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Bioware, what are you thinking?


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Ex: you have a lvl 50 human smuggler and now the Chiss is available for this class you'd like to change it == you have to restart from zero.


Thing is it would not be that much of an issue if you would not be obliged to go, once again, through all the V.O. content. And players have some reasons to be upset as they made alts, as suggested by the devs, now to be punished for having done so too soon. Like before the new classes/species combinations.


still not seeing where they are being forced to regrind a character.

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I'd rather have a new playable race such as Mon Cal or Trandoshan. The thought of purebloods rubbing elbows with the Republic makes me scratch my head. Hrmm.


It is highly unlikely they will add races like Mon Cal or Trandoshan as playable races. You will see Cathar and (can't remember the name but the fish eyed people with lots of tenticles) before you see any of them. Hell you will see rodians before Mon Cal or Trandoshan as playable races, and btw Daniel Erickson made it quite clear in one of the Q&A that Rodians will never happen. So take that into consideration.

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Are you daft? If he'd like to play a chiss smuggler, he'd be forced to regrind a character (said chiss smuggler).


sorry, i think forced, must, have all have different meanings where I'm from.


I'd say if he really wants a chiss smuggler he can CHOOSE to roll a new one, but no one is forcing anyone to do anything with legacy.

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It's a game. Let's have some fun with it and forget about stupid lore



How about no.



Since when does an mmo follow lore for the love of god shut up forum idiots



I expected a move like that from Blizzard, since it's common knowledge that Blizz doesn't give a rats *** about lore anymore. But BioWare? That's just sad. (Btw, BioWare said that lore and proper storytelling would play a pretty big role in SWTOR, but it seems they forgot about that...)

Edited by Ticara
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So, if we take all the stuff ever created in the SW universe (movies, books, comics, etc.) we would have the stories of 400-500 different people.....out of a galaxy of billions.


Just cause the stories never covered pure bloods and chiss moving about the galaxy doing different jobs doesn't mean it couldn't have happened (assuming any of this was even real).


I have already decided that every character I create on the Republic side will be a pure blood and they will all have red crystals.

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Lore and Cannon? Bullocks!


Its a game in a fictional world 3000 years before the parts that really matter. Plus, who cares? Star Wars was invented to be fun, not dogma.




Kind of a lot of people. And staying true to established lore =/= dogma/unfun.

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How about no.






I expected a move like that from Blizzard, since it's common knowledge that Blizz doesn't give a rats *** about lore anymore. But BioWare? That's just sad. (Btw, BioWare said that lore and proper storytelling would play a pretty big role in SWTOR, but it seems they forgot about that...)


again where in the Lore does it say that Purebloods and Chiss Cannot be apart of the Republic or Mirialans can't be apart of the Empire?

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Im not deep into the lore so maybe someone can answer.


No where in the lore did the child/wife/friend/relative of another choose to support the opposite faction?


Was there ever a time when someone, who had force sensitive relatives, find out later in their life that they were in fact force sensitive as well?


With Twi'leks, Zabrak, and humans already on both sides of the fence, is it that hard to believe that possibly, in an entire race of people, say the Chiss, that one of them disagrees with what the empire stands for?


I just dont see the huge lore disconnect but then again, Im mot as deep into it as some people are.


IMHO, if someone is paying to play a Star Wars MMO, took the time to level a pureblood inquisitor to 50, wanted to role play a litte and say that his child resented him, resisted his training and eventually fled the Empire rather than be killed?

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again where in the Lore does it say that Purebloods and Chiss Cannot be apart of the Republic or Mirialans can't be apart of the Empire?



Read a bit about the chiss. Then tell me chiss on Rep side make any sense. And Purebloods are the elite of the Empire,most of them force sensitive and sent to the acadamies. The dark side is bred into their bones. The only known Pureblood to become a Jedi (padawan) is Praven, and he already was an outsider in his own society for the way he thought and acted.

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Im not deep into the lore so maybe someone can answer.


No where in the lore did the child/wife/friend/relative of another choose to support the opposite faction?


Was there ever a time when someone, who had force sensitive relatives, find out later in their life that they were in fact force sensitive as well?


With Twi'leks, Zabrak, and humans already on both sides of the fence, is it that hard to believe that possibly, in an entire race of people, say the Chiss, that one of them disagrees with what the empire stands for?


I just dont see the huge lore disconnect but then again, Im mot as deep into it as some people are.


IMHO, if someone is paying to play a Star Wars MMO, took the time to level a pureblood inquisitor to 50, wanted to role play a litte and say that his child resented him, resisted his training and eventually fled the Empire rather than be killed?


Because there isn't any discontent. They are just people who are conservatively purist lore heads who don't want anything to challenge or change their idea of lore. When in truth, nothing in Lore says it can't happen. Hell there is even Purebloods in the game now that are in the Jedi Order


Lord Parvis (the Sith Pureblood you meet as a jedi knight on tatooine) and Lord Scourge (who joins the Knight later on in the game)

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Because there isn't any discontent. They are just people who are conservatively purist lore heads who don't want anything to challenge or change their idea of lore. When in truth, nothing in Lore says it can't happen. Hell there is even Purebloods in the game now that are in the Jedi Order



From what you're saying I guess you never really got into the SW lore. That's not really a problem, but please don't go around saying everything about those changes is alright, cuase it isn't


Lord Parvis (the Sith Pureblood you meet as a jedi knight on tatooine) and Lord Scourge (who joins the Knight later on in the game)


Praven is the only one. And as I already said, he was a special case already. And Scourge repeatedly states that he is not a friend of the Republic or Empire anymore. He's a Sith and only helped you because he wanted to save his own hide.



