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Bioware, what are you thinking?


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To unlock a race/class combo, someone'll already have played that race in an 'ordinary' class to 50. Already it's reliant on someone deciding to roll an alt. Some people will stick with their main.


Some race/class combos won't be particularly inappropriate.


Some people already have their alts planned out, or don't have time to devote to another character.


Some people won't use this feature.


I think we're good, people. Panic over.

Edited by smartalectwo
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Personally I was very perturbed at what I read on IGN about your bounty hunter being able to shoot lightning from his hands if you relate him to your lv.50 Sith sorcerer via the legacy system.


Pretty sure the community hasn't been clamouring for those kind of options and it sounds pathetic quite frankly.

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As far as lore goes for the species being certain factions, well the fact of the matter is, there is plenty of lore to support all species being in both factions. Slaves from all over the galaxy arrive at Korriban to be trained, Sith Purebloods have been known and a part of the jedi for aeons, in fact the Jedi order was founded by, or at least influenced by the Purebloods IIRC. Chiss were an offshoot and discovered by humans, those humans don't necessarily HAVE to be imperials.


As far as force using for bounty hunters etc goes. They already covered this at the summit, the force runs deep in families. So it is natural that someone in your family tree if you are a high powered force user will also have a limited amount of force.


Hell, even Luke Skywalker said it, so it's in the canon.

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Tera pulls into the harbor in less than 60 days, folks. Yes, it's hardly the most innovative thing in the world, but I'd kill for a conventional approach to MMOs at this point. I'm utterly exhausted with 'give the people what they want,' particularly when 'the people' don't even exist.


Exactly. WoW was ruined by the move to "MMO by Democracy". They made an entire expansion(Cataclysm) that was pretty much made up of things people with little foresight and understanding had been whining for on the forums for the two previous years.


I WANT a game where the developers have a firm vision and will not be swayed by the crying and uninformed demands of the forum crowd. I WANT a game that has a sense of integrity and takes itself seriously, and doesn't belittle its own design and purpose with changes as ridiculous as the ones we are about to see. The fact that Bioware has caved so early on lightsaber colors(which honestly wasn't near as bad or disruptive a change as these) and now throws this cross racial/ability thing out there...which I can't remember ANYONE asking for, is something I find both disturbing and a very negative indication of what the future might hold.


We have Tera coming out shortly, which looks like a very good game. In late June The Secret World releases, which also looks like it has a lot of potential. Then there is Guild Wars 2 releasing in the near future. There are a lot of options out there, and while a lot of people in these threads seem to be ok with these changes, I can assure Bioware that there are MANY people who are not ok with the serious lack of thought and care that these changes signify, and although I would rather not, I will move on when I see changes being made that make it impossible for me to take the game seriously anymore.

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Personally I was very perturbed at what I read on IGN about your bounty hunter being able to shoot lightning from his hands if you relate him to your lv.50 Sith sorcerer via the legacy system.


Pretty sure the community hasn't been clamouring for those kind of options and it sounds pathetic quite frankly.



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First folk insist that BioWare seem to be caving in to the masses on allowing new race/class combos to be opened up.


Then they insist that no-one asked for it.


It can't be both, people.


Chances are this has been on a whiteboard under 'LEGACY/UNLOCK FEATURES' for over a year.

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Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.


Agree, this argument holds no water.

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I was under the impression that this was not a cross faction feature. As it stands you cannot have a cyborg be a jedi. However if you raise a cyborg all the way to 50, then you can roll him as a jedi also. Thats it. Not a Zabrak to become a scoundrel.


Zabrak can already be Scoundrels.

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why is any of this bad?


They already said that your character has to have Force sensitivity in his family to use Force abilities...This makes sense...If your dad is a Sith Lord, its very likely you'll at least have slight force sensitivity.


People betray all the time...if a Pureblood wants to be a Jedi, the Jedi will let him...If a Chiss turns out to be Force Sensitive and gets accepted to the Sith Academy then let him...Its not a big deal...Its actually pretty cool...It also lets people RP the Whole "fallen Jedi/Redeemed Sith or Defector" without it being a big technical deal.

