason. If that "your view" then fine Play normal. But its not bad design to make the harder content need stuff like this and offer players who want challenge a challenge and allow us the ability to lead are raids with proper tools.

See how quick the fights get boring when every fight is tank n spank with a move outta this circle on the ground. That is poor desin in my view.


It is not harder if they add ui elements that make it way easier.

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You really have no experience doing content without meters?


I do and the guy is right. The PVE so far in the game is mostly all pretty easy but you can still have DPS problems. I've healed raids where everything goes great until you hit the enrage and then you wipe. 3-4 times in a row. It's really obvious what the problem is. Not enough DPS. And there is nothing you can do to fix. Nothing. You don't know whether someone is being lazy, in a bad spec, needs a little rotation guidance, you don't even know which people are low. There is nothing you can do.


When people aren't getting heals you know what the problem is and can deal with it. When tanks are spinning mobs and melee gets a cleave you can see that and deal with it. You can't do anything about wiping to an enrage timer because of a lack of DPS. At that point the raid just ends.

Edited by Dystopic
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Just make it sharable with your group or raid.


I can tell you one thing though. If my raid/group is having problems clearing content and you don't share your log then you'll be the 1st one booted if you have no excuse i.e. new build, lack gear, trying new rotations. I may give you pointers but if you're not helping the raid/group and are making it more difficult for us then log or no you will be back in fleet LFG. The raid or group should not have to suffer from your lack of experience, gear, playstyle without letting us know before hand. There's plenty of players out there that know how to play but lack gear. I have zero problem running them thru content to get that gear in a GG or pug. Then there's those that have/are/were carried thru HMs and Ops that have no idea how to play. Those people will pass the gear inspection but not a combat log parse.

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I just wanted to add, that I find it amazing how people demand cliff notes or need a calculator while taking a test because it makes it harder??? I miss that part in logic class.. I like the challenge of the unknown.. Rather it be what I'm doing, or what others are doing.. This isn't a professional sport to me..


However, I have no objection if Bioware wishes to create a new "Hardcore" server where mobs are 3 times harder to fight and they give you all the macros and meters you want.. I have my world, you have yours.. I've always said, even years ago in WoW before Lich King came out.. I would love a special server where ALL mobs are 'elites", and demand group play to even do the simplest things.. I miss the old days of EQ1 of group fighting in open world content, or LONG solo fights like kiting..

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My vote is no




It is something created by bioware and does not turn into a tool to hate, grief, harass and other misc things to other players. I detest playing WOW and having others in the group bashing other players because there spell rotation was not perfect in there opinion (highest damage, most mana resourceful etc) It was completely lame in wow, and they usually did not mesh well with the UI. They are great tools but are easily abused.

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No, no, no. No in-game dps meters. No in-game threat meters.


Combat logging to a file that can be analyzed out of game is perfect, covers all bases. Lets players optimize their performance, adjust, etc... Prevents meter watching and silly crap like "well I didn't CC or interrupt because I needed to boost my DPS". There is *no need* for them to be in-game. Players should learn to play, be focused on playing correctly and well. Meter watching is *NEVER* a part of playing correctly and well. Period.

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Yes too full combat logs of the WHOLE PARTY! Stop hiding and getting carried and pony up or go back to hello kitty!


Bad players need combat logs and meters to figure out what to do. You can't take a superior stance while asking for the game to be made easier.

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I do and the guy is right. The PVE so far in the game is mostly all pretty easy but you can still have DPS problems. I've healed raids where everything goes great until you hit the enrage and then you wipe. 3-4 times in a row. It's really obvious what the problem is. Not enough DPS. And there is nothing you can do to fix. Nothing. You don't know whether someone is being lazy, in a bad spec, needs a little rotation guidance, you don't even know which people are low. There is nothing you can do.


When people aren't getting heals you know what the problem is and can deal with it. When tanks are spinning mobs and melee gets a cleave you can see that and deal with it. You can't do anything about wiping to an enrage timer because of a lack of DPS. At that point the raid just ends.


What you bring up is exactly why I hate restrictive Esport raiding like today.. YES, you will have people in this game that do NOT button mash as well as others.. It's just that simple.. I have friends that play for the social part of the game, and the RPG fun.. They are not hardcore players, nor will they ever be.. This game isn't a sport to me or them.. Maybe what YOU and others should be advocating is an ALTERNATIVE that allows for both players to exist in this wonderful game..


That being.. YOU get your logs and meters, and you can use them for your esport rankings ALL you want.. But in the same breath, allow the Social gamers the freedom and right to enjoy end game content WITHOUT the Esport pressure to perform.. ALLOW all raids (ops) a Social "mode", just like normal or hard mode options.. This new social mode removes the population limit, or at least changes it so that casual social raiders can SEE the end game content.. This means that is a guild or raid group wants to enter EV with 20 people for example, they can..


The one thing that would have to be addressed is the loot tho.. NO MORE epic drops on any boss.. The raid (ops) team will only receive some form of comendation(s) that would allow some equipment upgrades over time, but would NOT be as quick as hardcore progression raiders.. BOTH can coexist in this game..

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