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Why make PVP non PVE viable?


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Yes it gets depressing, trying to kill an Jedi Shadow who is running around in Huttball with 23k+ HP carrying the ball not to mention an equally geared Sage healer with guard on him. It's stupid to make PVP gear inferior in a PVE environment yet they aren't doing ANYTHING about how well PVE gear performs in PVP.




Discounting the t1 PvE gear which is complete garbage for anything, the PvE gear is usable in PvP right now and the best PvP gear setup actually includes PvE gear at t3, so i find it hard to understand how they can justify nerfing PvP gear in PvE but leaving it so raiders can walk into a WZ and compete.


If they make it so Rakata = junk in PvP? Cool. Otherwise, what are they playing at?

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When I first started to run Operations I did it in full champion gear and did far better than people with Tionese gear from Hard mode flashpoints.


PvP gear currently is more than fine to use in PvE.


But it won't be if the livestream is to be believed.


They are saying primary stats like STR, AIM, etc won't be active when you are in PvE environments if those stats are gained from PvP gear/mods.

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But it won't be if the livestream is to be believed.


They are saying primary stats like STR, AIM, etc won't be active when you are in PvE environments if those stats are gained from PvP gear/mods.


And does the reverse work when PvE gear hits a WZ? If not thats a fast way to lose subs.

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Then do it. Who's stopping you from raiding with your friends?!


I raid, I PvP. I have Rakata and battlemaster gear. Go do the same. 1 HM op and you'll have enough gear to compete.


You want something for nothing. You put NO EFFORT into acquiring PvE gear.


PvE gear is rewarded for PvE, PvP gear for PvP. The best PvPers will have the best PvP gear, the best PvEers will have the best PvE stuff. THAT IS the logic behind it. Specific playstyles are rewarded with gear for THAT playstyle because you PLAYED it.


Should PvE players be rewarded Battlemaster gear from HM Ops? Should Cybertech be allowed to use Biochem only stims? You're asking for something to be given to you for doing NOTHING to earn it.


Rewards being separate, are fine. You just don't want to put any effort into it it.



A) Getting PVP gear is MAGNITUDES more work than getting PVE gear.

B) After they do the patch ALL PVP gear is going to be useless in PVE. Not subpar, not slightly reduced, you might as well be raiding naked. So I put in five times the effort and time and the developers take away any chance of me joining my friends in raid content?


Forget that. I'm not putting in massive amounts of work and getting ripped off. My account is canceled. 12 more days of play time. I'm sure other players will get fed up and quit too if they go through with this.


Bioware promised us that leveling in PVP would be viable and at first it was, then they reduced XP, reduced the money and made it level twice as slow. (according to their OWN chart showed on the live stream) so they broke their promise to us, now they are trying to hose over PVP players AGAIN by changing the gear functions.


If I had a way to get all my money back from Bioware I would take back every red cent. They have gone back on their word regarding PVP in almost every way.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Does Bioware not realize that separating the PVP gear from PVE is going to strip any desire for the casual PVPer to do dailies or join ranked?


This is how they should do things. You should be able to do PVE and get "Champion Tokens" to buy your end game gear. You should be able to PVP and get Warzone tokens that you can use to buy the "Champion Tokens" as well.


The fastest rout to your end game gear is still doing the PVE content but you CAN just PVP for it or mix and match.


The PVP gear and the PVE gear needs to be the same gear with cosmetic differences. It would solve SO MANY problems and make the game much more fun for everyone because it gives people CHOICE.

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Somehow, I just knew you would make a jump to the argument of "we're being wronged by the developers!". :D


PvE and PvP are not "exactly the same".


The fact that you are facing people does not matter; as there is a kind of "script" followed by players based upon their classes/specializations.


If I interrupt a healer, he will move out of my interrupt range.

If he does not realize that I have my 4 piece PvP set bonus...he won't move back far enough, and I can continue interrupting him and dealing damage to him.

If he does realize that I have my 4 piece PvP set bonus...he'll move back far enough, but he might not be able to heal his teammates.


Either way--he has effectively followed a "script" much like a fight against a NPC.


Or you get CC'ed by the tank guarding the healer, or he lets you interrupt him and he just casts a different heal while your interrupt is on cooldown, you cant interrupt because you are forced to use a cooldown to survive the two marauders you jumped on you for attacking their healer, you get pulled into fire/acid/pit by someone seeing you hitting their healer. The healer just cc's you and heals, the healer kills you cause you are low, you are trying to interrupt a healer who is healing someone from long range instead of trying to knock the ball carrier off the ledge letting the ball carrier cap, you and two other people are being lured away from the defense node trying to interrupt the healer so that they can cap the node.


