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Bioware Wake Up ! Melee Classes are FAIL..


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Are the developers ever going to address the gross advantage Range Classes have over Melee Classes ?


- It is always a Range Class at the top of the charts in WZ leader boards when it comes to Kills, Achievements, and DPS..


- The amount of kills is nearly double with Range classes.


- Melee DPS Classes are second rate, compared to Range DPS Classes.


- Auto aim , 30 meters , 180 degree cone of attack , unlimited ammo , and no "too close proximity" penalty makes playing a Range Class, the equivalent of playing TOR on EASY MODE.


In short, picking a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior is one of the dumbest things you can do when investing time in this game.

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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Interesting, I experience the exact opposite. Especially when I look at the charts of a WZ. Might be server specific then.


You must be the exception to the rule. :rolleyes:


Because common sense dictates that it is easier to hit someone from 0 to 35 meters away, rather then 0 to 10 meters.


In addition, Melee classes must turn and face their opponent, and be within 0 to 10 metters, meanwhile Range classes can be facing 90 degrees away, and still hit someone 35 meters away.

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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I am a Sorc. The only class's I fear are mele.


Range is on my low-mid threat range. Oh super attack? Around the corner. Oh anything? LoS LoS LoS their poor poor bums.


I get killed by Mara's, Jugs, Sawbone Ops, etc.


I laugh at snipers.

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I can play this game too:


Melee are sooo OP. Almost all of their abilities have instant activation times so they can't be interrupted (or suffer from pushback) while I'm stuck in one place casting my abilities and waiting for them to interrupt me. On top of that, they can run out of LoS of all of my attacks while I can't do the same to them. Additionally, my extra range is useless because of all of their gap closers and/or stealth.


There's no point in rolling a ranged class when the melees are so much better.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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On my trooper, melee classes tear me apart. I'm pretty much a free kill.


On my sage, well, I kill everybody, but that's because sages are a faceroll/OP class. In the last week, nobody has even come within 50k of my damage done (almost all wins).

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- It is always a Range Class at the top of the charts in WZ leader boards when it comes to Kills, Achievements, and DPS..


Not in my experience, the top 3 is usually dominated by melee classes on my server.


- The amount of kills is nearly double with Range classes.


you mean the total kills at the end of a war zone? it ain't double, can imagine it is slightly higher but who cares?


- Melee DPS Classes are second rate, compared to Range DPS Classes.


Completely disagree, feel more powerful on my marauder than i did on my BH since i prefer the play style and am doing absolutely fine in pvp.


- Auto aim , 30 meters , 180 degree cone of attack , unlimited ammo , and no "too close proximity" penalty makes playing a Range Class, the equivalent of playing TOR on EASY MODE.


sorry but if a range class is sitting back smashing the hell out of you and you are unable to do anything it is down to you. Both knights and warriors can keep on top of them with some effort failing that you can use LOS to your advantage.


In short, picking a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior is one of the dumbest things you can do when investing time in this game.


Nope, play a marauder, love it.

Edited by Lekos
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- Auto aim , 30 meters , 180 degree cone of attack , unlimited ammo , and no "too close proximity" penalty makes playing a Range Class, the equivalent of playing TOR on EASY MODE.



The Auto-aim feature is so stupid! how does it take skill to have a computer ALWAYS face your target. One thing i LOVED about pvp in EQ1 was that there was no auto targeting like ranged classes in SWTOR get, it literally solved the "Melee thinks Ranged classes have it easy" thing im seeing in SWTOR. So if a mage decided to face a ranger and start casting, and the ranger ran behind the mage, as long as the mage faced the target when the spell went off, it hit, but if the mage did NOT face the target by the time the spell casting bar went off... the spell would not go off.


As for the 30 meters, i feel you on this one perhaps more than any other class, i play a concealment operative, and while my ranged abilities do inflict some damage, the bulk of my damage comes from within the 4 meter mark. As for my ranged abilities, the bulk of my damage come from within 10meters. Coupled with no gap closer outside of 10 meters.... i feel you on this one, i really do.


Unlimited Ammo, i think the ammo is fine for commandos, and all ranged classes with guns! i dont see why they should have to go out and buy ammo to use their abilities. More of a RP concern than anything, as YES!!!! you cant walk around with an unlimitied amount of grenades and rockets and blaster packs


No "target is too close". I hadnt thought about that at all, its a valid argument from a realistic point of few, using a grenade at a range of a couple inches is DANGEROUS!!!!! However ill play devils advocate to myself. If implemented, it would need to be implemented on a different level than all other MMORPGS, where as any other MMORPG will just say "All ranged abilities have a minimum distance of XX before being able to be used" I think it would have to be ability dependent, but it should make sense as using most ranged abilities with in a couple inches is probably not safe, even force lightning iconically had lightning that extruded from its target a few feet, i can only imagine that would harm the caster too if casted at that range.


I really dont think playing a ranged class is easy mode per say, although i will say playing a sage/sorc is easy mode only because you have an answer/counter to about 90% of the other classes abilities, and a regen that makes no sense what so ever, but for the majority of the ranged classes commando/merc funslinger/sniper ect ect i dont think its easy street, in fact i think most snipers have to work the hardest to get any good damage on a target, that being said (playing devils advocate to myself again here) The ranged classes are definitely more... "noob friendly"? maybe thats the word im searching for, or take less skill to play.

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You got 1 health point left, and your about to die. Your running for your life, and are 30 meters away from your opponent.


Your odds are greater surviving a melee class then a ranged class. While melee classes all have gap closers, usually 1 if not 2, if the melee classes has not used it, then your screwed. However, if they did use their gap closure you will survive.


