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Hutt Ball Exploit


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Don't blame BW? They created the game and failed to have the insight that this would happen.


People will always scam the system to get the rewards fastest. The game company needs to make sure that the game can't be gamed.


Do you condone other hacks and cheats in game? It is BW' responsibility to ensure that we are all playing the same game and enjoying the same game experience. If they want to continue to collect my money they better.


I don't know many that like to play with hacks and cheaters other than other hacks and cheats.

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Any and all games will have exploitable items. So, as I do see some bone head moves by BW, SW is still a great game. And yes, Guilds and players should not take advantage of something just because they can.


As for the guild and server, I am pretty sure you can figure it out. I would prefer not to name them outright since that will get this locked. And its not like the guild doesn't know everyone knows they are doing it. It was in several large discussions in General Chat. They simply don't care.

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I am not defending their actions as more just saying its like a cop leaving a car parked with the keys inside of it running and then arresting the person who takes it.... wait...



Why wouldn't that person be arrested? Whether a person takes precautions against theft or not, it's still theft. To say anything otherwise is the same sort of BS argument as saying that a woman wearing revealing clothing was just asking to be accosted. Taking someone else's property is theft. Having players queue from the other faction to throw games for you is cheating. Both activities deserve punishment no matter what preventive measures were or were not taken.

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How did this guild manage to get their own people on the other side? Can you now queue for specific instances, or was this chance?


As far as exploiting the setup of having guildies throw the game, yeah, that's beyond lame.


I've faced guildies in HB, and no one gave an inch. :-)

Edited by Baitling
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BW put the systems in place that allowed this to happen, while they might not allow it their ignorance caused it. Implementing features that can be abused will be abused.


Ok, how do you prevent people from rolling alts and losing games on purpose?

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How did this guild manage to get their own people on the other side? Can you now queue for specific instances, or was this chance?


As far as exploiting the setup of having guildies throw the game, yeah, that's beyond lame.


I've faced guildies in HB, and no one gave an inch. :-)


I think you misread something or someone mistyped. They are creating a Premade then having their same faction Guild Mates Queue up solo at the same time. Imps play Huttball 80-90% of the time. Since there are no server clusters, it is pretty likely they get put together.


Where as most other guilds would make it a friendly competition, they use the person on the other team to run the ball to their own goal line and throw the call to the opposite team. They then proceed to farm their own Faction Mates for Badges for the rest of the time.


This will get even worse when VoidStar opens up for same faction matches.

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That's pretty blatant abuse and the word will spread quickly. I've not seen it personally, but since I am not at the end zone for an entire match, I can't expect to know what goes on down there. Nor have I seen it brought up in Ops. It's hard to imagine that a guild would care so little for being known as cheaters, especially when they are cheating their own faction.
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Just proves that imps are garbage that should be put to the curb.


BW needs to get off thier arses and start policing their fail mechanics.


Slow your roll. On my server, we have Pubs who premake and also have an imp guild on the same server specifically designed to throw pvp matches in favor of the Pub guild.


You can't assume that only one side does it, and it doesn't mean you can take a big steamy dump on one faction because of it. This is happening across the board. It started with being able to roll both factions on the same server. It will most likely happen until BW changes it somehow.


While normal players like us see exploits, they see them as opportunities. That won't change any time soon.

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Lol @ all of you whining about the same faction throwing games. It has been going on since release. Get better, make friends with good players and start premading when you can.


Im sure it isnt planned. What happens is this... you get in a match and you begin getting rolled by your guildmates because the pugs on your team don't know *** they are doing and will not listen to reason if you try and help them.


If anyone from my guild is getting rolled on the other team, hell yea they are gonna help speed things up to get out of there. *** wants to get owned for 5 to 10 minutes and waste their precious time because they are stuck with abunch of scrubs that are incompetent.


I wish you all the best of luck on Shadowhand, and No One from my guild will farm you, unless you deserve it. Good day! T-Bow

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Lol @ all of you whining about the same faction throwing games. It has been going on since release. Get better, make friends with good players and start premading when you can.


Im sure it isnt planned. What happens is this... you get in a match and you begin getting rolled by your guildmates because the pugs on your team don't know *** they are doing and will not listen to reason if you try and help them.


If anyone from my guild is getting rolled on the other team, hell yea they are gonna help speed things up to get out of there. *** wants to get owned for 5 to 10 minutes and waste their precious time because they are stuck with abunch of scrubs that are incompetent.


I wish you all the best of luck on Shadowhand, and No One from my guild will farm you, unless you deserve it. Good day! T-Bow


This poster is a member of said guild. Marauder, I believe.


