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Powertech nerfed. Merc and Sorc untouched


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The game isn't balanced around 1v1?


If it were, everyone would be 31 point madness/balance, which is actually a very good 1v1 spec and very capable of killing any class bar assassins with LoS.


People go hybrid sorc because it has a ridiculous amount of crowd control, AoE damage, and other team utility which makes it IMBA in group pvp, which last time I checked, is what this game is balanced around.


AoE roots on knockbacks, force sprint, and PbAOE passive 3 sec mezzes on shield breaks make sorcerers the toughest class in the game to kill during a zerg. In a 5v5 fight it's much easier to focus down and slaughter any tank class than it is a sorcerer. And their amazing AoE burst and residual damage make them them incredibly tough to deal with if left alive.




In a group scenario, which is what this game is supposed to be balanced around, hybrid sorcerers are broken.

Edited by Aidank
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pt pyros are OP my friend, with all instant casts and devasting rail shots the class is faceroll..





mercs i feel are weak, they are too dependant on tracer.



sorc's contrary to popular belief. they simply apply group aoe pressure and utility.


but as geared progresses its found that theyve scaled terribly and are an easy kill to any mara, operative, assasin, pt, or sniper that well.. feels liek killing them




if anyone thinks that sorc's are op need a reality check..


pyro mercs beat out pt pyro, tested with a pt pyro & have killed several in warzones, the tree is identical but the merc has acess to better healing & a 30% damage increase.

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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


LOL where you pulling these numebrs from? They are all brown and smelly.

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The only thing about sorcs that annoys me is that because of their utility and group play they are the ideal class for pubstomping.


4 sorcerers joining a WZ as a group can do very unpleasant things to your average random team simply because how easy it is to just focus someone and eat him alive in seconds without incurring any CDs on yourself.


Add to this the fact that sorcerers can get one of the longest ranges in the game using their buff AND that their force lightning slows and they can go from just "utility" to playing puppetmaster with the enemy.


Trying to chase or retreat someone else? NO MOVE SPEED 4 U!

Defusing the bomb on voidstar? ZAPPY ZAPPY from across the map!

Being anywhere near a group of sorcs? Crippled and quickly dying from stacked DOTs thrown off on reflex.


Sorcerers just have too much control and there are too few classes that have reliable counters to that control.


Yes, I can kill a sorcerer easily 1v1 if I can get into melee range. The thing is (And this is probably the reason so many sorcerers give disparate info about their ease at killing sentinels.) If that sorcerer is not alone I am most likely dead, and if he sees me coming he will be able to slow me at a very long range, forcing me to uselessly waste my gap closer and still get a faceful of knockback, which gets me off to a bad start and *may* let him kill me or escape.


If he does NOT see me coming, or does not react fast enough, he is dead.


I am fine with this, because it makes it feel slightly challenging to actually attack a sorcerer.


However what I am seeing in every match I've played today is group utility teams of sorcs kicking my teams ***.

I still have no problems killing them one by one, but when they start slow sniping me from across the map just to keep me away from them the game gets a bit less fun. Add to that the fact that noone seems willing to use any interrupts on my behalf and I get a mite pissed.

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I've got 5 bm pieces and the rest champ gear. I have never hit for 5k with a rail shot and my thermal detonators hit much less than my rail shots. If I have a rail shot hot streak I can kill about anything 1v1 (except geared healers). Unfortunately, this doesn't happen all the time and when it doesn't, I have absolutely no mobility, healing, or defensive abilities that can save me.
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pyro mercs beat out pt pyro, tested with a pt pyro & have killed several in warzones, the tree is identical but the merc has acess to better healing & a 30% damage increase.


what 30% damage increase does the merc have access to that the powertech doesn't? Only advantage merc pyro has over powertech pyro is cure.

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what 30% damage increase does the merc have access to that the powertech doesn't? Only advantage merc pyro has over powertech pyro is cure.


I think he is referring to Dual wielding.


second weapon adds 30% weapon damage. Not sure how well this calculates into more than just rapid shots.

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Can u please shut up? You already look so foolish and silly telling such things about sorcs.



One thing is sure,whoever say sorc is op definetly need l2p.


LOL ? You need to L2P buddy. Stop choosing the op'd classes, and switching with every FOTM buddy. I know how to balance and can do it well, because I can look at things objectively... unlike yourself.


Just be quiet because all you are doing is proving how bad you are to everyone.

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sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them


If you die as Sorc you do something TERRIBLE wrong.


Bubble -> heal -> sprint -> bubble -> 10000 CCs to counter any attacker

Knock them back, root, stune, slow them


or simply DD them till they cry



but yes, if you just have lightning on your q-bar ... you might die


PS: if you want to play a realy squizy class try Scoundrels/OPs

NO knockbacks, 1 short duration stune (as heal spec), no sprint, no bubble, crap DPS


Just trolls try to tell other 'Sorcs are Squizy' ... in fact they are the most stable and hardest to kill class atm.

Edited by Jahor
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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


LOL! I would love to see a screenshot of a rail shot hitting for over 4k-7k. The most I can do is 4k. I average about 3.2k - 3.7k crits. And I am fully geared.

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I think he is referring to Dual wielding.


second weapon adds 30% weapon damage. Not sure how well this calculates into more than just rapid shots.


incendiary missile, thermal detonator and rail shot are all completely independent of the off hand blasters, so if that is an "advantage" this is nonsense.

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incendiary missile, thermal detonator and rail shot are all completely independent of the off hand blasters, so if that is an "advantage" this is nonsense.


It's probably a wash anyway, since PTs have better CGC uptime (which buffs Rapid Shots in addition to its damage).

