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Solution to Tomb of Freedon Nadd Queueing Problem


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well, what is worst now it's that noone ever logsout anymore... so server is crippled beyond repair at this point :(
Agreed, it's a bit of a self for-filling problem now. The worse the queues get the less people will log out and so even bigger queues...
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in the meantime they need to give players realtime updates on their queue times.


at the moment the queue time displayed in the background is only an estimate based on how many people are in the queue and how long it will take if you start queueing there and then. what it doesn't take into account at all is the fact that it can take longer/shorter for players to move queue positions. and that the person currently queueing doesn't know how long it will really take.



yesterday i had guildies starting to queue while it said "1 hour 40 mins estimated". 5 hours later they finally got in.


to rectify this, they need to just do some simple maths:

x = player previous queue position

y = player new queue position

t = time (in seconds) between positions

z = updated time estimate (in minutes) to queue




so, if a player was a position 1928, and moved to position 1760, and it took 10 minutes for that shift to occur, then we can estimate the current queue time for that player is:

(600/(1928-1760))*1760/60=105 minutes (1 hour 45 minutes)


but then if that player then moved from position 1760 to position 1003 and it only took 6 minutes, their estimated time would be updated to:

(600/(1760-1003))*1003/60= 13 minutes


now, obviously there's a wild fluctuation in estimated queue time there (due to a large drop in queue position over an extremely short period of time), however in real terms it would allow players to get a much more accurate reprisentation of their queue time.


an even better way to do it would be to take the average value of the last two position jumps (so in the above two examples, a 59 minute average queue time).

Edited by Almghty_gir
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Let's say you've recently watched a TV show for a 12 hours' worth of episodes. Now let's say that you, for some reason can't continue watching the show unless you watch the first episodes again.


Wouldn't you rather find a way to keep watching it without having to do said example?


Bad metaphor, but take it for what it is... Or don't. If you want to know why the flucklebuckle you would ever have to watch the previous shows in that kind of scenario, let's just say that a wizard did it.


if the show had 10,000 great episodes i would appilty watch the first few again .


I think more people need to bite the bullet and move , losing a couple of days is annoying but not the end of the world. The longer you wait the worse it will get.

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Few things they need to get done before this server is liveable


- increase server capacity.

- switch few guilds (no open transfers, the server may run dry fast).

- enforce 15 min inaction logout rule.


If this is done, we'll have the best pvp server of Europe.

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Again guys, READ AND SHUT UP... really stop crying if u had read you won't be crying all over this forum


The Early Game Access program will help manage server volumes, helping to ensure a smooth day-one experience.


so after early game acces you have full acces... I already knew this months ago :confused:

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Again guys, READ AND SHUT UP... really stop crying if u had read you won't be crying all over this forum


The Early Game Access program will help manage server volumes, helping to ensure a smooth day-one experience.


so after early game acces you have full acces... I already knew this months ago :confused:


smooth day 1 does not equal 2k plus ques at non primetime

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if the show had 10,000 great episodes i would appilty watch the first few again .


I think more people need to bite the bullet and move , losing a couple of days is annoying but not the end of the world. The longer you wait the worse it will get.


Then you can move most of us are mid 30s low 40s by now even with ques

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I don't know all the technical acpects of what EQ2 does, but they have copies of Zones that are over crowded. So maybe bioware can do something similar.


So when you log on you are asked what zone instance you want. Tathon 1,2,3,4 etc for example.


And friends can just say I'm in Tathon 4 click that one..Just my 2 force points worth.

Edited by SithDown
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7am 21/12/11 - 1hr queue and then Error when I'm getting close to the front! Sorting the errors out would make the queues slightly less annoying. Slightly because at least when you get to the front you know you are getting in soon instead of being thwarted by an error 50% of the time!
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8:30am GMT: Signed in to set up crew skill queue lists on 3 characters and already 738 people in the queue. Yet every other server I can see while waiting is either "light" or "standard".



