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Powertech nerfed. Merc and Sorc untouched


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I just tried 3 1v1s with a Trooper on Ilum, I got him to half life all 3 fights, but thats it. My knockback dont matter, cuz it dont knock back to fare, and when I try to run he wll pull me in. There is no way to get away 1v1 if he plays well, that means I cannot win, no matter what. Its not nice to play a class where you know your dead every time.


Talk about a lack of info. If you aren't trolling how about what your class is, maybe you can get some advise.


But sounds like it was a vanguard not a.commando if he wanted to melee and you couldn't keep him off.

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I play a Powertech - PT for myself, and yes, he can do really good damage... but NOTHING else. If i compare my Powertech to my Jedi Shadow:


- Stealth (great for every warzone)

- Force Wave (especially great for Huttball)

- Force Cloak (vanish / good for every warzone)

- Force Speed (also especially good for Huttball)

- Force Pull (accessable with skilltree)

- ...


Shadow = a pure toolbox. The Powertech has nothing (except grapple). He can do nothing but damage. Keep in mind that the goal of the warzones is NOT doing the most damage (also if many people tend to believe it). If you nerf the Bounty Hunter PT too hard he will be useless in warzones.


(I just used my Shadow as a comparison for people who don't know the PT's exactly, love both classes how they are atm. In my opinion they can stay how they are.)


Don't always compete classes with damage. Other classes then the Pyrotech have so many usefull abilities to win a warzone... know your role and use them.


This guy is correct there is no team deathmatch as far as i know, pvp is about objectives and shadows have way to much abilities in their arsenal

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Talk about a lack of info. If you aren't trolling how about what your class is, maybe you can get some advise.


But sounds like it was a vanguard not a.commando if he wanted to melee and you couldn't keep him off.


Im sorry I thought that my statements in earlier posts flagged me as a sorc, thats what I am. And yes it was the PT version of the trooper.

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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k


1. You must have been pvping naked or with no expertise to get hit by 4k+ railshots.


and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


2. You also must have been fighting an ridiculously lucky powertech who's been resetting his/her railshot with flameburst. It has a 30% chance of resetting the cooldown of railshot. Spamming flameburst can lead to overheating.


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant

3. See number one.

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  • Powertech do not have low survivability for a DPS class. They have the same survivability as any other DPS classes who aren't Marauders (and DPS geared Tank Assassins). If you take into account their talent that reduces the CD on their 2 min -25% flat damage shield by 1.5 secs everytime they're hit on an 1.5 sec internal CD between procs, then their survivability becomes above average for an average DPS class, this is on top of their heavy armour.
  • Railshot/HiB does not hit for 7k. Highest I've seen is 5.7k, but I do eat the high ends of 4k to 5k regularly as a full BM Guardian, but then again my armour does jack shizz against them. Inflated numbers doesn't help either side's case, knock it off or provide proof.
  • Powertech's burst comes not from one single source, but multiple sources consisting of mainly instant tech and DoT damage as well as timed explosion within a few GCD. The end result is still the same, and in many cases, better than the amount of GCD it takes to set up other infamous bursts like a Jugg's smash bomb, except the bursts from PTs will still continue.
  • Apparently Georg Zoeller is trolling us all with hinted changes to all classes in 1.2. All of this may become irrelevant in the end.

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1. You must have been pvping naked or with no expertise to get hit by 4k+ railshots.




2. You also must have been fighting an ridiculously lucky powertech who's been resetting his/her railshot with flameburst. It has a 30% chance of resetting the cooldown of railshot. Spamming flameburst can lead to overheating.



3. See number one.


To wwkingms:


To 1)

Agreed. When i'm fully buffed, yes my railshots can crit for 3.8+ maybe a bit higher. If you getting constantly hit that hard from RS you must have a big difference in expertise rating compared to the people you fight. 5k...

heard that happened rarely... 6k, 7k... lol


To 2)

Also agree. As a pyrotech you have to be careful not to overheat. I don't feel like i can spam all my abilities. Opposite is the case, i have to use filler many times to keep my heat low. If you are overheated, you won't do

any damage for a really noticeable time.


To 3)

Thermal detonator can EASILY take out the half of your health? - No comment, you don't know what you're talking about.


Stop spreading false information of PT damage, a fully buffed PT is dangerous, yes. But he has nothing else, no vanish, no speed, no AOE pushbacks, no cloak... All he has are 2 cc's.

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Powertec Osicat Overpower reporting in.


6-7k rails, yes its possible but to do them you need to be carefull and watch for enemy defensive cd,s and only hit targets who dont have absorb shield etc up. Best so far I done is on some 15 k hp merc who took one for 6850. Best screened is this:




But now BW fixing us so dont worry... What they do is not lower our railshoot dmg. They make it more consistant. After 1st rail there is a bigger chanse for a 2nd rail as the PPM chanse increased but have a 6 sec timer.


This mean that for anyone who still stand after 2 x 5-6k rails some rocketpunch and a few flame burst and ofc dots can feel safe for 6 seconds before new rail come. So feel safe and stop qq, they fixed us <3


My personal opinion is that they gave us the tools to be wery strong dps now, but with the new rules of engagement the 3 buton noobs wont do so well anymore. The class will still have some amazing players but the amount of bad/underpreforming pyro powertecs out there will increase.

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