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Solution to Tomb of Freedon Nadd Queueing Problem


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Should also be noted that there are a lot of Non European players playing on this European server. At 5am this morning UK time the server already had a 5m queue, which rapidly increased as the morning has progressed...



I'm not sure it's that there are a lot of non EU timezone players on ToFN. I know that, as a lot of people have already started their xmas holidays from work etc, a few players in Tainted are actually levelling through the night rather than face the queues during the day. I should imagine that there are others taking the same approach. So the active population on the server never really drops.

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I think they should just reset the server at 6 so all the macro *****es get kicked out, and we dont have to endure such a queue.


Yup this would be nice too, I mean I logged around 9AM CET and there was 800 people in queue and that queue is basicly not moving (about 2-4 people per minute) ... meaning most of the people are sitting there in their ships on afk macro ...

Edited by Draczeq
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The best solution: We should all buy a ticket to Austin and make the Bioware team wait for hours and hours to do something they like.


Bought a new car and wanna go for a ride? We all stand around it for 2-4 hours before they can get in. ^^


Wanna go golfing? Just wait for them to increase the populationcap on the golfingcourse. ^^

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Give the Spanish their own server and move them to it.



Im a pround member of a spanish guild DEPLOYED to tofn by Bioware. your argument is invalid.


As far as i know, at least 1/3 of the spanish guilds where deployed with us and we chose to go here right after we knew server names.


You dont like queues , me neither but i hope you undesrtand that is not a problem of our community or italian or UK, its about server cap , afk macros and such.


How to make things right? kick anyone jumping for 3 hours or running alone against a wall . Queue time = 0

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Im a pround member of a spanish guild DEPLOYED to tofn by Bioware. your argument is invalid.


As far as i know, at least 1/3 of the spanish guilds where deployed with us and we chose to go here right after we knew server names.


You dont like queues , me neither but i hope you undesrtand that is not a problem of our community or italian or UK, its about server cap , afk macros and such.


How to make things right? kick anyone jumping for 3 hours or running alone against a wall . Queue time = 0


My argument is not invalid.


ToFN General Chat is full of people speaking Spanish. It is an English server so this shouldn't be happening.


If you had a Spanish server you could all chat in Spanish in General Chat to your hearts content.


I have also have the wonderful experience of grouping with people on an English server who don't speak English.


NB: When I say English Server or Spanish Server I am talking about language.

Edited by spudbynight
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My ticket to Bioware.


Report Player:


Hello Customer Support


I would like to report the player called: "....." from the "....." guild on the "Tomb of Freedon Nadd" server.


He has been using a macro or taped something to his keyboard so he keeps running into the VIP area on the Imperial Fleet for hours now. Last night (1am gmt+1) when I logged out he was there, 10 hours later he is still there trying to get into the VIP area.


To me this seems like he is using something so he is not logged out after a while and thus he is making the queue on our server even worse then it already is.


I hope you deal with this problem and in my eyes he deserves a ban. Anyway that's just my opinion.




THIS IS THE PROBLEM, not Bioware, the guild launch program or the server cap.


It's these selfish people who only care about themselves.

Edited by Aeonium
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6AM kill switch that would fix all the botters keeping up space runnning in their ship. For the ppl playing at 6 am its simple to log back in. Also increase server cap and just disable char creation on the server till it balances out. Edited by MajesticBeast
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My ticket to Bioware.


Report Player:




THIS IS THE PROBLEM, not Bioware, the guild launch program or the server cap.


It's these selfish people who only care about themselves.





It's a vicous circle, more people are doing that because it's taking 6 hours+ to get through queues.


Having said that the vast majority (90+%) of people in game are active, so it's not really afkers, its just the sheer number of people wanting to be on certain servers.

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also the queue time estimation is a joke ... I logged when there was a 20 min estimation ... well its been 3 hours and I still have 1/3 to go ... awesome ... and no I'm not gonna reroll, I started on this server where my guild was deployed and I started when the server was Light/Standart!
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Offering free guild transfers from all overcrowded servers to selected low pop ones would be just as simple in my opinion. I know my guild would transfer without even thinking twice.


Should have been availible in pre-access, never mind now.

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it's bioware fault.


They should created some spanish servers, some italian servers,some russian server... (and other for each european country) . And explain that THEY ONLY GIVE GAME SUPPORT ON ENGLISH, GERMAN AND FRENCH. Not in servers language


In this moment are 14 english server empty or with low population. And only one with more than 4 hour or query.

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6AM kill switch that would fix all the botters keeping up space runnning in their ship. For the ppl playing at 6 am its simple to log back in. Also increase server cap and just disable char creation on the server till it balances out.


Totally agree with this

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Just to point out it's absolutely not a "UK community". The initial community to unofficially "nominate" the server is a pan European multicultural group of guilds that organised themselves to provide a balanced and open organised RvR server with guilds on both the Republic and Imperial sides.


In order to work together effectively the guilds all speak English in public, however the initiative has guilds and players from all around Europe, some of whom are native English speakers, a lot of whom are not.


The Italian community to be fair has been trying to find a way to move to another server once they realized there was another large community on "Freds Nadds".


Of course the European RvR community is just that, pan European and welcomes players and guilds of all nationalities.


Thank you!


Tired of English players (us) contra Spanish/Italian (them) posts. Ever since someone opened up the can of worms by separating nationalities as a fault to queues more and more posts gets added per page about this. The solution is not nationalities, the solution is those behind the creation of the game.

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