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Fun at 50!


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Those who are smart prepare for the worst by gearing up and expect to learn new things in the 50 bracket. It's a reboot. It's leaving highschool and entering college. You're no longer big man on campus. This guy went in thinking it's going to be the same, not in the terms of DPS, but in terms of high level play. He showed no respect to what it would mean to not be geared for the occasion. Was he expecting to wing it?



It's college ball going into the NFL. It's faster paced. He went in underprepared. I have no sympathy for him because I geared myself up before even setting foot into those WZs.



Are you really as dense to not see that?


I don't know where this new trend came from in MMOs to hit max level and suddenly be as powerful as a lowbie noob again....it never used to be this way. I never really noticed it until Rift, then again I couldnt' stomach more than a month of WoW. Back in the day, when you hit max level you didn't suddenly take a huge step backward in your character's power potential.

Edited by Vember
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I also question your understanding of a "straw man argument," as it is not applicable to my previous post.


You can question whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that you and your friend invented an underlying meaning in the OP's post and argued with it, rather than what was written. It's a Strawman, plain and simple. At this point I don't know how you can't see it. You basically admit it below.......


The OP states that he was great at PvP in the 1-49 bracket. The OP states that he now feels useless in the lvl 50 bracket.The OP states that he is upset as a result. Based on that information, it can be intelligently surmised that the OP would not be discontent if his effectiveness in PvP matches remained constant.


LOL... Nice rhetoric. Thank's for admitting the fact that your argument has been "surmised" from the OP's post rather than what he actually said. Which was my point from the start.


It's a Strawman.


As you admit, "the OP states that he now feels useless in the lvl 50 bracket".... THAT is the complaint, taken DIRECTLY from what he wrote. He's upset because he's ineffective. No where does he state that in order to feel effective he needs to do as well in the 50's as he did in the lower bracket. In fact he goes into detail what the issue is, and which in game mechanics bothered him, none of which are about him wanting to continue being the best in the WZ.


So he mentions his ability in the lower brackets? To take that and pounce on it as a proof he want's to continue being the best in the level 50's is pure speculation. Rather biased and dishonest speculation at that.


So again.... You can jump to any conclusion you want, and "surmise" that he wants to be king of the universe if you like, but it's not there in his post, and so all you're really doing is beating on a man made of straw.


If you honestly struggle to grasp these elementary connections, then you are woefully bereft of either education, wit, and/or analytic capacity.


More pointless rhetoric and epeen posturing, but none if it changes the fact that you're simply wrong. You can't "surmise" something from a post and then argue with your assumption. To do so is NOT logical... and if YOU don't grasp that, I'm pretty sure you're just one more internet know-it-all who is unwilling to look at yourself and your bad logic with any real honestly.

Edited by Spymaster
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I don't know where this new trend came from in MMOs to hit max level and suddenly be as powerful as a lowbie noob again....it never used to be this way. I never really noticed it until Rift, then again I couldnt' stomach more than a month of WoW. Back in the day, when you hit max level you didn't suddenly take a huge step backward in your character's power potential.


I honestly can't think of any MMO's that do this... but I'm like you, didn't play WoW past about level 20. Sounds like a WoW thing though. PvP that works like a raiding end game gear grind.



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While leveling in BG's it is EASY to do all this. You can pvp CASUALLY and do this.


Step 1. Get 5 pcs 40 pvp set OR any 5 pcs moddable gear (head chest boots legs hands)


Step 2. Get 5 tanking epic armor mods. Why tanking? Cus they have the exact same stats as champion gear. Buy BLUE mod's (epics are a waste of money). Buy crit/surge enhances or...


Step 3. Buy 5 level 46 weapons. Take out the expertise enhances.


Step 4. Save 1000/1000 coms.


Step 5. Take those coms and buy centurion implants, ear piece belt and trinket. Do NOT buy epic belt, trinkets, or implants off ahouse. Total waste of money.


Step 6. Take 30 min and get your matrix relic datacron cube.


Step 7. Go to Illum. Do daily quest line get a epic hilt/barrel. Grats you now have a EPIC weapon. Centurion weapons are a complete waste of badges as your first items. The hilt/barrel will give you the same stats minus expertise (and you could buy a extra 46 pvp weapon and put that in). If marauder/sentinel/slinger? buy two barrel/mods. You now have TWO epic weapons as a fresh 50.


You should end up with around 14000-15000 health easily. You will hit harder then a full centurion player with a tad less survival but the extra health will let you survive being insta gibbed. Full centurion is crap imo and this is better.


