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This is troubling news about valor...


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What Im seeing in this post is actually written by 3 types of people:

1. GW fanboys/trollers

2. Fresh 50'ies or even worse - lowbies

3. And last but not the least the people that are already 55+ pvp rank


I'm already a battlemaster with about 12% expertise and this is a good update.

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I'm Valor 66. Have played hard since closed Beta in August, but thanks for making an assumption.


Like I said, if Gear doesn't matter, why is this such a big deal? You still have to earn the gear. People QQ on these forums constantly about anything.


There is a 10 rating jump between Centurion and Champion. That is huge. Champion to BM is small. IF you can get Champion gear, you are fine, and guess what? NO requirement for that, so why care about War Hero or whatever's requirement, if gear doesn't matter? What are you afraid of?


you dont have to *earn* NOTHING at all.


You may dont see it yet , but the whole point is how to PvP gear became a well fare thing.


And no , it most likely wont even require much time, why?


Because Bm is already just a matter of time no skill required. So that is why im sure this time they want to make sure everyone and their mother gets it.


No mate , to me that is not *earn* that is BW free giving PvP out.Why should i *earn* it?


simple i should not , i will prove , we dont need to earn it , just get it.

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Some of us worked to get to valor 60 and to get our full set of BM gear and were proud of it. if you dont have time to get it so sorry sucks to be you. This MMO seriously lacks survival of the fittest honestly! in EVE online some people spend hours trying to get 10mil isk (credits) as to where i could rack in 5-6bil a month nobody *****ed about how unfair it was because thats how it worked.


The fact that they want to hand war hero gear out to everyone and make BM useless makes me sick. why play a game and work at it for no return at all. you say you pvp for fun? quit using it as a crutch to say its why you "deserve" or should have the gear. if you honestly had fun you wouldnt be here saying how happy you are that you don't need to work at all to be on par with the top dogs!


this game is slowly crumbling and the community is why, but today's society is based on getting everything with no effort and not having to do a thing so i guess it makes no difference

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Some of us worked to get to valor 60 and to get our full set of BM gear and were proud of it. if you dont have time to get it so sorry sucks to be you. This MMO seriously lacks survival of the fittest honestly! in EVE online some people spend hours trying to get 10mil isk (credits) as to where i could rack in 5-6bil a month nobody *****ed about how unfair it was because thats how it worked.


The fact that they want to hand war hero gear out to everyone and make BM useless makes me sick. why play a game and work at it for no return at all. you say you pvp for fun? quit using it as a crutch to say its why you "deserve" or should have the gear. if you honestly had fun you wouldnt be here saying how happy you are that you don't need to work at all to be on par with the top dogs!


this game is slowly crumbling and the community is why, but today's society is based on getting everything with no effort and not having to do a thing so i guess it makes no difference


Top dogs? Ok "11-11-11" . No offense. As I mentioned I'm Valor 66. I leveled three toons to 50 before launch even hit. I build up characters knowing they would be wiped just to test out stuff. They just said Valor won't be a requirement, that's it, and all of you are freaking out.


This is about PVP. If you don't like PVP, there is something for gear progression called PVE that's alive and well.

Edited by Derian
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Guys don't forget you need alot of gear to costumize your full PvP set. The inherent mods are bad in 50% of the cases. You still need to open alot of bags to get tokens enough for the right mods or do PvE for Rakata or Columi.


I know that there isnt much difference betwem to 56 and 58 mods, but there is alot of difference from a full centurion/champ starter set to a fully remodded 58. Like getting rid of accuracy when you are using tech/force attakcs etc.


Nah let them rage. It takes critical thinking to do something other than just wearing the stock PVP gear.

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Guys don't forget you need alot of gear to costumize your full PvP set. The inherent mods are bad in 50% of the cases. You still need to open alot of bags to get tokens enough for the right mods or do PvE for Rakata or Columi.


I know that there isnt much difference betwem to 56 and 58 mods, but there is alot of difference from a full centurion/champ starter set to a fully remodded 58. Like getting rid of accuracy when you are using tech/force attakcs etc.


