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Investigation: How reliable is it?


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So I am trying to plan ahead a bit for 1.2 and the critting on the orange gear for the augment slot.


I am wondering what is the best way to get schematics for things like Armormech and Synthweaving.


The game tells me that Investigation gives schematics. Is it pretty reliable?


I've got some schematics that I want to get before 1.2 because of their looks.

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You are better off having underworld trading if you go synthweaving or armormech (as you need the materials from underworld trading to make anything but green quality items).


Oh I do have UT for my armormech character.


My 4th alt is going to be Synthweaving/Slicing/Investigation.


My main is Artifice/TH/Arch so I will be able to get mats from my main for the Synthweaving character. And the armormech character with UT will also supply my 4th alt.

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Unless they change it for 1.2 .... Investigation does not give any Orange Schematics, only Blue ones.


Underworld trading has the Synthweaveing and Armormech Orange Recepies.


Currently there are no Armstech Orange schematics outside of the trainer and (I think) the OPs/Hard Modes

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I get schematics fairly often, much more frequently than my Underworld Goods (I think I've only gotten like 1 schematic ever from UWT)

I do run the 'Rich' missions, but not sure if that is what the difference is.

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You are better off having underworld trading if you go synthweaving or armormech (as you need the materials from underworld trading to make anything but green quality items).


Don't think I've ever had any schematics from Investigation heh.


These guys are right. I have one char using Underworld Trading which I brought all the way to lvl 50 (char, not skill), and got a TONE of schematics. My bro told me he never got any schematics from investigation, so my new trooper char does not have investigation.


In order to get schematics with UT. I used companions with high affection to go on companion gift missions and metal missions with "rich" yields. The Schematics I got were for Armormech and Synthwieving.

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I've gotten a whole mess of them....but I don't remember what from...I have an armor/UT/Inv alt and she gets most of them but.....I couldn't tell you which.


That said, they are cheap on the AH. I can't give my dupes away....maybe I ought to bank them?

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I have definitely received Orange schematics from Investigation. Mostly at lower levels, to be honest.


To get them, you need to CRIT on an Investigation mission. I only recall getting them on RESEARCH COMPOUNDS missions. People have reported also getting them in COMPANION GIFT missions, but I can't confirm that.


You also need to crit on a bought mission in order to get a schematic.

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I have Investigation and have about 18 armormech schematics sitting in my cargo hold. Most have come from crit'ing various levels of missions. Some have come from my slicer character and some from my UT character.


It's pretty random as to which type of schematic you'll get. Mine have run the gamut. I've seen at least one type of schem come from each type of mission I previoulsy mentioned.

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so what is the consensus or summary?


what things give you schematics for which crafting skills?









I have received Armsmith, Armortech, Synthweaving and Cybertech.


I have received Biochem from Slicing.


I've never seen an Artifice recipe. *checks*



I remember now; I have received one Shield recipe from Investigation.

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From Investigation, I got the following kinds of schematics:


- Armstech (blue scatterguns and vibroknives, which sell very well because the trainable ones can't be RE-ed; also some random blaster rifle and sniper rifle schematics)


- Synthweaving


- Armormech


- Biochem (implants)


- Artifice (off-hand)


One of the synthweaving recipes I got was a nice moddable circlet that I think my friend will make tons of money off of after the patch. Non-ugly helms = win, especially for companions, whose headslots can't be hidden.


From Underworld Trading,


- Synthweaving


- Armormech


From Slicing,


- Cybertech (earpieces and ship parts)


From Treasure Hunting lockboxes, I think I got some Synthweaving recipes. I occasionally get unmodded orange items, but I don't remember getting an orange recipe yet. I haven't had the profession that long, though, even if it's maxed.

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I have character for each of the six professions.

The character with the investigation mission crew skill is the same character that have armstech crafting crew skill...


Sounds like a smuggler.


The smuggler by far has the best setup to support an Armstech and Investigation is an integral part of that.


+5 critical to Armstech

+2 to Investigation


On the Imperial side I think the Sith Warrior has a companion with a +2 critical to Investigation.


Investigation WILL give you schematics but I think it is spread out throughout all the crafting disciplines. Where Underworld Trading gives ONLY synthweaving and Armormech schematics. Depends on what you're looking for.

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