Total cost of the mods should be like 15-45 k each for the 5 epics (depending on server). So as little as 100 k as much as 300k. You should have MILLIONS by the time you are Battlemaster (opening bags). There is no reason not to do this. A) Good geared people won't leave your group when they see 11-13 k health. B) I could top dmg often as a fresh 50 doing this on my alt.


People will tell you blah blah, don't do this. Those people are the same idiots complaining on the forum and losing 15 games in a row because if a good geared player sees 2-3 of you with low health? They are leaving and being replacd by a scrubnub.


I leveled my alt completely in warzones/class quests. I had in addition to everything mentioned, like...700 expertise adrenals (nothing else to buy when near 1000/1000) to boot by the time I turned 50. These are better then the Biochem power adrenal. Use them with the centurion power trinket you bought and you can rock peoples world. You could also buy medkits but the cooldown is too long on them imo. The rakata medkit is better.

Edited by biowareftw
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Where in the lvl 49 pvp did you forget about being cc'd? Do you think it actually gets better in lvl 50 bracket?


And you didn't bother to gear up before going into those arenas? I spent 100k on getting geared with lvl 49 gear once I hit 49 and I was doing fairly well in WZs.


You people are dense. You've been Nancyin' around in the 49 pvp and now instead of doing a reboot on what to expect you've expected to have the same success that you did before. Really? There's not much helping you man. Bye bye.



Edited by Amiodarone
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It really does get easier with time. You just got to start running on the gear treadmill, and soon enough you'll be as fast as most on the server. It took me about 2 weeks, which I would say is average. I'm not even BM yet, but I've got two full sets of Champ Gear.


It sucks for a while, because you don't have the gear. But, as you start to get that gear, the suck gradually turns into fun.


i would tend to agree with this but in all honestly, it depends what server you play on... from about 7 o clock to maybe 1am ( adult primtime gaming ) on Hidden Beks, its the same teams day in day out. Yes this is a huge whine because i play imp, but seriously, i played lastnight for 5 hours straight, won 1 warzone, had my head caved in by westwood and his premade god knows how many times.


im in centurion/champion gear so im not undergeared per say, however, him and his premade are pretty much all battlemaster.... now you tell me, how is it going to get easier or better for me/us, when we're against the same people day in day out, and rarely get a kill, let alone a game win because we're so severely undergeared and never given the chance to actually get good gear? How much of this does someone have to put up with before its deemed ridiculous anymore? how does BW expect to keep subs when servers are so unbalanced its beyond a joke. its like warhammer all over again where pvp is concerned.

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To be honest, there is no huge increase in survivability or utility going from champion/columi to battlemaster/rakata. There is a huge difference between someone who has fresh lvl 50 gear and tier 3 pve/pvp gear. This is where the issue of being undergeared for pvp lies. However, if you have a mix of tier 2/tier 1 gear, gear isn't the issue that is preventing your team from winning.


You mentioned that you were getting stomped by a premade group. THIS is the issue. Because your opponents are in a premade group, they likely know how to play effectively as a team, not just in ganging up on stragglers and racking up kills, but in achieving the warzone objectives. It is also likely that they are communicating through vent or teamspeak, enhancing their coordination. It is very difficult for anybody, regardless of gear, to face off against groups like this. My suggestion is for you is to find guild members to make your own premade groups with (assuming that you are in a guild, and that you know the tactics and strategies of a particular warzone) and do a little stomping of your own.


Remember, at level 50 pvp, gear is only an issue if you are a fresh lvl 50. Once you transcend this, as with any lvl 50 activity in the game, the issue boils down to strategy and coordination.


EDIT: I now realize that my post might lead to you thinking that I am telling you that you suck at the game because you don't know how to do pvp. This is not my intention. When I queue solo and am up against a premade group, I also have these issues. I am suggesting that from my own experience, if you have the sufficient level of gear, the only way to fight these premade groups is to form a premade group of your own.

Edited by sparkyboyyoyyo
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Why even bother whining here if you are going to quit? You just want other people to support your idea so you feel better about yourself? If you weren't just lying about quitting, which you probably are, then you would just do it and not whine on the forums like a lot of other new level 50s. You think those level 50s that facerolled you were immediately in BM gear when they turned 50? Gimme a break... 50 pvp is great on my server. 1-49 pvp was a joke compared to the fun and competition in 50 pvp. Like huttball games that are a 4 to 4 tie or 6 to 5 win. That never happened in 1-49 but often at level 50.
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I'll ask again... where did you pull this from?