PvE has only a few very select possible answers to a scenario because PvE does literally involve a programmed script. When you go into a warzone you honestly will have no clue what will happen. You can guess what the enemy team will do but you can never go onto a website and look up the strategy to beat the enemy team each time. (Which most people in PvE do anyways, just go look up the strategy created by the extremely small percentage of skilled PvE people. Once an encounter has been beaten and the strategy posted, the skill requirement greatly falls since there is less figuring out the encounter and more copying another persons strategy.)

Edited by Meiu
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They did not say they was removing stats from pvp gear. What they DID say, was that pvp gear was getting changed, along with the stat balance on it. They did not show the new pvp gear, or the stats. Most of the gear they had on toons was very simple blue gear.


They realize that PVP is balls, and they understand they let us down with it. They are NOT happy with how it worked out, and 1.2 is suppose to be the first fix to the system. They are not putting in 1.2 and then leaving pvp alone. Its for this reason that Ilum is getting removed. They realize it does not work, and will be replacing it.


Does that mean we will have a new system in a few weeks that meets our pvp dreams? No. Honestly if you cant understand that things take time to fix, then sorry.


BTW the cliff is that away --------> Careful when you hit bottom.

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They did not say they was removing stats from pvp gear. What they DID say, was that pvp gear was getting changed, along with the stat balance on it. They did not show the new pvp gear, or the stats. Most of the gear they had on toons was very simple blue gear.


They realize that PVP is balls, and they understand they let us down with it. They are NOT happy with how it worked out, and 1.2 is suppose to be the first fix to the system. They are not putting in 1.2 and then leaving pvp alone. Its for this reason that Ilum is getting removed. They realize it does not work, and will be replacing it.


Does that mean we will have a new system in a few weeks that meets our pvp dreams? No. Honestly if you cant understand that things take time to fix, then sorry.


BTW the cliff is that away --------> Careful when you hit bottom.


Yes, right now it's broken because people in PVE gear come into PVP and get Roflstomed while people in PVP gear can't compete in PVE.. so making the divide between PVE and PVP -wider- helps how, exactly?


They are trying to put out a fire by throwing napalm on it.

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Yes, right now it's broken because people in PVE gear come into PVP and get Roflstomed while people in PVP gear can't compete in PVE.. so making the divide between PVE and PVP -wider- helps how, exactly?


They are trying to put out a fire by throwing napalm on it.


Meh. I see your points. They are good points in your situation. At this point, I'm a helm, boots, and main hand away from full Columni. I'm at gloves and boots for full champ as well. Which is good enough for gubment work, right? It gets the job done and I don't stress anymore about gear. And more pieces will come along without having to bang the drum and raise the flag and do either pve or pvp till my eyes bleed. I get to play skyrim and kill bosses and be effective in warzones and still have time to talk to corporate (AKA my wife) like a boss, right? Having them not make the changes and make just "end game gear" also doesn't effect me and I would bet hardly anyone but the most strikingly elitist among us would even balk. So, yeah. You have my support, for what it's worth.

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Bioware isn't going to care though, I doubt they will even read this thread. They are too busy steam rolling ahead blindly without thinking they could possibly be shooting themselves in the foot.


“it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”


Fortunately, my friends are already starting to grow tired of the bull **** too. 3 of 5 from my regular group resubed to wow after the livestream announcements. We've all played MMOs long enough to see the train wreck coming.

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I had maxed out my marks and gear bag and had no real reason to PVP. Then today I got another companion pet at 40 so I went in to grab some quick gear. Man, I don't know what you guys did to PVP but it is HORRIBLE now. Either every single team I played with out of 6 games were just the worst teams of all time or you broke something. There were bounty hunters and snipers everywhere killing people from half way across the map. I'm a sorc and I couldn't even hit them back because they were out of range for 90% of my spells. My shield went down after the first hit.


As far as I'm concerned PVP is dead already you have "Balanced" the other classes until they just wipe the floor with sorcerers. I have the best mod gear I can get in every slot and a level 24 bounty hunter killed me one on one in a straight up DPS fight. I used all my interrupts, I had all my dots on him, I even started out with more life than him and they just put out so much damage I couldn't do a thing. You guys ****ed up this game so much I am just done.

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Are you blind or just stupid? He already explained and like myself and many others. I like the MULTIPLAYER aspect of the game. I don't like doing all these mundane things most of which includes killing the same mob over and over and running around for hours, just so I can have appropriate gear to do end-game content, when/if I've already 'grinded" in the PvP area of the game... the one I like.


Now I don't want to be in every raid to attain gear to do harder raids where they actually need you instead of doing something I actually like.


You sir should really read what you write before posting. Let me be your educator.


This is a person who is QQing that that they want PVP gear to work for end game content.


#1 It does. Woo. Glad you learned something.


#2 When you hit 50 and can actually experience end game content blue/orange from the GTN will be fine for normal mode (which is end game content so please don't respond that you want to go straight to NM.)

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