I always /kneel before I kill you, T-Bow. It figures you're a part of this.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I am not defending their actions as more just saying its like a cop leaving a car parked with the keys inside of it running and then arresting the person who takes it.... wait...


So if a car is running with keys in it and you take it, that should be ok? Hope you never go near a convenience store....

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I am not defending their actions as more just saying its like a cop leaving a car parked with the keys inside of it running and then arresting the person who takes it.... wait...


That makes no sense. PVP Warzones are like sports matches. All it takes is the right bribe and a player on one team can throw the match with legal game mechanics in favor of the other team.


Its not illegal if say a Bull's player throws to a Magic player and thus cause a win for Magic. It is however shady and gets reported, investigated and alot of people get in trouble.


What this guild is doing is morally wrong. Its one thingi f you want to go to Illum and cap / kill swap but do that in a warzone match especially with a ranking system coming out soon your going to get banned. There's no way game solution to stop a ball from being passed to another player or a player purposely letting the enemy cap a node in Alderaan except for turning them in to get them banned


If you see someone doing this or actually exploiting report them. This guild will hopefully reap the rewards of their treachery.


BTW best thing you can do besides turn them in is quit the warzone then again it just depends on how bad you want some points or just make sure no one ever passes to the dbag thats throwing the game.

Edited by Kindara
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This poster is a member of said guild. Marauder, I believe.


I always /kneel before I kill you, T-Bow. It figures you're a part of this.


Im just glad you know my name, because I highly doubt your name was or is noteworthy ;)


Seeya in game killa!


And for one other thing. This should be the last thing you all are whining about. We have so many hackers speed hacking and damage hacking on that server, its rediculous.


They have also been reported over and over by numerous people and still BW has done nothing... Its sad.

Edited by giped
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You are going to get banned by throwing matching in a rated warzone. I don't believe it for a second. It is impossible to prove.


BW and their numbers guy says he knows everything that is going on. Just how many Valor traders got banned? Zippo, none, nada, etc.... Why? They might lose a sub.


No integrity by BW to stand up and say this was wrong you all knew it and here is the penalty.


Where does it say I have to try in a warzone by the way? Maybe my trying is different than yours?

Edited by Talizzar
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BW put the systems in place that allowed this to happen, while they might not allow it their ignorance caused it.


Yeah, the queue system and matchmaking is really, really terrible. Sometimes we want to queue with 8 guild mates, but because of the flawed system we have to queue as two separate groups, and every other match is huttball against each other. What would you like us to do? An easy fix would be, to allow queuing of bigger groups ...

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And for one other thing. This should be the last thing you all are whining about. We have so many hackers speed hacking and damage hacking on that server, its rediculous.


I've never seen a single "hacker" and play every night. We all know who the famous Republic botter was, but I haven't seen him in weeks.

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To make this totally clear: There is no system in place that somehow prevents guild members to play against each other in huttball. Because you can only queue with 4 people together, it's very likely to have the same guild on both sides of a huttball match, if there are more than 4 players queued at the same time. It's even possible to get a huttball with up to 8 against 8 of the same guild.


How you play, or what you do, in such an situation is something very different. But the best thing would be to fix the matchmaking and to allow queues of more than 4 people together.

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yeah.. this happened the other night in our game.. 4 people went on a "nothing but kill" rampage.. they didnt give 2 snots about where the ball was.. on our team we had a guy in cubby below the end zone on our side running in circles typing "i dont know which way to go" "how do I play" "what do I do with the ball?"


this makes sense now as to why...


and once again why I say that we should be allowed to choose which of the 3 matches to play.. huttball.. just sucks..

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I will have to give kudos to BW. On the ShadowHand server we have a Imp guild that runs Pre-mades and do rather well. However, they decided to have a couple of their guys join the opposite side and throw the game. (Ran the wrong way and threw to a guy at the goal line) They then proceeded to Farm badges since the opposite team was already short and people were quitting. This was not a one time deal. They continued to do this over and over.


A Guild mate reported this along with other players and it seems BW will be taking action against that guild. With so many frustrations in PVP Warzones already, it is pretty pathetic that a Guild would do this (And to their own faction which is worse!). I actually thought that BW was going to say, "Sorry, to bad" but it seems they will be looking in to it and have said "it will not be tolerated". To what level, who knows but it still nice to see something being done about it.


As I won't name the guild I will say that if that guild sees this, I hope you get what you deserve.


yeah, they won't do ****...anyone recall the "valor rollbacks"?. yeah, everyone forgot all about that and nothing was done against them.

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