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Some posts just crack me up


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Some Comedy relief...


I have been reading through a lot of the posts on here. Between every day posts, speculation posts, guild summit posts etc and it never ceases to amaze me how people are so .... Wierd.... Here is my rant to all those that we read on here everyday and just want to throw out a window...


I see people in one post saying "I just cancelled my account because of X!!" Then the same person posting HOURS later in another forum about how excited they are about a particular addition to 1.2.... Dude... Seriously? You just quit like 3 hours ago!


It's no wonder the world is the way it is! Reading these forums sometimes is like standing in the middle of a busy city and listening to people shouting about the end of the world as others walk past and laugh. People speculate about everything! They get half a sentence that someone posts about and run with it in a direction that makes NO sense at all. Common sense people! Companies like this are built on customer support and putting out the best product they can. They are not secretly planning and post-poning release of 1.2 because of some Freemason secret collaboration or to time it with people's subscriptions or whatever other propoganda.


And *** is up with some of these questions in the Guild Summit?!?! I swear some people were talking JUST to talk.... There were some questions that I don't even know HOW they were able to give an answer to! If I were a Bioware employee and was on that panel, they'd probably ask me to step down and get some fresh air... Questions were like.... Uhh... My name is Bob, and I'm um a guild leader and stuff.... And like ya know, my guild doesn't like to PvP and stuff, so what are you guys doing to make it fair for us to get Valor levels.... ::flying chair at Bob's head::


Seriously people, You have known about this Summit long enough for your mom to pack your suit case and for you to unlock your basement and leave... You had plenty of time to prepare legit questions that are actually relevant! If YOU did actually prepare questions and they were answered before it got to you....Pass! You have no more questions! They answered it! Don't make one up on the fly!


If you quit the game for whatever reason, QUIT! We Don't care.... Really.... Your telling us about it means nothing! I will still continue to play and when I do decide to move on, I won't post about it for you to read, cuz YOU don't care! Oh and for the record, I seriously doubt that Bioware cares that you quit. "Well! I am a paying customer and I demand satisfaction!!! Yeah ok Doosh... You are that person that stands at the Walmart customer service line making a scene because the markdown price of those hot new sweatpants didn't match the tagged price. Or the one in a restaurant that, while the waitress is taking anothers order, shouts "EXCUSE ME.....EXCUSE ME!!!... I need some butter.....


Have Fun!!

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This post has nothing to do with the game and degrades the player base but yet it has not been closed? If I would have posted this it would have been wiped already.


you have to report those posts you don't like. it will eventually close, but we can have fun while it's here.



Edited by testszag
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And *** is up with some of these questions in the Guild Summit?!?! I swear some people were talking JUST to talk.... There were some questions that I don't even know HOW they were able to give an answer to! If I were a Bioware employee and was on that panel, they'd probably ask me to step down and get some fresh air... Questions were like.... Uhh... My name is Bob, and I'm um a guild leader and stuff.... And like ya know, my guild doesn't like to PvP and stuff, so what are you guys doing to make it fair for us to get Valor levels.... ::flying chair at Bob's head::


Seriously people, You have known about this Summit long enough for your mom to pack your suit case and for you to unlock your basement and leave... You had plenty of time to prepare legit questions that are actually relevant! If YOU did actually prepare questions and they were answered before it got to you....Pass! You have no more questions! They answered it! Don't make one up on the fly!


I lol'd pretty hard at this part. GG OP. :D

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This post has nothing to do with the game and degrades the player base but yet it has not been closed? If I would have posted this it would have been wiped already.


1) Lighten Up Francis....

2) This is the General Forums and is game forum related

3) This is a light hearted response to all of the posts that people make that everyone thinks "Are you serious?"



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Hello all,


We understand that not everyone gets along, or agrees with each other, but we ask that topics be focused on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and not the community itself. We are going to close this thread, but please do feel free to join in on discussions about specific game-related topics.

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