I'll say again.... I don't think anyone is asking to go into the 50 bracket and be "big man on campus".... they just don't want to be worthless.




I ask you the same.


Maybe you'll respond to what is actually being said this time? :eek:


he isnt worthless, if he feels that then he has no ability in pvp. wich i doubt that. But no player is worthless, in a WZ. You have objetives to complete, but alas ppl only thinks in ganking eachother and not wining. when i reached lvl 50 with my assassin, i didnt felt worthless at all, i helped my teams everal ocasions in wining the macth, even if i couldnt compete 1vs1 against other people. In the end you just have to knwo how to play the game and do your best to make profit of it. That includes hoarding comendations before lvl 50, and know what exactly to do in order to win warzones.

My point is it might not be easy at first, but you certainly arent useless at all. And i dont understand the problem, after a few dailys and one weekly you can get suficient gear to be able to compete and hold on your own.. its not that is a big grind at all to get to champ gear too. Just saying

Edited by Spartanik
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Why even bother whining here if you are going to quit? You just want other people to support your idea so you feel better about yourself? If you weren't just lying about quitting, which you probably are, then you would just do it and not whine on the forums like a lot of other new level 50s. You think those level 50s that facerolled you were immediately in BM gear when they turned 50? Gimme a break... 50 pvp is great on my server. 1-49 pvp was a joke compared to the fun and competition in 50 pvp. Like huttball games that are a 4 to 4 tie or 6 to 5 win. That never happened in 1-49 but often at level 50.


i think in all fairness, that hes whining at the fact that hes being put up against ''vets'' so to speak. You're right, those that faceroll now, DIDNT have BM gear when they turned 50, the likelyhood is though, they were on even playing ground when they achieved their status, and gained their rewards. This is one point that manly people seem to forget.


If when you turned 50, you were put straight in against people with gear 3 times better than you, you couldnt damage them and they quite literally 3 shot you... i think youd whine and say it was a tad unfair aswell.


i think if they created a bracketed PVP then it would solve alot of issues.

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Well, I hit 50 yesterday on my gunslinger with 1000 merc and 1000 wz commendation, bought my 5 bags, got a piece of gear. Still mostly in lvling gear, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right? I figure I'll do a couple wz to see how it is.


I lost the next 8 warzones including such wonderful experiences as: being continuously cced for 20 seconds, being about 50% slower than everyone else every fight, my "big hit" aimed shot bouncing off the armor of a trooper, being two shotted (I have a measly 12k hp), my leg shots and ccs rarely doing anything at all, watching someone stand in fire for the entire flame jet during huttball and remaining at full hp, watching a trooper heal through the dps of 4 people, watching the above trooper keep healing dispite my interrupts (even though it's supposed to silence for 4 seconds) while being dpsed by four people, 'critting' for 15 damage, losing a game of huttball in 2 minutes, and many more.


I enjoyed pvp 1-49 and consistently got top dps on my team before now. Now I feel like I am - and am completely ineffective. I don't particularly care what anyone says about patches or balance or gear or how much I must whine or suck; this is not fun anymore. No more pvp for me!



PvPing in the top bracket in leveling gear is like running nightmare mode ops (top tier PvE) in leveling gear.




Why people expect to do it is beyond me.




lvl 50 epic gear (either PVE or crafted) is significantly better than leveling gear and will give you much better stats (to be replaced with PvP gear as you get it). If you are going to do ANY top tier content then make sure you're ready to do so.

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Purchase epic mods for you weapon and get atleast lvl 48+ mods for all your armors pref power/surge or crit/surge and have fun, I dinged 50 and i was wearing full moddable gear with mods of my choice and i was still very well doing 3k+ crits on good geared people and i didnt have more than 13k hp with BH buff so sorry to say but imo its clearly a L2P issue if you go from being lvl 49 in the pre 50 bracket to 50 and expect to be a god with random trash gear you got whilst leveling
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Hmmm I am level 40 and at just under 13k health. Hopefully I am on the right track to some fun. (also valor 40 currently with plenty of comms being stacked)



Also, I stopped reading back on page three but wanted to ask. Some are saying to purchase gear before going in to try to earn comms for centurion and BM. What gear are you speaking of? Is this looted stuff on the GTN or something off of one of the fleet vendors?