They said they are fixing that for the new tier of PvP gear also ... i do hope they get it right this time cause i still cant conceive what made they hit so far from the mark the first time.

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I actually wonder if there is a single thread in the PvP forum that doesn't mention GW2...


You know what the funny thing is... 70% of the ppl who suck at pvp in this game will suck in GW2 also. What is even funnier is they will have nothing to blame it on but themselvs.

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OMG you have to farm rated content to get the best gear instead of kill trading in illum!!! The horror!! What are they going to implement next arena!!?!?!?! This is madness why would anyone want to participate in competetive pvP to get the best gear.. LoL
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That's really dumb decision on bioware's part.


Sooo where are the coooool mounts then?? The 65 valor is a generic reskin of a mount you can already buy and getting 65 isn't that difficult. Where is the 70, 75, 80 etc 'prestige' stuff bioware???


And why are people of lower rank pulling OPS leader? This happens. All. The. Time.



There truly isn't any reason to PvP in the game going forward, not with GW2 coming out. Which is hilarious, since the only real end game that exists in SWTOR outside of a 2-3 hours raiding is PvP. gg bioware

Edited by TheLakers
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OMG you have to farm rated content to get the best gear instead of kill trading in illum!!! The horror!! What are they going to implement next arena!!?!?!?! This is madness why would anyone want to participate in competetive pvP to get the best gear.. LoL


hehe funny , you appear to think it will not be much faster and easier to farm wzs.


well i dont care , they make it welfare , i will care about my *welfare* when im getting it ;)

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This is what happens when PvE developers try to simulate PvP. The constant arguing on these forums on what PvP should be is the result.


Bioware screwed up making gear important in PvP. That should have never been the focus and now they are in major damage control mode trying to fix their mistakes.

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Why is this troubling?


Because you won't be rolfpawning people and EVERYONE will have the opportunity to the WAR Hero gear and people's talent will shine more than their gear.


This is a great way to effectively cancel out the valor farming that occurred and was never fixed.


I PVP for fun. The stuff that comes with it is icing on the cake.


Who knows what the Hero gear will look like or stat like and there is talk of being able to fit orange gear with pvp stuff.


PVP because it is fun. Grinding sounds like work.


this was sorta my thaught also


BM players getting it easy killing players with ease because of there gear thinking they got the skillz.


now players will be able to get BM gear easier now and the other BM players will have to actualy put effort in now :p

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The people have a life outside of the game folks should invest their time to get the gear..... It may take you months but you can still get there. If you want instant fun go play call of duty.


If you're playing a game for month until you have fun you're insane. A game should always be fun. A wide gear gap in pvp ruins the game.

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This is what happens when PvE developers try to simulate PvP. The constant arguing on these forums on what PvP should be is the result.


Bioware screwed up making gear important in PvP. That should have never been the focus and now they are in major damage control mode trying to fix their mistakes.


No they did not screw up. Gear is important in pvp. So you want us pvpers to have to pve for gear... hell that's like asking pvers to pvp for gear.. Ohh wait!!! that is the problem the pvers are whining about having to grind pvp for pvp gear.

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No they did not screw up. Gear is important in pvp. So you want us pvpers to have to pve for gear... hell that's like asking pvers to pvp for gear.. Ohh wait!!! that is the problem the pvers are whining about having to grind pvp for pvp gear.


No the problem is the PvE gear is to heard to get and the PvP gear is a absolute joke to get. For PvE, unless U get on a Raid team, U'll NEVER EVERY get the top gear but for PvP, with grinding you can. Huge difference.

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Taken from Guild Summit on Valor/Gear in PvP.



Q: we have a few guildies that are battlemaster – are you going to make it less grindy to obtain these gear as right now they are farming daily and weekly quests to get those commendations?


