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Sorcerers: the minority in pre-50 warzones


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I'm not sure if this is only happening on my server, but sorcerers are the minority in pre-50 warzones.


I was a sorcerer, and I have rerolled a powertech and a marauder after losing interest in sorcerer.


This appears to be the case for many sorcerers I know.


A lot of people rolled sorcerers when the game came out, because sorcerer is the only caster class in the game and purple lightning is cooler than guns.


As a result, warzones were dominated by sorcerers as far as numbers go, and people started complaining about getting killed by 5 purple lightnings and getting knocked back over and over again.


However, many players who actually play sorcerers in the champion/battlemaster levels can tell you that sorcerers are generally mediocre in most PvP situations where people are actually fighting.


This mediocrity is overlooked when people see sorcerers "force speed through fire," or "rescue people all the way to the goal line."


No matter how others may feel about sorcerers, as a sorcerer player, they're not all that great.


I've played both DPS and healing specs, healing for the majority, and I've consistently "topped the meters" for either specs because AoEing and heal spamming is simply not that hard.


However, playing whack-a-mole healing and/or spamming ~1K per tick force lightnings (funny how it deals less damage than an assassin's force lightning) is simply not fun.



What I am trying to say is that the sorcerer-dominated warzones will change in the near future because people who are leveling and people who are rerolling are simply not picking sorcerers nearly as much as when the game was first released.


Pre-50 warzones are DOMINATED by mercenaries and assassins, following by snipers/ marauders/ powertechs. When these new players and rerolling players hit 50, they will change the composition of level 50 warzones. (people who tries to be forever 49 is a TINY minority).


Therefore, I foresee level 50 warzones to be dominated by mercenaries by 1.2, following by marauders/assassins. Sorcerers will go down to around ~2 per warzone.



I'm not saying all this for the whole "nerf sorcerer" argument, because I've already rerolled anyway. I am just saying class balance will be more even by 1.2 (except lolsnipers).

Edited by Acyu
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When i played mine i saw multiples in every match. When i moved on to even more classes i saw less and less of them, perhaps they realised as i did that it's boring as hell to play or people are just exploring more now that they've done the faceroll class? That or it's just luck of the draw with your matches.
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my server also has tons of them in every WZ no matter what bracket


I think this may be a failed attempt to counter all the sorcs are OP threads


Not really, as you can see from the responses, there are servers experiencing the same thing I am.


This is not just some made up scenario, but it also makes sense statistically because sorcerers are the majority for lvl 50 warzones, hence rerolls are NOT going to be sorcerers.


I don't want to derail this thread to be about a discussion on sorcerer's OPness, but only to see what others are experiencing and whether their pre-50 warzones are more balanced than level 50 warzones as far as sorcerers go.

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I'm not sure if this is only happening on my server, but sorcerers are the minority in pre-50 warzones.


I was a sorcerer, and I have rerolled a powertech and a marauder after losing interest in sorcerer.


This appears to be the case for many sorcerers I know.


A lot of people rolled sorcerers when the game came out, because sorcerer is the only caster class in the game and purple lightning is cooler than guns.


As a result, warzones were dominated by sorcerers as far as numbers go, and people started complaining about getting killed by 5 purple lightnings and getting knocked back over and over again.


However, many players who actually play sorcerers in the champion/battlemaster levels can tell you that sorcerers are generally mediocre in most PvP situations where people are actually fighting.


This mediocrity is overlooked when people see sorcerers "force speed through fire," or "rescue people all the way to the goal line."


No matter how others may feel about sorcerers, as a sorcerer player, they're not all that great.


I've played both DPS and healing specs, healing for the majority, and I've consistently "topped the meters" for either specs because AoEing and heal spamming is simply not that hard.


However, playing whack-a-mole healing and/or spamming ~1K per tick force lightnings (funny how it deals less damage than an assassin's force lightning) is simply not fun.



What I am trying to say is that the sorcerer-dominated warzones will change in the near future because people who are leveling and people who are rerolling are simply not picking sorcerers nearly as much as when the game was first released.


Pre-50 warzones are DOMINATED by mercenaries and assassins, following by snipers/ marauders/ powertechs. When these new players and rerolling players hit 50, they will change the composition of level 50 warzones. (people who tries to be forever 49 is a TINY minority).


Therefore, I foresee level 50 warzones to be dominated by mercenaries by 1.2, following by marauders/assassins. Sorcerers will go down to around ~2 per warzone.



I'm not saying all this for the whole "nerf sorcerer" argument, because I've already rerolled anyway. I am just saying class balance will be more even by 1.2 (except lolsnipers).


snipers in pre-50 only work because top 2 dps skills are there day 1. Once you hit 50 its a significantly harder game. You start to lose that class.


As a diehard slinger I'm rolling a sage.


I'll take its massive mobility and survivability along with its dps over the class with none of those benefits.


I can see people rolling sin's, BH's, juggies. If you rolled gunslinger/sniper you must be crazy. I am.

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snipers in pre-50 only work because top 2 dps skills are there day 1. Once you hit 50 its a significantly harder game. You start to lose that class.


As a diehard slinger I'm rolling a sage.


I'll take its massive mobility and survivability along with its dps over the class with none of those benefits.


I can see people rolling sin's, BH's, juggies. If you rolled gunslinger/sniper you must be crazy. I am.


I totally agree, snipers are significantly weaker post-50.


However, they are very strong pre-50, and I see a good number of them as I am leveling up my new main.


I don't think snipers will ever be dominating in numbers, or even account for 1 or 2 spots every warzones because of lack huge lack of mobility.


I just hope you didn't reroll sorcerer because of the things you read on the forums, because you be thoroughly disappointed at the "massive mobility and survivability along with its dps" at champion/battlemaster levels.

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