*Just saw the posting right above this one. That answered it for me*

Edited by Rehneu
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You can question whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that you and your friend invented an underlying meaning in the OP's post and argued with it, rather than what was written. It's a Strawman, plain and simple. At this point I don't know how you can't see it. You basically admit it below.......




LOL... Nice rhetoric. Thank's for admitting the fact that your argument has been "surmised" from the OP's post rather than what he actually said. Which was my point from the start.


It's a Strawman.


As you admit, "the OP states that he now feels useless in the lvl 50 bracket".... THAT is the complaint, taken DIRECTLY from what he wrote. He's upset because he's ineffective. No where does he state that in order to feel effective he needs to do as well in the 50's as he did in the lower bracket. In fact he goes into detail what the issue is, and which in game mechanics bothered him, none of which are about him wanting to continue being the best in the WZ.


So he mentions his ability in the lower brackets? To take that and pounce on it as a proof he want's to continue being the best in the level 50's is pure speculation. Rather biased and dishonest speculation at that.


So again.... You can jump to any conclusion you want, and "surmise" that he wants to be king of the universe if you like, but it's not there in his post, and so all you're really doing is beating on a man made of straw.




More pointless rhetoric and epeen posturing, but none if it changes the fact that you're simply wrong. You can't "surmise" something from a post and then argue with your assumption. To do so is NOT logical... and if YOU don't grasp that, I'm pretty sure you're just one more internet know-it-all who is unwilling to look at yourself and your bad logic with any real honestly.


I invite you to point out anywhere in my previous points where I suggest that the OP wishes to be "the best."


I don't know what you think you're arguing with, but it's obviously not my posts. I'm neither attacking nor defending the OP's statement. I simply illustrated the logical train of thought belonging to your opponent, Draeb.


You're the one conjuring up straw men. You've put words in my mouth (or in my posts, rather), and you've attacked them instead of the logic presented. That's known as a straw man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man


You're not refuting my posts; you're superimposing another person's opinion over my statements and attacking that position as if it belongs to me. Please re-read my posts and highlight where I state that the OP wishes to be "the best" or "king of the universe." That's a fallacious conclusion at which you've arrived.


My assessment is that the OP wishes to be as equally effective in this new bracket as his previous bracket, based on the evidence provided in his statement and using deductive reasoning--as illustrated before. To retort with saying I believe he wants to the "the best" is a straw man argument.


By stating that A = B and C= B, it is not a "straw man" to intelligently surmise that A = C based on the presented evidence. That's a logical conclusion.


How about this. Let's go through a logic exercise using our posts and the OP:



As a side note, I suggest you realize that the word "surmise" in this context is a literary method of connecting dots, or statements, made by any given individual. Or, as we like to call it in the English circles, the application of reading comprehension, or the ability to intuit what is not expressly declared but is nonetheless valid. I guess since you have such an issue with semantics and reading comprehension, I'll replace the word "surmise" with "intuit." Let's begin:


As you admit, "the OP states that he now feels useless in the lvl 50 bracket".... THAT is the complaint, taken DIRECTLY from what he wrote.


Would you then agree that the OP might not be upset if he did not feel useless?


(paragraph 1)


I lost the next 8 warzones including such wonderful experiences as: being continuously cced for 20 seconds, being about 50% slower than everyone else every fight, my "big hit" aimed shot bouncing off the armor of a trooper, being two shotted (I have a measly 12k hp), my leg shots and ccs rarely doing anything at all, watching someone stand in fire for the entire flame jet during huttball and remaining at full hp, watching a trooper heal through the dps of 4 people, watching the above trooper keep healing dispite my interrupts (even though it's supposed to silence for 4 seconds) while being dpsed by four people, 'critting' for 15 damage, losing a game of huttball in 2 minutes, and many more.


Will you agree that the OP is expressing displeasure by the tone of the post? Will you then agree that the OP is expressing that the displeasure presented is a result of experiences specifically mentioned above within the lvl 50 bracket? Note, I am not detailing why, within the lvl 50 bracket, he is displeased, as that is specifically noted in the posts above (paragraph 1) and below (paragraph 2).


(paragraph 2)

I enjoyed pvp 1-49 and consistently got top dps on my team before now. Now I feel like I am - and am completely ineffective. I don't particularly care what anyone says about patches or balance or gear or how much I must whine or suck; this is not fun anymore. No more pvp for me!


I enjoyed pvp 1-49

Will you agree that the OP enjoyed the previous bracket?


and consistently got top dps on my team before now.

