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Powertech nerfed. Merc and Sorc untouched


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16.5k in 6 seconds is balanced. You are a Pre-Nerf operative with heavy armor and an iwin shield that absorbs a monster amount of dmg.. If you dont feel your OP then your gear sucks because all the vanguards in my pvp guild know the class is retardly op they end alderan with 600k dmg and voidstar with 800-900k...and thats regular for long games.


Sure it is... post some screenies to back them numbers up there´s noway a PT pyro(rep mirror) pulls off 900k especially if you got a few on the same WZ maybe if you add their numbers together it could reach 900k.

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I played with Sorc yesterday who did 955k damage in Voidstar, including dying 3 times they can go over 1 million with a little setup......Its not aoe damage either its spamming force lightning. Still lost the game though.
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I played with Sorc yesterday who did 955k damage in Voidstar, including dying 3 times they can go over 1 million with a little setup......Its not aoe damage either its spamming force lightning. Still lost the game though.


Too bad all that damage didnt actually help you win, and was in fact useless (thats what sorc low sustained damage is, to pad his and other side healers numbers).

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Has it been brought up aswell the tactic quite a few of the pyros do these days. The dot cell giving 100% snarechance. Backpeddling (since game is flawed and backpeddle snared is equally fast as moving forward snared) while spamming instas? All while staying in the magic deadzone for leap/sprint being to short duration to catch up etc.


And if you for some reason spend all your cd's to catch up with them they pop 25% less dmg taken and lol away with railshots and whatnot.


It promotes a horrible gameplay from a competitive point of view.


Can be compared to all the lol-classes backpeddling in the water in daoc while having pets + instant abilitys farming everyone else.


I think bioware a while ago stated that using abilitys which required harder positioning/preparations would benefit from higher damage, this is obviously not the case with the powertech/vanguard and should be corrected.

Edited by cuteypie
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I play a Powertech - PT for myself, and yes, he can do really good damage... but NOTHING else. If i compare my Powertech to my Jedi Shadow:


- Stealth (great for every warzone)

- Force Wave (especially great for Huttball)

- Force Cloak (vanish / good for every warzone)

- Force Speed (also especially good for Huttball)

- Force Pull (accessable with skilltree)

- ...


Shadow = a pure toolbox. The Powertech has nothing (except grapple). He can do nothing but damage. Keep in mind that the goal of the warzones is NOT doing the most damage (also if many people tend to believe it). If you nerf the Bounty Hunter PT too hard he will be useless in warzones.


(I just used my Shadow as a comparison for people who don't know the PT's exactly, love both classes how they are atm. In my opinion they can stay how they are.)


Don't always compete classes with damage. Other classes then the Pyrotech have so many usefull abilities to win a warzone... know your role and use them.

Edited by FXHell
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It's about right. Powertech was the RNG burst dps class in PvP, because getting their high numbers and kills is tied into luck the class, as is, isn't a skill based one in PvP. Either the Powertech gets lucky and kills or they don't. It really needs to be re-worked so that the RNG aspect to the class is largely taken away, and it requires more skill from the player.


Merc and Sorc are about right. They don't really need to be changed.

Edited by Ewgal
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this wwkingms guy is epic


every post he makes is in sorcs threads and he spews the same BS everytime...check his post history LOL


I don't think ive ever seen someone so dedicated to convince people their class is balanced


Well he may be a goofball for that reason, but he is correct. Sorc healers are great, but thats about it. They are a useful class, a sort of lowly jack-of-all-trades but masters none except healing.



I play an assassin and I agree with what he said, sorcs aren't overpowered, or really underpowered. A good sorc healer can be...well hard, but so can a good xxxx. I kill sorcs fairly easy if they are dps, and I have a good fight with a healer sorc, so... ?? What are you talking about.

Edited by MrXen
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pt is op, no doubt about it, merc needs looking at (tracer spam), and sorc is fine as it is, the only problem with sorc is the amount of damage they can do in a WZ, 1v1 against a sorc = easy.

(No I do not have a sorc/sage toon. I play a shadow only)

Edited by HyperThomas
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The amount of fallacious information about PT pyro damage in this thread makes me absolutely sick. Exaggerated numbers tied with delusions spawned by rage when a PT pyro focused you and you died.


Stop comparing us to Pre-Nerf Operatives. Ops were nerfed because they could kill you and then some, consistently, before their stun wore off.


Get a clue kids. The only people that think PT Pyro's need to be nerfed are the Sorc/Sages that constantly get focused down by them. PT PYro burst is nasty, and thats why it's the biggest threat to healers right now. If you nerf it, Sorcs/Sages truely will be godlike (even more so than they are now) and they will have no counter.



