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Commando or Vanguard Please help :)


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Previous I pvped with a Sage- (telekinetic- 31 pt build yeah!) respeced to hybrid (:|) did not like it.


I am playing a trooper and would like to go with assualt spec or a hybrid.


Cant decide between commando and vanguard. I will go dps.


Commando Pros:

can toss up heals

gets an instant cast. (going to be used on plasma grenade)

With a hybrid can get access to grav for buff to high impact, and a full auto that could proc a second bolt. (bolt will have 30+35 armor penetration)



Takes more damage

Gets an absurd amount of stuns or interupts with its spec

Better looking (not heavily weighed)

High crit rate ability similar to sage.



Who wins in a fight between an assualt commando and vanguard?


I think the vanguard though with the right build would this always be the case?


Also what are your thoughts on plasma cell and its slow effect to ruin melee that try to get on you?

Edited by Soultyr
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I have both, a 50 Commando and a 36 Vanguard that I am currently leveling. Go with a vanguard if you want to be mobile and active in PvP (and PvE for that matter). If you want to be stationary and boring go with a commando.


Regarding who wins in a fight...well you will always loose to someone. Your cd's might be down, other person is better geared what have you. Focus more on the style you like than the strength. All classes are pretty good in PvP (in their respective niches, at least)

Edited by dogenzakaminion
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I was origionally going to choose vangaurd, but accidentaly chose comando. After a while of playing i was very impressed with the comando, mostly because of the blaster cannons and tech abilities. If u want a class with high powerd blasters and lots of tech abilities choose comando. :wea_06:
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50 vanguard and 50 commando here.


If you start a Commando, expect to have slower DPS with assault spec than Gunnery until you gain a good level of crit/surge. The spec relies heavily on critting.


-Commando > Vanguard for DPS.

-Vanguard is extremely fun compared to Commando in PVP because theres a lot of movement involved.

-Gunnery Commando destroys damage charts in PVP, at least i always do.

-I do operation hard modes with both my vanguard and commando, on optimal DPS specs and some alacrity on commando for better activation speed. Commando > Vanguard in DPS.

Edited by Thekze
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Also what are your thoughts on plasma cell and its slow effect to ruin melee that try to get on you?


On my Tactics specced Vanguard I dont use Plasma cell in PvP, I use Ion cell. IMHO, the extra damage mitigation from Ion Cell outweighs anything that Plasma Cell or High Energy cell could do for you. You may inflict more damage using PC or HEC but you'll get more damage done to you as well. You cant kill 'em if you're dead! ;)


BTW, if they're determined to do so those meleers are going to get to you no matter what you do anyway.

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I love my commando and I enjoy playing him greatly, however I would definately re-roll a vanguard if given the choice. For PvE, tanks are in demand. In PvP they can deal good, if not better damage and can rack up more medals. (Protection FTW.)
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If it's a choice between wanting to tank or heal then it's a easy choice. Tank go VG and heals go Commando. However if it's a choice of dps then I would ask where do you want to stand with respect to the target. Up close and personal, Tactics in VG. Or if you prefer range Gunnery in Commando or Assault specialist in either VG or Commando AC's.


If it's still a toss up between AS for VG or Commando look through this ability list for both those AC's




The mere fact that I love tanking and liked the harpoon and storm abilities made my choice easy.

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