Range Classes though, every attack is a range closure. So your chance of dying is a lot greater when dealing with a range class.


My question is, what are developers going to do to allow melee players a greater chance of success ?


My suggestion would be a increase to defense over range classes. I.E more Light saber Deflection. Seems fair.

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You got 1 health point left, and your about to die. Your running for your life, and are 30 meters away from your opponent.


Your odds are greater surviving a melee class then a ranged class. While melee classes all have gap closers, usually 1 if not 2, if the melee classes has not used it, then your screwed. However, if they did use their gap closure you will survive.


Not true, the Operative and scoundrel have NO (0) gap closers at 30m

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Argument goes both ways...depends on the class and the player controlling it.


There's an inherent "rock, paper, scissors" here, but every class has the tools to kill every other class.


Just not everyone uses all their tools, and even when you know the tools, sometimes you don't use them properly, and the other player outmaneuvers you.


It's called "Losing".


I kill melee, I kill ranged, I get killed by melee, get killed by ranged. Depends on the player.


People need to stop blaming the game constantly and accept that they are capable of losing and it's not bad game design, favoritism, hacking, or imbalance.

Edited by AstralProjection
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As a melee go ahead and try and Los while defending.


Now play that same game as a range class sitting in the middle and dosing everything that gets in range of the door. Oh what's that? Someone on the other door? Let me run 15 yards to hit someone from range w a rock or a bullet


I'm not saying melee are bad as far as dps. However in these objective based wzs range has such a superior advantage

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You got 1 health point left, and your about to die. Your running for your life, and are 30 meters away from your opponent.


Your odds are greater surviving a melee class then a ranged class. While melee classes all have gap closers, usually 1 if not 2, if the melee classes has not used it, then your screwed. However, if they did use their gap closure you will survive.


Range Classes though, every attack is a range closure. So your chance of dying is a lot greater when dealing with a range class.


My question is, what are developers going to do to allow melee players a greater chance of success ?


My suggestion would be a increase to defense over range classes. I.E more Light saber Deflection. Seems fair.


IF a melee class got you to 1 health point your not at 30m, your as good as dead. IF your at 30m from your opponent and he got your to one health then hes not a melee class.

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As a melee go ahead and try and Los while defending.


Now play that same game as a range class sitting in the middle and dosing everything that gets in range of the door. Oh what's that? Someone on the other door? Let me run 15 yards to hit someone from range w a rock or a bullet


I'm not saying melee are bad as far as dps. However in these objective based wzs range has such a superior advantage


Pretty much this ^

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I am a merc and I usually am at the top for kills and damage and that is my role for my team. I support from range. But I tell you it I have already used my electric stun and a Guardian role up on me it is a very bad day for me usually. If I have all of my trinkets and we are around the same lvl I can usually win but I have to use my entire bag of tricks with venting heat, stun, jet boost, heal myself, etc. I think it is as it should be. Now if people don't want to close the gap to me I will eat them alive all day long. The good players will focus on the healers and the range DPS first. I know because I play a lvl 50 shadow and that is what I do. Try playing that style and I bet you will win most of your 1v1 with a ranged or a least get them to run away.
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A lot of people are confusing preferred play style with performance in PvP.


Without a doubt, ranged are easier to play and easier to put damage on the target with in this game. I say this b/c I see, on average, melee doing less damage and dying more than ranged. I know among all my alts, this is also certainly the case.


And this damage difference is most assuredly b/c ranged can apply damage all the time by their default attack if nothing else and melee cannot. And the death difference is due to not having to leap/run into a pack of enemies with a big "SHOOT ME" sign on you.


That said, I like the playstyle of my melee toons much better than that of the ranged ones (even my Sniper which is actually an interesting ranged class to play). The combinations are more challenging and fun.


I do hope they can address some of the ranged survivability issues of the pure melee classes (SW, JK, Shadow, Assassin) by giving them inherently better ranged defenses or some such.

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A lot of people are confusing preferred play style with performance in PvP.


Without a doubt, ranged are easier to play and easier to put damage on the target with in this game. I say this b/c I see, on average, melee doing less damage and dying more than ranged. I know among all my alts, this is also certainly the case.


And this damage difference is most assuredly b/c ranged can apply damage all the time by their default attack if nothing else and melee cannot. And the death difference is due to not having to leap/run into a pack of enemies with a big "SHOOT ME" sign on you.


That said, I like the playstyle of my melee toons much better than that of the ranged ones (even my Sniper which is actually an interesting ranged class to play). The combinations are more challenging and fun.


I do hope they can address some of the ranged survivability issues of the pure melee classes (SW, JK, Shadow, Assassin) by giving them inherently better ranged defenses or some such.


This is the basic heart of the matter. Sure, ranged can get wrecked by a good melee player any day, but the melee are always at a disadvantage because offensively their time on target is nowhere close to that of a ranged who does relatively the same dps, and defensively they are more easily focused down.


Add to this the preponderance of ranged CC/snare/stun/incap and lack of closers, which mean a focused melee usually dies before resolve kicks in.


These imbalances are exacerbated on small, objective based maps which effectively create ranged shooting galleries by funneling players into kill zones.



I play both melee and ranged classes and believe me, ranged is easy mode in this game comparatively speaking.


I play on a pvp server where people actually KNOW how to pvp, and I assure you that the VAST majority of WZ's have mostly ranged in the top half of dmg dealt. The only ranged DPS not in the top half are baddies/afk'ers.



Seriously, you've got to be blind, stupid or lying if you say that ranged classes don't have an advantage in this game.

Edited by DizzD
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