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This thread is probably the biggest reason a combat log is needed in the game. Maybe then all these over inflated PT numbers might be pulled back down to reality.


I heard that one guy somewhere possibly had a RS crit of 10k and a TD crit of 8k and 2 shot France.:rolleyes:

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He is correct.


If you're playing a powertech (which is one of the strongest classes in game) and complaining about sorcs (one of the weakest), that just means you're a bad player without a clue.


Are you kidding me?


Powertech is ALL rng. Sorcerer just spams one attack that heals them, gives them force back, and procs instant nukes.


I get it, that people like started crap on the forums, but really. Come on.

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I don't think the vanguard/powertech is OP, though I hate them with a passion and think they are probably the best class in the game atm.


We'll see if people start stacking them in rated warfronts.


Why would anyone stack the only class in the game without a jump or pull in rated huttball?


The ignorance of how Assault Vanguard works is astounding.


You get 30 percent mitigation with a 2 minute cooldown shield that gives you a whopping 25 percent reduction.


I mean really, Assault Vanguards get out damaged over long periods by TANK SPEC ASSASSINS, and they get outbursted by Operatives, Snipers, and (good) Mercenaries.


But by all means Bioware, nerf Powertechs Pyro tree.


Then we will have 3 useless trees.


1. Shield tree ---> Cant shield in pvp.

2. Tactics tree ----> Does no damage and the little it does is in the form of a cleansable dot.

3. Pyro/Assault ----> Nerfed because we arent Sorcerer/Bounty Hunter


For the 500000 time, the game isnt based on 1v1.


Just because Sorcerers suck in 1v1 doesnt mean they are underpowered. Its a team game, and in a TEAM GAME the class that has 5 ccs and a 20 second shield that can top healing and damage at the same time is overpowered.


No lie, if Bioware nerfs Pyrotech and makes my vanguard completely useless I'm done with this game.


Bioware will do ANYTHING to please the majority. Empire Sorcerers and Mercenaries.


George Zoeller ----> "We realize warzones can get a little lightning heavy but that's ok because lightning is cool right?"

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Powertech is ALL rng. Sorcerer just spams one attack that heals them, gives them force back, and procs instant nukes.


It's obvious you're terrible and have no clue; sorc lightning does not heal them.


Powertechs are much, much stronger than sorcs in group play.


Every very class has RNG - including sorcs, whose procs you mention.

Edited by Redmarx
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It's obvious you're terrible and have no clue; sorc lightning does not heal them. Powertechs are much stronger than sorcs, and every class has RNG - including sorcs, whose procs you mention.


No they arent. They do more burst damage.


They are a burst class.


Sorcerer isnt.


You dont nerf a class just because stupid people roll sorcerers when they want to play a rogue.

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Why would anyone stack the only class in the game without a jump or pull in rated huttball?


Err vanguards have both a jump and a pull ? Do we even play the same game. Granted you need to spec into storm ... which all our vanguards do.


I think you're problem is you don't know how to spec your class. Check out the ironfist spec for example.


more drivel.


Check out the 3v3 tournament thread that was won by vanguard/vanguard/commando. Yes we know 3v3 is not 8v8, but 8v8 is usually split into many small battles.


This is what bioware see's in their metrics. This is what the community sees. This is what rated warfronts might see. If people start stacking 4 powertechs / or sorcs for that matter in 8v8 play ... then there is a problem.

Edited by Orangerascal
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No they arent. They do more burst damage.


They are a burst class.


Sorcerer isnt.


You dont nerf a class just because stupid people roll sorcerers when they want to play a rogue.


Just realise you're bad and then you might have a chance of improving.


What to know:

- Sages / Sorcerers die instantly to coordinated melee even with taunts and Guard.

- Healing Commando / DPS Vanguard / DPS Vanguard won the whole thing.

- Sentinels / Marauders have an insane amount of survivability.




Powertechs are very strong, not necessarily overpowered, but it is true that they are alongside marauders the strongest DPS class in the game by far.



Their burst is the quickest, they have decent defensive cooldowns, and the utility of guard/taunts/pull.

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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


Wait... you act like any of the classes take skill to play ?


Every class is easymode.

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Why would anyone stack the only class in the game without a jump or pull in rated huttball?


The ignorance of how Assault Vanguard works is astounding.


You get 30 percent mitigation with a 2 minute cooldown shield that gives you a whopping 25 percent reduction.


I mean really, Assault Vanguards get out damaged over long periods by TANK SPEC ASSASSINS, and they get outbursted by Operatives, Snipers, and (good) Mercenaries.