To the people saying that we could all easily reroll elsewhere...sure we could but it's not as simple as the choice of one person. The English speaking PVP initiative set up by Sacrx involves a lot of guilds who have a long relationship with each other...friendships, rivalries, the works..... and so any decision to move to another server would have to involve every single guild involved in the initiative and thus every single player in each of those guilds. You're looking at probably 1000+ individuals.


Also: Ex Norn players are a stubborn bunch. It's our natural reaction to dig our heels in when pushed and to bite back when baited simply because we got used to being dealt the ****** end of the stick by Mythic (and let's not forget, this is essentially a game made by ex Mythic employees in part or in whole) and EA already. The chances of us moving are pretty much nil and were we to move wholesale to another server we would simply overpopulate that too and I highly doubt the majority of the guilds involved would want to move on their own.


The easiest solution is to offer free personal and guild transfers off of ToFN for a limited period. This will give people, guilds or small communities caught up in this mare's nest a chance to escape the loooooooong queues and relieve the almighty frustration of having to wait at least 2 hours to get in game for the rest of us.

Edited by cakeyeah
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Well the longer the queue, the more people will just do anything to keep their char ingame (using mouse/keyboard/software macros) leading to even longer queues ... its pretty much enchanted circle ...


and trust me, after playing the content in beta and now on live, im not gonna reroll to play it again ... I mean this is a story driven game seeing the story third time really isnt a charm ...


the only viable solution is free trasnfer (even i waves, and limited to low pop servers)

and really nice solution would be separate queue for Empire and Republic =) which would lead to side balance


but everything has been said already, so copyright to ideas where is due, and consider me signed under them :)


PS: I believe the Top left number next to location name is a sum acros all instances and most republic places is pretty much deserted, wondering where are all the people, and what is the limit on server

Edited by Draczeq
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PS: I believe the Top left number next to location name is a sum acros all instances and most republic places is pretty much deserted, wondering where are all the people, and what is the limit on server


They may have been intentionally forcing a queue to discourage new players from making new chars over there :p

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For example, we have RL ally guilds and old skool nemesis guilds all placed using the guild launch tool, the stress it is placing out community under is breaking us up.


"Re-roll" or "Quit whining" does not resolve the problem.

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Dear Bioware,


As you know we're encountering some really long queue times in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server. The reason for this is actually quite simple, community leaders from 3 (or more) countries have all focused their attention on this server and are fighting a war of attrition to see who will cave first and move out.


Many players have spent a lot of time already invested into their characters. I myself have about 8 hours invested. The problem is not the individuals time invested, but the collective time of the community. While I would not mind moving, the logistical and social penalties caused by rerolling isn't acceptable to most guilds. We would lose some players. This is only compounded as more and more time goes by.


I propose that you clone the server. This way the leaders of the Italian, Spanish, and UK communities can go their separate way. I propose the smaller spanish and Italian communities can go one server, while the bigger UK community can go on a different server.



The Citizens of Tomb of Freedon Nadd



TLDR; Clone the server :)

Should also be noted that there are a lot of Non European players playing on this European server. At 5am this morning UK time the server already had a 5m queue, which rapidly increased as the morning has progressed...
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For example, we have RL ally guilds and old skool nemesis guilds all placed using the guild launch tool, the stress it is placing out community under is breaking us up.


"Re-roll" or "Quit whining" does not resolve the problem.

Agreed. The Imperial Guild that requested placement against our Rebel Guild, a large group of players from SWG, has already moved to a new server, totally destroying the ongoing community that we sought to bring over from oour old game to this new game.
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They had over a week to sort this problem to be honest :S. They know this for quiet a while, instead of pros pone the problem, trow the server offline for a day or something on x-mas day and then migrate everything make clones one those days. Would sort the problem.


And basically they can contact several guilds tell the guild leaders, "Hey, We're offering you guys a free server migration due to queues." This could sort it to , i'd suppose that this aint to hard just to copy over some guilds, instead of all date of about 1000people instead of about 50 people.

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