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[Update] Laying down the gauntlet


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In the Guild Summit interview with Gabe, a GL asked whether guilds will be able to challenge other guilds to a 8v8 WZ match. Being able to pick any WZ and duke it out. Gabe says this is a possibility in the future, but it won't make it for 1.2. God Please I hope they do decide to implement Guild Vs. Guild....
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In the Guild Summit interview with Gabe, a GL asked whether guilds will be able to challenge other guilds to a 8v8 WZ match. Being able to pick any WZ and duke it out. Gabe says this is a possibility in the future, but it won't make it for 1.2. God Please I hope they do decide to implement Guild Vs. Guild....


This is good news. :)

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I am happy you are satisfied with the "world's best pvp team" stealing directly from Blizzard's success in a lame attempt to save the pvp system.


All I hear is a big boooowl of nothing dude lol. You act like Blizz has never stolen a thing in their life. Anyway I am excited for this being a possibility.

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Gabe said exactly what I wanted to hear...


- Ilum redesign <-- HUGE admission!

- Outlaws Den changes

- PvP sandbox

- All WZ's (eventually) being faction vs faction enabled

- improved tab targeting

- guild vs guild

- Loot from open world kills (valor or merc coms)


I hope they deliver!

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Got me thinking.. Didnt SWG have a guild vs guild open-world PvP system where you could mark a guild as an "enemy" and then everyone in those guilds could duke it out anywhere at any time?


that'd be sweeeet.


Yup and on any planet!

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Got me thinking.. Didnt SWG have a guild vs guild open-world PvP system where you could mark a guild as an "enemy" and then everyone in those guilds could duke it out anywhere at any time?


that'd be sweeeet.


Yes it did. Any faction. Any guild. You were PVP enabled with them until the guild masters shut it off. And it was a BLAST.

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All I hear is a big boooowl of nothing dude lol. You act like Blizz has never stolen a thing in their life. Anyway I am excited for this being a possibility.


I'm not talking about Blizzard in my posts, I'm talking about the 'world's best pvp team'...


You'd think, being the 'world's best' and all, they would have some novel pvp ideas that were worth a damn.


Again, I'm happy you are pleased by this (and I mean that sincerely).

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