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Did I hear this right? We won't need to be Valor Rank 70 to get War Hero Gear


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Thats great news.


Every pvp player who prefers a skilled competition is going to welcome this.


(2 chars on battlemaster rank myself)


If you need a carrot go farm pve content. Players should not be farmed for carrots.

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Thats great news.


Every pvp player who prefers a skilled competition is going to welcome this.


(2 chars on battlemaster rank myself)


If you need a carrot go farm pve content. Players should not be farmed for carrots.


It's an AMAZING change.


Now ranked PvP will be about the SKILL, not who has pvped more and has a higher valor (and therefor better gear).

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It's an AMAZING change.


Now ranked PvP will be about the SKILL, not who has pvped more and has a higher valor (and therefor better gear).


My problem with this statement is that who had higher valor never had an impact on who had better gear.


Champion has been available to anyone of any valor rank since day 1. I had my first two pieces of Champion gear at Valor 4.


Champion gear is just as viable as BM gear. Its like a 2.5% stat gain over the entire set. Its not even worth mentioning and would be within the standard deviation.


Im not upset by the change - i would assume that means you be able to progress through BM gear without doing rated games - but as long as War Hero isn't massively better (only 4 or 8 rating better than BM) it wont matter.


It never mattered. Battlemaster was like this giant illusion or delusion that people on these forums believed in, when the truth was it was never important or relevant.

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They want it to be player VS player, not gear VS gear. Simple as that, makes perfect sense to me. I rather the more skilled player win most of the time.


Except, when you get a new toon to 50 and start doing ranked... you';re still going to be in your cent/champ/bm gear facing people in full War Hero, so...


gear will still matter. A lot.

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ok im open minded.how exactly are we ranked and or who does this ranking.


Probably takes everyone's wins/losses by faction/class/level and posts them on a page where you can go stare at...


I personally want some even purposeful open-world PvP but looks like the direction they're heading is warzones. Not a good sign for me.

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I really don't care anymore nothing in this game surprises me anymore.


Past 3 days I haven't finished 3 dailies... and i'm not full BM yet, 'nuff said.


Losing interest in this game. Got till 20 march so i'm lvling another char now... which is fun but i'm not paying 15 bucks a month for singleplayer. Might as well play some RPG like Skyrim then.


I'm sooo out after 20 march.


They even come with War Hero crystals in 1.1.5 which anyone can get. Don't be surprised when you see a PvE carebear with the Smirmisher Valor Rank running around with a War Hero crystal.


This game is paradise for anyone that wants to brag they play an MMO and their character is perfectly geared. No effort required, just a bit of time. :rolleyes:

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Probably takes everyone's wins/losses by faction/class/level and posts them on a page where you can go stare at...


I personally want some even purposeful open-world PvP but looks like the direction they're heading is warzones. Not a good sign for me.


me eather bud nothin like purposefull open world pvp!id like to get some kind of reward for holding a base in open world instead of a bag full off crap tokens to be spent however bioware tells use to spend them lol.

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If you want open world PvP, leave this game.


Ilum has already proven us that this engine cannot handle mass PvP.


In 1.1.5 we are being driven off of Ilum.


People say Ilum needs to be reworked blabla, but believe me that once they're done reworking Ilum it will be just like a WZ. 8v8 max so you won't notice the engine flaws.


No open world PvP in this crappy game.

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If you want open world PvP, leave this game.


Ilum has already proven us that this engine cannot handle mass PvP.


In 1.1.5 we are being driven off of Ilum.


People say Ilum needs to be reworked blabla, but believe me that once they're done reworking Ilum it will be just like a WZ. 8v8 max so you won't notice the engine flaws.


No open world PvP in this crappy game.


na.im gonna stay and see how it works out for a couple years.

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It's an AMAZING change.


Now ranked PvP will be about the SKILL, not who has pvped more and has a higher valor (and therefor better gear).


Mmm, but hold on a minute.


If WH gear comes from ranked matches then wont the people with a huge gear advantage within their bracket still advance faster?


Obviously, over a period of time, things should balance out because the more you win, the higher a bracket you will move into- but to begin with, the people who were lucky enough to get full champ at pre champ valour levels are likely to dominate and collect WH easily (if we consider equal skill).

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