But it's senseless to argue here, since BioWare is going to whatever the hell they want anyway. And if that means destroying SW lore, then so be it.

Edited by Ticara
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Read a bit about the chiss. Then tell me chiss on Rep side make any sense. And Purebloods are the elite of the Empire,most of them force sensitive and sent to the acadamies. The dark side is bred into their bones. The only known Pureblood to become a Jedi (padawan) is Praven, and he already was an outsider in his own society for the way he thought and acted.


Then please explain to me Lore Praven and Scourge, two sith purebloods who join the Jedi


There are plenty of lore that support this move. Also I'm surprised many of you forget that one of the biggest themes of Star Wars is REDEMPTION. A sith pureblood redeeming his wrongs and joining the ranks of the jedi is not that hard to believe because like i said, ITS ALREADY IN THE GAME.


There are easy ways for Chiss to join the republic similar to how there are clone troopers who turned against Sidious and refuse to kill their Jedi Leaders. There can be Chiss who do not agree with the philosophy of the Empire and join the other side.


Nothing in lore makes your case

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From what you're saying I guess you never really got into the SW lore. That's not really a problem, but please don't go around saying everything about those changes is alright, cuase it isn't




Praven is the only one. And as I already said, he was a special case already. And Scourge repeatedly states that he is not a friend of the Republic or Empire anymore. He's a Sith and only helped you because he wanted to save his own hide.



But it's senseless to argue here, since BioWare is going to whatever the hell they want anyway. And if that means destroying SW lore, then so be it.


I'm 24 years old i have been a huge fan of Star wars since i was a child and read up on the Lore pre and post BBY so I know what I am talking about

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Read a bit about the chiss. Then tell me chiss on Rep side make any sense. And Purebloods are the elite of the Empire,most of them force sensitive and sent to the acadamies. The dark side is bred into their bones. The only known Pureblood to become a Jedi (padawan) is Praven, and he already was an outsider in his own society for the way he thought and acted.


So you're saying it all works out?

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It is a great system and makes perfect sense.


What you are missing is the context of the entire Legacy system.


Legacy is, first and foremost, a Roleplay system that provides rewards for all of your characters and builds a background of relationships between them.


The relationships are not confined to family, they explicitly stated it allows for ally, nemesis and adoption relationships.


I'm not a roleplayer, but it isn't hard to create a quick RP setting in which this makes sense.


You have a Miralaku Guardian and a Chiss Agent. They are nemeses. They fight. The Guardian wins, and presumes the Agent dead. In the ruins he finds a child, and being a goody-goody Jedi he rescues it from the burning ruins and adopts it. It grows up living life on the Fringe of the Republic, never quite accepted and takes up Smuggling. In the meantime, the Agent plots revenge...


And just like that you have a Nemesis and Adopted Child relationship with your main, in a way that allows for a Republic Chiss Smuggler.


Not only that, but it isn't recycled content. From the standpoint of traditional MMOs like WoW, perhaps it is (Dwarves for the Horde! Alliance Tauren!), but within the context of this game it is something very different. This game is all about story, and this provides a tool for you to create your own story.


Legacy was stated to be a core mechanic that simply wasn't ready yet but was always meant to be a driving force in this game. When taken in full context, this is an amazing idea that will add a lot of depth for a lot of players. Not everyone, but a lot of people.

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Purebloods running around the halls of Tython makes me cringe, but I have absolutely no problem with Chiss doing the same. The lore clearly makes the Chiss out to be savvy beings whose only real loyalty is to the Ascendancy.


I'm very excited to see these changes.

Edited by Dezzi
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This has got the be the funniest collection of nerd rage I have seen. I mean, first many act like its completely bull they can't slice someone in half with a lightsaber in one hit. Now they can't bend their minds around the concept of players being any race they choose in a GAME.


As many have said, yah why couldn't those races on the imperial side be on the republics side as defectors of sorts? the logic's there and is simple.


Now if you want to argue you are THE SMUGGER or THE JEDI KNIGHT and no where in the history of star wars lore was there a Chiss in the republic then i say: You ARE REVAN in KOTOR and by your logic REVAN MUST be a mixed raced hermaphrodite.


Just accept people want to be what they want to be, know that in terms of the long term lore, the classes will be represented by the Lore correct races. Now go back to crying over the spilled lightsaber milk.

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This. Inquisitor Arzanon says this himself: purity has nothing to do with loyalty.


Personally, I always wanted to make a Sith Pureblood Jedi, or a Miralukan Sith. There's not even anything wrong with Miraluka being Sith, there's one in KoTOR II.


There's already a Miralukan Sith, albeit an NPC: The Inquisitor trainer standing right outside Zash's office in the Imperial Citadel on Dromund Kaas. She's been in-game from Day One.


Not that it makes MUCH of a difference, but there's also a Mirialan merchant in Nem'ro's Bazaar - who's to say that she isn't a Smuggler? One of the Hutta quests has you going to try to rescue 'Nem'ro's Smuggler' - a Mirialan fella (and a really annoying one at that).


Allowing Republic BH's or Imperial Smugglers, while not mechanically feasible due to introductory and class stories (and I do not ever expect it to be), is not beyond the stretch of the imagination 'Lore-wise'. Similarly, racial diversification between the two factions is hardly something to cause this big of a kerfuffle. As someone pointed out already, it IS being implemented, whether we like it or not. We either roll with it, or leave. Simple as that.

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In regards to the Chiss, for much of their history they were neutral and a rather isolationist race.


Having some of them in the Republic makes perfect sense.


The OP claims he is some kind of lore guru but knows nothing

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