But by all means Bioware, nerf Powertechs Pyro tree.


Then we will have 3 useless trees.


1. Shield tree ---> Cant shield in pvp.

2. Tactics tree ----> Does no damage and the little it does is in the form of a cleansable dot.

3. Pyro/Assault ----> Nerfed because we arent Sorcerer/Bounty Hunter


For the 500000 time, the game isnt based on 1v1.


Just because Sorcerers suck in 1v1 doesnt mean they are underpowered. Its a team game, and in a TEAM GAME the class that has 5 ccs and a 20 second shield that can top healing and damage at the same time is overpowered.


No lie, if Bioware nerfs Pyrotech and makes my vanguard completely useless I'm done with this game.


Bioware will do ANYTHING to please the majority. Empire Sorcerers and Mercenaries.


George Zoeller ----> "We realize warzones can get a little lightning heavy but that's ok because lightning is cool right?"


Thats not right at all man. The game might not be balanced for 1v1, but it sure as hell shouldnt be that if equal skilled players fight 1v1 the sorc always lose. Thats not good balance. You will meet plenty of 1v1s in WZs, and hopefully in a new and improved Ilum. I l know I had tons of 1v1s there.


They arent really pleasing the majority at all. They are fixing a class that was OP.


I have yet to EVER see at 50 a sorc top healing and dmg. EVER. Whats your saying is pure lying, end of story.

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Err vanguards have both a jump and a pull ? Do we even play the same game. Granted you need to spec into storm ... which all our vanguards do.


I think you're problem is you don't know how to spec your class. Check out the ironfist spec for example.




Check out the 3v3 tournament thread that was won by vanguard/vanguard/commando. Yes we know 3v3 is not 8v8, but 8v8 is usually split into many small battles.


This is what bioware see's in their metrics. This is what the community sees. This is what rated warfronts might see. If people start stacking 4 powertechs / or sorcs for that matter in 8v8 play ... then there is a problem.


If you play a vanguard and are using Ironfist you dont get the rail shot proc that people are complaining about.


What you do get is TERRIBLE damage output that is focused around mildly hard hitting stockstrikes.


The build that is being complained about here is 2/6/33.


You use stockstike and ion pulse to proc a free and instant high impact bolt cooldown.


Using this build you have no defense, and no jump. No speed increase.


The one thing you get is a pull, which outside of huttball is almost completely useless.


But by all means guys, lets continue to go down the list making every class weaker and harder to play, but allow madness sorcerers to continue using ONE ATTACK to top damage in every warzone.

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Are you kidding me?


Powertech is ALL rng. Sorcerer just spams one attack that heals them, gives them force back, and procs instant nukes.


I get it, that people like started crap on the forums, but really. Come on.


If you think sorcs have an attack that does those 3 things combined, and at the same time own people by spamming FL, I can see that you have no vlue what so ever about playing a sorc. And I would like to add that if you do not like to be remembered as a ignorant moron that you should stop posting stuff you have no clue how works. Thanks.

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Thats not right at all man. The game might not be balanced for 1v1, but it sure as hell shouldnt be that if equal skilled players fight 1v1 the sorc always lose. Thats not good balance. You will meet plenty of 1v1s in WZs, and hopefully in a new and improved Ilum. I l know I had tons of 1v1s there.


They arent really pleasing the majority at all. They are fixing a class that was OP.


I have yet to EVER see at 50 a sorc top healing and dmg. EVER. Whats your saying is pure lying, end of story.


BTW, Zoeller pretty much announced the nerf is to Tracer Missile.


Bioware finally catching on to what is broken.


All it takes is one madness/lightning sorcerer or one Arsenal mercenary to join a public warzone and hide behind a wall spamming their one hit wonders to break everything.


Bottom line is, if the other team HAS TO interrupt you or lose, you are overpowered. Your class shouldnt be the most important one on the field.

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If you think sorcs have an attack that does those 3 things combined, and at the same time own people by spamming FL, I can see that you have no vlue what so ever about playing a sorc. And I would like to add that if you do not like to be remembered as a ignorant moron that you should stop posting stuff you have no clue how works. Thanks.


Find the build that is Lightning/Madness hybrid.


But by all means, i realize that Sorcerer is lackluster in 1v1.


Doesnt make it ok for Sorcerers to outdps any other class (sustained not burst) as dps, and OVERWHELMINGLY outheal any other class as healing.


The game is built for class synergy, and sorcerer has the most synergy.


I promise you in rated warzones the teams will be 1 tank, 7 inquisitors, and he will just get pulled around to score with the broken overpowered team pull.

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