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Legacy and Character Transfer - Damn!


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"On character transfer the higher of the two legacies will take priority"


Really? So your lesser legacy xp character gets overwritten by the higher?


Gosh - surely it shouldnt be so hard to benchmark a legacy allowance per character to allow them to transfer with 'x' legacy.


I've rolled an Asian/Pacific character because the latency is great being a local server but the free transfer is still 2 months away. Now I'm really enjoying the new character I've made but with todays information at the guild summit, every time I go to log on to the new character I say - "oh no I wont I dont want to waste any legacy experience, better go on another character that I dont really want to play but oh well."


Can't you find a way that I can play the character I want to play now without the punishing wasted legacy xp when I transfer over my 200 hrs+ characters?

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