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Just curious, what exactly makes pyrotech better for pts than mercenaries?


This is mostly because Mercs are generally killed the moment they're spotted due to their reputation, and Pyro isn't exactly a durable spec so the lesser known PTs are more likely to get away with murder, while Mercenaries tend to get killed by angry vengeful opponents even if you're just trying out a new spec.

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pyro mercs beat out pt pyro, tested with a pt pyro & have killed several in warzones, the tree is identical but the merc has acess to better healing & a 30% damage increase.


the pt gets 25 crit for 15 seconds, 6% more damage, 60% more ap on the rail shot (which is a large part of the pyro spec) for the loss of 30% damage on unload (a generator provides the same damage to other skills)?


Having that 90% ap on rail shot is what allows them to shred tanks as fast as they do a low armor class, tyhe procced abilities for their rail shot is also a lot more likely to produce the machine gun effect (spammable instants...)


I'll take grapple and carbonize over knockback and concussion missile (lol talented dot) too.

Edited by Adzzy
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Just curious, what exactly makes pyrotech better for pts than mercenaries?


6% damage, 60% more (90% total armor pen) on rail shot


better abilities (read : instant, no cd) to proc free rail shot.

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I just hope they don't screw with the IronFist build. Maybe it won't that popular build with the 'nerf' to DoT defending, but I've tried Parakeet and a PVP Pyro build and everything and honestly, IronFist is by far the most survivable and utility oriented build and just plain FUN.
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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


Do you play a vanguard/powetech? Have you even tried them in a competitive encounter?

They are by far the hardest class to play and the number of binds you have to manage and cooldowns you need to keep track of; also, they are tanks without CC because all the CC a tank would need to do it's job were given to sorcs ;)


Please play a vanguard/powertech before ranting on about them and BSing around.


I have never seen my rail shot hit for the amount you painted above, but I must be blind or something. I'll go try to hit a rail shot on a level 20ish on Tatooine to see, maybe that is when a vanguard touched you and you didn't like it.

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Powertech PT is far better than their Merc counterparts for 3 main reasons:

1. +60% armor pen for railshot(this gives railshot a total of +90% armor pen which translates to about +30-50% damage boost vs medium and heavy targets)

2. AOE Stun in Carbonize vs AOE knockback(the stun is way better)

3. Better railshot proc abilities: Flameburst vs Powershot and Rocket Punch vs Unload(in both cases, the PT has an instant cast while the Merc has either a channel or cast which is interuptable)


Now individually, 1 4-6k railshot is not inherently OP. A Jugg/marauder in rage spec or an Deception Assassin can hit those numbers quite easily. The difference between a Jugg/Marauder/Assassin vs the Powertech is that the PT can hit 4-6k Railshots BACK TO BACK, Flameburst + Rocket Punch will both trigger procs that will reset Railshot's 15 sec cooldown instantly. This is absolutely devastating especially when combined with the PT's 2 stuns. You can basically take down HALF of a TANK's hp within ONE stun. This is why the PT is broken as is atm.

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Do you play a vanguard/powetech? Have you even tried them in a competitive encounter?

They are by far the hardest class to play and the number of binds you have to manage and cooldowns you need to keep track of; also, they are tanks without CC because all the CC a tank would need to do it's job were given to sorcs ;)


Please play a vanguard/powertech before ranting on about them and BSing around.


I have never seen my rail shot hit for the amount you painted above, but I must be blind or something. I'll go try to hit a rail shot on a level 20ish on Tatooine to see, maybe that is when a vanguard touched you and you didn't like it.


I play PT @ 50 and have a full champion set(my PT is my alt, my main rolls w/ 5pc Rakata, rest BM Marauder). And I can say for sure on avg my Railshot crits for 4k(on equal expertise targetes). Pop an Expertise adrenal+trinket and that can go as high as 6k. In a perfect scenario(with expertise buff, adrenal, and a power trinket), a railshot crit can easily hit for 10k on a 0 expertise target.


I can tell you right now, all you need are 4 buttons for attacks. Thermal Detonator, Incediary Missile, flame burst and Rocket Punch(i count these as 1 as they are basically used for the same reason), and Railshot. Yes there are 2 stuns and 2 dcds, along with 2 situational abilities and 2 taunts, but for damage overall Pyrotech is EXTREMELY simple and mindless. Compare that with my Marauder, I have NINE DIFFERENT abilities that I use on a regular basis JUST to dps, FOUR abilities for CC, 4 Different Defensive Cooldowns that I MUST USE, and 2 situational abilities. And I have to use these abilities while managing Rage which is much harder to deal with then Heat. Powertechs are EZPZ to play and take no skill. Maybe you should play a different class(*cough* marauder *cough*) and SEE how much harder it is.


*Marauder vs. Powertech is probably not a fair comparison as PT is the 2nd easiest class(arsenal merc is THE easiest) and marauder is probably by far the hardest. That said, PT's are stupid easy.

Edited by mistrfantasy
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PT Vanguard dps is plain too high right now. I've seen a powertech deal 917k dmg in an alderan warzone.


Even when I play my lv 12 PT I top dmg in every warzone. they need to reduce their dmg by about 20% or so because like someone else said : Their dmg is uncounterable, no amount of armor or dodge will ever save you.

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Bioware has proven one thing to me.


They will do ANYTHING to please the majority.


Im going to go ahead and reroll Sorc because its obvious every other class will be nerfed.



I will share a secret with you a skilled Vanguard/Powertech has gotten really good at timing her abilities to the point they go off about the same time with a proc lightning people up for near 10k.


PvP is about burst and these guys can burst with the best of them.

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