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Underworld trading and recipes


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Does anyone know if the schematics you get from Underworld Trading are level specific....what I mean is....if say I wanted an orange peice that is level restricted at say level 27, I should be running level 3 underworld trading missions or something like that.


Ta in advance.



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If I can hazard a guess at what you mean.


Each schematic will have a requirement for materials you need to gather/scavenge from worlds/buy from market. The crew skills icon will give you a list against each item.


The Rich/Bountiful/Abundant labels for missions indicate a likely return, Rich returns more materials than abundant but costs more to do - there is a mislabeling issue at grade 6 underworld trading though, there are no rich missions.


So there is no one answer to your question, you might get enough materials from a single rich, two bountifuls etc. If you need purple UT metals these are less likely to return and it may take several attempts to obtain these (but you would still get blue metals returned if the mission is successful).

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The only restrictions I've seen on the schematics I've received from UT is like lvl 11 for fully moddable orange items. I've received 4 of these in the last 2 days. What i find funny is that 3 of them were imperial specific classes while I'm on the republic fleet.


Also since those orange items get their stats from mods, enhancements, etc the level requirement falls to the mods in the piece not the armor itself.

Edited by PolishRifle
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Sorry Parmie, ill rephrase the question


Each peice of craftable orange gear has a level attached to it, as in must be level 33 to wear it or level 50. For instance the Polyplast Utramesh Headgear require the wearer to be level 50 to wear it. However, the Hardweave Jacket requires level 11 to wear it.


These are craftable oranges whose recipes drop from Underworld Trading (amongst other places). There are different levels of Underworld Trading, such as 31 - 39, 41 - 49, 50 etc.


The quesion I had was, would a schematic that requires level 28 to wear only come from a level 21 - 29 underworld trading mission.


I hope that clears it up, and ta for responding.

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That makes sense, I've just started UT missions this week after dropping slicing. All the schematics I got were for level 11 and came from the first tier of missions which yield items for lvl 10-16 (i think). It would be reasonable to assume the schematic requirements will be higher for the higher level/tiered missions.
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Indeed, which recipes for orange gear you get from UWT fully depend on mission Grades. Grade 1 would bring you first 2 sets (those without head piece, skill 20 and 60 to make, for each armor type), and it goes higher from these. I won't help you with exact Grade margins though :(
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Thanks all,


Ive got unlimited patience and two toons with maxed out Underworld Trading so Im sure Ill get what I want.


Im just a little upset that it didnt twig until now, and I was shouting at the computer saying crafting was meh due to getting the same recipes coming back.

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As it turns out, the highest level schematics are actually the most common, because more people are running the highest tier missions more often, thus resulting in that many more of those schematics showing up and making their way to the GTN.

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Thanks all,


Ive got unlimited patience and two toons with maxed out Underworld Trading so Im sure Ill get what I want.


Im just a little upset that it didnt twig until now, and I was shouting at the computer saying crafting was meh due to getting the same recipes coming back.


Hah, yeah it is kind of frustrating getting the same schematics. Especially the ones for the opposing faction. Which brings up a good point... don't bother trying to sell those on the GTN at the fleet, sell them on the GTN in Nar Shaddaa. Drived me buggy when I'm on the Fleet GTN and see a bunch of shcematics for the opposing side.

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