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Let me phrase it this way


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I think the reason why you are finding that most people posting on forums about problems and are whining about it and why you are not finding a ton of people posting positive threads is because the people who are enjoying the game are playing, rather than posting threads.


I also noticed that you are only willing to give this thread about 1 hour of time to convince you stay to this game gives me the impression that you already made up your mind.


But to the topic at hand, I really enjoy the story line and how I can choose to interact with the quest givers that is what really sucked me into this game. It's not just a wall of text of a faceless quest to burn through just to max out to start enjoying the game content. True, this isn't new to the RPG genre of games, but it is fairly new to the MMORPG type of games. I run into little gems like


I also liked what they didn't include in this game. Things like cross server LFG insta dungeons where you will group with people that you may not interact with and never meet again, which I felt killed WoW's server community. When I group with people in this game, I know who to avoid and who I enjoyed playing with, or is a chance to make friends that I know I will have a chance to meet again.


The above goes for pvp as well. I know who my arch nemesis is and which guild I know to avoid going against because I will get slaughtered. This makes me feel that my character (and others) will have a reputation without being some "online youtube attention whore" that caused a huge amount of drama to be recognized.


If you read this, that would be great, but I also post this in hopes that others might find this helpful.

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OP... here's the thing about mmo type games, especially ones like this. they are NEVER finished! they are always in beta. just look at wow, it's changed a LOT since its beta and continues to do so even now. you can't look at one of these games and complain that it feels unfinished, because, well, it is... but that's the beauty of it!


as for my fav things... well, it's scifi! that speaks to me more than fantasy. and the story/voice acting... I've tried going back to some other mmos and it bugs me now that nobody speaks, lol! think this game just ruined it for me with anything with quest texts! XD

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Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later?


Actually, I buy custom items with a certain amount of regularity. My last motorcycle took 6 months after I paid for it before it was ready. I had to wait 2 months for my custom leathers, and that was a fairly quick turn around.


I buy a new suit or two a year and they are all hand made. I'm measured, and pay for them... the first fitting doesn't come for almost a month and the final at least another week after that.


So, yes, point in fact I would and do approach purchases in the way you describe. And because I've been around for MMO launches since Grand Realm back in the early 90's, I also knew that I was getting a launch product and not one that was as fully fleshed out as I would like it to be and expect it to become after the first year or so.

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