A:(no valor rank or warzone rating required to equip the new War Hero gear) . Warzone rating will allow you to get a different color version of the War Hero gear (its more of a prestige thing, especially in the pre-season). Valor rank requirement for battlemaster gear was a temporary measure – valor rank is suppose a PvP prestige thing and not a gear progression. More valor ranks give you prestige things like being able to be the leader of a warzone, cool mounts etc.


Im more upset about the red texted piece. Rank nor RATING will have anything to do with what gear u can equip. Its only a prestige. So my full pvp group kicks butt 90% of the time and the guy that loses 90% of the time can have the same gear as me just by putting in 12 hours a day. Not fair at all.

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That's really dumb decision on bioware's part.


Sooo where are the coooool mounts then?? The 65 valor is a generic reskin of a mount you can already buy and getting 65 isn't that difficult. Where is the 70, 75, 80 etc 'prestige' stuff bioware???


And why are people of lower rank pulling OPS leader? This happens. All. The. Time.



There truly isn't any reason to PvP in the game going forward, not with GW2 coming out. Which is hilarious, since the only real end game that exists in SWTOR outside of a 2-3 hours raiding is PvP. gg bioware


Try playing something with a actual challenge then, play a healer or a tank instead of a OP DPS class which its sounds like you are playing.

Edited by ksternal
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I dont see a problem with it only affecting ranked wz comms. I wouldnt want ranked wz premades getting gear thats not obtainable to me because of my work schedule. If they get prestige gear, that sounds good....


Ranked does have its own set. Its just the same set for SOlo ranked and Group ranked. If your not playing ranked matches u wont get the ranked commendations or gear.

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Ranked does have its own set. Its just the same set for SOlo ranked and Group ranked. If your not playing ranked matches u wont get the ranked commendations or gear.


Whats the wz rating for prestige gear then? They arnt talking about ranked wz comms?


Thats fine if solo/premade ranked gear is same (fine for me)

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Given this system doesn't have any huge unforeseen problems, I think they are on the right track with allowing solo OR group, giving the same gear and giving a different cosmetic look to the "higher" ranked gear. Can't wait to play!
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Taken from Guild Summit on Valor/Gear in PvP.



Q: we have a few guildies that are battlemaster – are you going to make it less grindy to obtain these gear as right now they are farming daily and weekly quests to get those commendations?


A: Right now if you are valor 60, the only way to get BM bags is via quests – winning warzones. This leads to bad behaviors of leaving warzones you are losing. It took away the incentives to get commendations and the incentives to get performance in warzones. In 1.2 the ranked warzone commendations will be used to purchase War hero gear directly (no valor rank or warzone rating required to equip the new War Hero gear) . Warzone rating will allow you to get a different color version of the War Hero gear (its more of a prestige thing, especially in the pre-season). Valor rank requirement for battlemaster gear was a temporary measure – valor rank is suppose a PvP prestige thing and not a gear progression. More valor ranks give you prestige things like being able to be the leader of a warzone, cool mounts etc.



This is the right way to go. If they also took care of the imbalanced grouping system they would get many more to subscribe longer. AND! Remove so that none can go and eradicate fresh 50s in 2 seconds. This is on the brink of ridiculous at the moment.


PVP rewards should be prestigue. Not give those who already win all the time even better gear to make them win even easier.

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This just doesn't make sense to me and it's bad for the game in the long run. Look at how Rift was at launch. The players who spent the most time in warzones and the ones who ranked up first got exactly what you want now. They got all the best gear and could outperform everyone else. What happened was a huge gap was created where the one side who grinded more, seriously didn't even need to try to kill the other team. Do you know what happened? People quit. It isn't fun getting farmed by people who spent more time than you.


It also creates a hole where the longer the game goes on, the more valor or ranks are required for gear. So if a new player were to join say a year or two later and saw how many warzones he had to get farmed through in order to "get good", then he would get discouraged and quit.


Exactly. All those people who complain about easy gear acquisition do not realize that their demands kill pvp in the long run. In order to keep pvp flourishing it needs to have a very small gear gap if any for a new player.


Anyone who wants pvp knows this.

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