Would you agree that the OP's ability to get "consistently... top dps" on his team contributed to that enjoyment?


Now I feel like I am - and am completely ineffective.

Would you also agree that that the OP now (lvl 50 bracket) feels ineffective, whereas before (lvl 1-49 bracket) he felt effective, having enjoyed the bracket and "consistently got top dps" on his team? Would you also agree that it is the conditions present in Paragraph 1 that prevent him from "consistently [getting] top dps" on his team?


If you agree to those things, then you inherently agree to the idea that the OP did not experience the situations presented in paragraph 1 while in the lvl 1-49 bracket. If he had, we can intuit, based on the presented evidence, that he would have been previously upset, as he would have felt ineffective based on conditions present in paragraph 1. More specifically, paragraph 1 can be intuited to present to us, the readers, a depiction of contrast between the two brackets. If that's true, then it is logically improbable for us to assume that the OP experienced congruent experiences in the two brackets, since the conditions specifically mentioned in the lvl 50 bracket have caused him to feel ineffective. In other words, if the the previous bracket were plagued with the conditions presented in paragraph 1 then the OP would have already felt ineffective and would not have enjoyed the lvl 1-49 bracket, since it is their presence in the lvl 50 bracket that is causing the the OP to feel ineffective now, as depicted by the OP quote.


Therefore, we can intuit that the OP's feeling of being "ineffective" is based on the conditions presented in paragraph 1. Specifically, we can intuit that the conditions present in paragraph 1 are preventing the OP from enjoying the lvl 50 bracket and "consistently [getting] top dps" on his team. From that, we can intuit that if we eliminated the contrast, namely the conditions presented in paragraph 1, the OP would no longer feel ineffective and would presumably "consistently [get] top dps" on his team.


Therefore, we can intuit that if conditions remained constant, then the OP would not be upset, since the contrast conditions presented in paragraph 1 are causing the displeasure--which you would have already agreed with, above.


In this scenario, the OP would remain just as effective in the lvl 50 brackets as he was in the lvl 1-49 bracket, and he would not be upset, since he would enjoy the new lvl 50 bracket and "consistently [get] top dps" on his team.



Now, to illustrate my earlier post:



Reading comprehension would suggest that the OP is comparing his/her current PvP experience to his/her previous experience with the lower bracket. PARAGRAPH 1 vs PARAGRAPH 2 The OP has noticed a difference and is clearly dissatisfied PARAGRAPH 1. Therefore, it can be construed that something within the perceived incongruity has caused the dissatisfaction CONTRAST, which in turn suggests that the expectations the OP had upon entering the new lvl 50 bracket are unfulfilled.


Logically, you can sum this up by saying, "The OP expected to be similarly effective in the new bracket as he/she was in the old bracket. This not being the case, the OP is upset."


This logical conclusion can further percolate into other expressions that say basically the same things, such as, "This guy went in thinking it's going to be the same, not in the terms of DPS, but in terms of high level play. He showed no respect to what it would mean to not be geared for the occasion."


Can you see the congruity between this post and the logic exercise we just went through? If the OP is currently upset because of a contrast in experiences, and if we can logically conclude that the OP would not be upset if conditions remained the same, then we can intuit expectations--namely, that the OP expected conditions to remain constant and to maintain a feeling of effectiveness, most likely demonstrated through "consistently [getting] top dps" on his team. The mere fact that he is upset suggests this.


To boil it down, it is plain to see that the OP does not enjoy the experiences depicted in paragraph 1, and he enjoys being top dps on his team (or at the least feeling effective, which we can only assume based on supplied direct evidence (the OP's quote) is demonstrated through getting top dps on his team). It is also plain to see that the OP feels as though the situations depicted in paragraph 1 prevent him from achieving top dps on his team, and therefore leads him to feel ineffective. Whether there are other situations that may contribute to his feeling of effectiveness is something I cannot comment on, as that would be pure speculation. What I do know is that the OP no longer gets top DPS on his team because of conditions that were apparently not present in the lvl 49 bracket. As a result, the OP does not enjoy lvl 50 PvP.


I am not saying that the OP needs to be "the best" in order to enjoy PvP. I'm saying he wants an equivalent experience between lvl 1-49 PvP and lvl 50 PvP, so that his enjoyment of PvP as a whole would remain constant. That's all I've said, and that's plain to see.

