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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

18 more medalls to come but on what purpose?


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What happened to just playing for fun?


Because I need pixels to justify entertainment for myself. It's the same reason I refuse to play monopoly with my family now unless they give me a Tootsie Roll every time I buy a property or a hotel.

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My reaction was that this is a very weird fix. I'm all for introducing more medals that are objectives-based. I think that these changes are targeted not only to leveling the progression curve but more specifically at quitters. I think that the idea that this will provide incentives for folks to stick it out in a warzone is naive at best.
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No, some of us pay to win regardless. Losers like you AFK unless they are getting spoon-fed "points" hahahaa Some of us play to win even when loss is eminent. I know, it's too hard for your spoiled brain to understand. I'll take out my crayons and paper next time.
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