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SWTOR PVP Un Heroic.Future Competitive Gameplay Favors Mele Classes.


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Anyone remember pre launch when we actually thought swtor pvp would be heroic ?

When all of us were under the illusion it would take 5 players atleast 5-10 seconds to kill another player . Yeah that were the days.


Dont you love in a WZ when your in all of your BM gear hitting a WZ stim to try and save your life, along with shield etc to try and stay alive.Only to die in 3 seconds to a couple of marauders or assassins . Me i dont like it. I know there are other mmos out there were pvp is a even bigger joke but we really thought pre launck TOR pvp would be heroic.


Also remember before the ninja buff bioware gave to mele classes after launch when there was much QQ about how weak the mele classes were, and now they will wreck people no matter what in a few seconds in the hands of a good player.


And i really hope people who plays a range class actually dont think you will do good in any sort of arena system or ranked 1 vs 1 wz system.Because you will not do good in the long run.Why ? because ranged classes in TOR dont have interrupr, combat stealth,high burst damage with short to no cooldown. Unlike ranged classes that have to stand still and channel their abilitis. For this reason alone i have re rolled a Shadow.

So unless GW2 is out before any competetive system in TOR is live i will have to play mele to stay competetive.The only semi ranged classes i see doing good may be Vanguard and Powertechs.But even they have a hard time against certain mele classes.


My point is, i'm one hell of a good mele player.But my dream in swtor was to be a trooper.

And sadly that will not happend because as always the devs favors mele classes for competitive gameplay.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I quit this game ages ago but I had to comment. One of the reasons I quit was because the game hugely favours ranged. Illum - forget it if there's 2 large groups on each side and your a melee. War zones - forget it if they strafe, run while shooting, or on a balcony, you will die.


One simple fix is to give melee classes a slight speed boost..... Otherwise, this game highly favours ranged. Inquisitors are ranged and have way to much cc, stuns. Melee shud have these / more of these.

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I quit this game ages ago but I had to comment. One of the reasons I quit was because the game hugely favours ranged. Illum - forget it if there's 2 large groups on each side and your a melee. War zones - forget it if they strafe, run while shooting, or on a balcony, you will die.


One simple fix is to give melee classes a slight speed boost..... Otherwise, this game highly favours ranged. Inquisitors are ranged and have way to much cc, stuns. Melee shud have these / more of these.


Can tell you that in competitive 1vs1 2vs2 etc mele with stealth,combat stealth,interrupt etc will always winn.You are talking about public WZ.

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He has a point, however veiled by whining it may be.


Repub premades on my server are now runnning 4-5 sents a game supplemented by healers.




I'm tired of Imp premades running amok on my server.

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I'm tired of Imp premades running amok on my server.


You'll take your beating and like it! Now back to your closet foul pubby or you'll get the broom!


Jokes aside, the dominance of the lightbat brawler inst anything new, they've been kicking teeth in since launch what with the forgiving stretch armstrong melee in this game.


I mean at least I shoot fire to hit targets at 10 meters rather then pull a dhalsim over some poor sods skull with a glowbat.


The hardest part of that class is remembering not to blow your wad too early for anybody with half a brain and a decent understanding of keybinding.

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I quit this game ages ago but I had to comment. One of the reasons I quit was because the game hugely favours ranged. Illum - forget it if there's 2 large groups on each side and your a melee. War zones - forget it if they strafe, run while shooting, or on a balcony, you will die.


One simple fix is to give melee classes a slight speed boost..... Otherwise, this game highly favours ranged. Inquisitors are ranged and have way to much cc, stuns. Melee shud have these / more of these.


The game highly favour melee (that isnt the operative) because they have slows, lots of interupts and gap closers on very low cooldowns, much lower than the range casters CC's so anyone who isnt a moron can stick to a range characters and interupt them easily. So they where given more damage to make up for the fact that they arent always in damage range however only a moron cant keep a melee class in range of his target with the training wheels that are on melee classes.

Edited by da_krall
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I don't think any dev EVER said it would take 5-10 seconds to die in a 5v1 match. Also, whining that you die in a 5v1 match is just plain stupid. Yes, you're going to die, because they're treating you like a flashpoint boss. The only characters that can hold their own for a few seconds in a 5v1 are tanks who are guarded by another tank, making it 5v2.


1v1 matches take exactly as long as they expected, with the exception of ops/scoundrels who stim/relic/supercharge their crits.

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Melee class players are finally learning to understand how to play their classes correctly, and the ranged class players that just stood there spamming one ability are being out-played by smarter and battle-hardened players.


Adapt or die, l2p.



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Today's summary from the PVP forums:


Game favors melee classes too heavily.


Game favors ranged classes too heavily.


Everyone is OP and needs a nerf.


All this, plus sports, tonight at 11.


QFT And water is wet what we need is more QQ post to poke fun at people that need to L to the P but can't.....


Still love the ops can't kill anyone thread peeps are fin insane with the BS they talk...

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I quit this game ages ago but I had to comment. One of the reasons I quit was because the game hugely favours ranged. Illum - forget it if there's 2 large groups on each side and your a melee. War zones - forget it if they strafe, run while shooting, or on a balcony, you will die.


One simple fix is to give melee classes a slight speed boost..... Otherwise, this game highly favours ranged. Inquisitors are ranged and have way to much cc, stuns. Melee shud have these / more of these.