Edited by Belcorwyn
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Well, I hit 50 yesterday on my gunslinger with 1000 merc and 1000 wz commendation, bought my 5 bags, got a piece of gear. Still mostly in lvling gear, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right? I figure I'll do a couple wz to see how it is.

It would have helped to get the level 46 mods and put them into your orange gear. I had more than 300 expertise in a matter of minutes after hitting level 50 and did not get a single piece of champion gear in my 5+1bags. I know this may be a bit counterintuitive to people (they really could have done a better job designing the 50 entry) but the mods help a ton.


I lost the next 8 warzones including such wonderful experiences as: being continuously cced for 20 seconds, being about 50% slower than everyone else every fight, my "big hit" aimed shot bouncing off the armor of a trooper, being two shotted (I have a measly 12k hp), my leg shots and ccs rarely doing anything at all, watching someone stand in fire for the entire flame jet during huttball and remaining at full hp, watching a trooper heal through the dps of 4 people, watching the above trooper keep healing dispite my interrupts (even though it's supposed to silence for 4 seconds) while being dpsed by four people, 'critting' for 15 damage, losing a game of huttball in 2 minutes, and many more.

This varies from server to server obviously, but I had 3 losses last night vs. 8 wins and this is all in my PvP starter gear. It sounds like you had a rough night for sure, but that likely won't be the norm.


I enjoyed pvp 1-49 and consistently got top dps on my team before now. Now I feel like I am - and am completely ineffective. I don't particularly care what anyone says about patches or balance or gear or how much I must whine or suck; this is not fun anymore. No more pvp for me!

Well if your decision is made... not much point in posting in the PvP forum. If not, stick with it and you'll be fine. My advice is actually counter to what is out there in many of the guides, a weapon is great and should be one of your first goals, but I'd suggest getting as much expertise on your gear as quickly as possible. I picked up the centurion bracer, ear, belt and implants as well as the champion offhand (a mistake) and though my gear is certainly garbage at the moment, this at least allowed me to be in the thick of things and help my team.

Edited by SWImara
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I invite you to point out anywhere in my previous points where I suggest that the OP wishes to be "the best"


LoL.... The person I was actually talking to said that. You know, the person you jumped in here to defend..... Try to keep up.


we can intuit expectations


All that long drawn out condescending nonsense above and this is where you fail at logic.


If you're going to argue with someone, you need to argue with what he WROTE, not what you "intuit" or "assume" or "surmise". As soon as you stop arguing against what was said and begin arguing with what you've imagined he must have meant, you've created a Strawman.


I'm seriously done with you, it's obvious what your agenda is here. As YOU said on page 5....


If you actually do grasp the logic, which I believe is more likely, then you are simply a troll (playing devil's advocate to the point of absurdity). Either way, there's no point in trying to further this discussion.


Pot..... meet the kettle.

Edited by Spymaster
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LoL.... The person I was actually talking to said that. You know, the person you jumped in here to defend..... Try to keep up.




All that long drawn out condescending nonsense above and this is where you fail at logic.


If you're going to argue with someone, you need to argue with what he WROTE, not what you "intuit" or "assume" or "surmise". As soon as you stop arguing against what was said and begin arguing with what you've imagined he must have meant, you've created a Strawman.


I'm seriously done with you, it's obvious what your agenda is here. As YOU said on page 5....




Pot..... meet the kettle.


Lawyered. I wish you the best in your continuing education.

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Im so sick of these post. Do you seriously think you can ding 50 and then join a WZ and be effective in starter gear. This game has been out for a while, so expect to fight geared players.


When I hit 50 on my merc healer I went into WZs with fresh gear, tho I had replaced the mods with lvl 50 mods. I was getting absolutely destroyed. I couldnt heal thru there dmg.


But in a week or two after grinding more comms and doing dailies/weeklys I could feel with every.new piece of cent/champ gear I got, I started to survive alot longer and heal alot more.


Just stop ya crying and actually get some *********** gear before you make another AW post.


This kind of post bothers me as there is no indication pvping 1-49 that you're undergeared until you hit 50 and get chewed up.

Then loads of people who already learned that gear matters at 50 pvping disparage and insult new 50s even though they went through the same experience. Its as if they totally forgot what it was like when they started.

When I hit 50 on my merc healer I went into WZs with fresh gear, tho I had replaced the mods with lvl 50 mods. I was getting absolutely destroyed. I couldnt heal thru there dmg.

This statement here says you experienced the very thing the OP said, which means, you had the same expectation.

Edited by Ybini
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