You quit because the zerg v zerg at the repub base camp style PvP was favoring ranged classes.


Wow, just...wow.


I hope that this game makes no effort to balance itself around a zombie zerg camping another zombie zerg in the NPCs/One shotters. IE absolutely the worst PvP game play possible.


Under structured, even numbered, group AND solo game play right now melees have a huge advantage. Sins/Shads/Maras/Sents in the hand of a mouse turner are face wrecking just about anything. Ops/Scoundrels aren't far behind.

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This post wonderfully illustrates with the current narrative of the PvP forums. There are constantly posts on how totally OP ranged is and how hard it is to play melee, so its good to see complaints from the other side of the fence as well. Believe me it sucks when a Marauder closes with you, but good luck getting that through to those getting wtfpwnt by ranged classes.


Melee is OP

Ranged is OP


Mercenary is OP

Power Tech is OP

Marauder is OP

Juggernaut is OP

Sorceror is OP

Assassin is OP

Sniper is OP

Operative is OP



SWTOR PvP forums, the place to go and demand changes when you get owned.


Note: All this being said I definitely intend on rolling an Assassin or Marauder, it'll be a few months before people are raging about their OPness in full force.

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Melee class players are finally learning to understand how to play their classes correctly, and the ranged class players that just stood there spamming one ability are being out-played by smarter and battle-hardened players.


Adapt or die, l2p.




Are we pretending that melee ever had a problem murdering ranged? Or that it was particularly difficult?


Pretty much every attack I have applies a snare and I have a grapple and a tackle to snag runners. Its not rocket science to avoid getting kited.


Double jump snaresploding buffoonery isn't a highlight of skill. The only class at the moment that could be considered to take a modicum of ability would have to be op/sco due to a distinct lack of defensive abilites and mediocre endurance.


Does spamming flameblast take alot of skill? Not really. But at least I'm honest about what I do as opposed to the glowbat legions who insist smacking around mercs/sorcs is (or ever was) a challenge.

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Anyone remember pre launch when we actually thought swtor pvp would be heroic ?

When all of us were under the illusion it would take 5 players atleast 5-10 seconds to kill another player . Yeah that were the days.


Dont you love in a WZ when your in all of your BM gear hitting a WZ stim to try and save your life, along with shield etc to try and stay alive.Only to die in 3 seconds to a couple of marauders or assassins . Me i dont like it. I know there are other mmos out there were pvp is a even bigger joke but we really thought pre launck TOR pvp would be heroic.


Also remember before the ninja buff bioware gave to mele classes after launch when there was much QQ about how weak the mele classes were, and now they will wreck people no matter what in a few seconds in the hands of a good player.


And i really hope people who plays a range class actually dont think you will do good in any sort of arena system or ranked 1 vs 1 wz system.Because you will not do good in the long run.Why ? because ranged classes in TOR dont have interrupr, combat stealth,high burst damage with short to no cooldown. Unlike ranged classes that have to stand still and channel their abilitis. For this reason alone i have re rolled a Shadow.

So unless GW2 is out before any competetive system in TOR is live i will have to play mele to stay competetive.The only semi ranged classes i see doing good may be Vanguard and Powertechs.But even they have a hard time against certain mele classes.


My point is, i'm one hell of a good mele player.But my dream in swtor was to be a trooper.

And sadly that will not happend because as always the devs favors mele classes for competitive gameplay.


Stop trolling please.


I have Arsenal merc, Madness sorcerer, Assasin, sniper, and guardian.


On my merc i do waaaaaaaaaaay more damage and kills than on any melee classes.

In terms of getting kills and damage in WZ it is



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Mostly, ranged are paper, melee are rock, healers are scissor.


Nerf rock, buff paper, scissor is fine.



Welcome to the PvP forums.



On a more serious and constructive note, teamplay surpasses all individual abilities.


For example, you have a 8v8 balanced matchup. You have 2 RDPS, 2 MDPS, 2 tanks, 2 heals on both sides. You can't LET the other team's melee get on your RDPS / heals without reacting. Melee is a big THREAT to ranged / heals, so your tanks / MDPS needs to guard / pull / CC the ennemy MDPS so they don't chain interrupt and kill your backline.


Quite frankly, I'm not surprised MDPS are kings in MYTHIC PvP. They designed WAR and they did the same thing, and PvP mechanics are almost identical. Playing a RDPS requires much more babysitting and is very hard to play against good MDPS guarded by tanks and assisting. But a good team won't let ennemy MDPS hitting their heals / RDPS, they'll throw an AoE taunt, will CC the threat and take care of it. And let me tell you, a DPS merc / commando / sage / sorc / gunslinger / sniper with support is a friggin BEASTLY RDPS. They top damage* and or kills with ease (yes, good gunslinger / snipers usually don't have top damage but they have more killing blows than everybody else, sometimes twice as much as the closest). That's just normal that they are primary targets, and are usually easier to kill than healers. They also usually don't use any defensive specs / gear unlike melee, because a melee char knows he'll HAVE to get in range of ennemies to do anything.


Teams that play defensive usually will wait 'till the ennemy melees commit themselves before pushing with an offensive manoeuver. It's like a game of chess in the end. There is counter / strategy to everything, just practice and learn from your mistakes.

Edited by Faat
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