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Don't you get it? They pre caved in, they bowed to the demand of what the people wanted by making this decision a long time ago, way before the game was even released.


Who the hell was asking for this?


Seems more like they desperatly needed a hook to keep people subbed, and cross faction race unlocks were one of the easiest and fastest to implement. I mean, who really cares about the game / lore when subscription fees are on the line......

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If you're upset about immersion... eh.


Wait until you see it. If you find that seeing these strange race/class combos knocks you out of the zone or drives you to fury, then, yeah. Fine. Get out of there. If you can live with it, then live with it.


If you see them hanging around the GTN, you likely won't be deeply immersed anyway, for example.


I think I'll be fine. The minute I see the Yuuzhan Vong I'm running for the hills, but luckily, that doesn't seem to be coming just yet.

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You assume that all Sith Purebloods support the Empire and are force sensitive. There might be a splinter of which that defect to the Republic. Racism has no place in space.


This. Inquisitor Arzanon says this himself: purity has nothing to do with loyalty.


Personally, I always wanted to make a Sith Pureblood Jedi, or a Miralukan Sith. There's not even anything wrong with Miraluka being Sith, there's one in KoTOR II.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Who the hell was asking for this?


Seems more like they desperatly needed a hook to keep people subbed, and cross faction race unlocks were one of the easiest and fastest to implement. I mean, who really cares about the game / lore when subscription fees are on the line......



It makes sense....


"my dad was a Bounty Hunter and he taught me how to use a Flamethrower before I left for the Jedi Academy."


Luke used a Blaster Pistol...


"My Mom was a mighty Sith Inquisitor and my Dad was an Imperial Agent. My mom saw that I was slightly Force Sensitive enough to learn to use lightning."


Seriously though...Its not farfetched...

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Who the hell was asking for this?


Seems more like they desperatly needed a hook to keep people subbed, and cross faction race unlocks were one of the easiest and fastest to implement. I mean, who really cares about the game / lore when subscription fees are on the line......


Not really, something like unlockable species for both factions as a part of the legacy system will be something that was not only researched as far as lore goes, but one of the things that were thought about as soon as they decided on the legacy system. The whole idea of a family tree, and some of your descendants falling to the dark side and joining the empire or joining the jedi order to defy you is actually unique and pretty cool as far as MMOs go.


People do seem to think that BW decided this about a week ago, this isn't the case.

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Not really, something like unlockable species for both factions as a part of the legacy system will be something that was not only researched as far as lore goes, but one of the things that were thought about as soon as they decided on the legacy system. The whole idea of a family tree, and some of your descendants falling to the dark side and joining the empire or joining the jedi order to defy you is actually unique and pretty cool as far as MMOs go.


People do seem to think that BW decided this about a week ago, this isn't the case.


This x100


They even said that the legacy system was the beginning of it all...


The legacy system is their baby...Their excitement about it...I could feel it through my screen.

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If this is the best thay have then the game is boned.


This is that "innovation" that people have been screaming for...Its something no other MMO that I have played has done. Its new, its exciting. Its pretty awesome and its expandable.


That is your opinion. This is a pretty awesome addition to the game. Just because its not what you want doesn't mean the game is boned.

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Defection, defection, defection, every point you make can be explained by that. A sith pureblood being RETRAINED as a jedi? Not hard. A Mirialan that falls to the dark side and thus chooses to join the sith (which by the way has Sith Lords that are aliens, whether or not the Sith always like it, it's still allowed)? Also, not hard, if you think outside your box you'll see it's not as bad as people make it out to be


No no no, you don't understand, I'm on an RP server, I often enough have to deal with terrible RPers who are doing everything they can to be a special little snowflake, I do not wish to see even more tools handed to them to achieve that goal. More should be taken away, if anything.


I'll have you know that for this very reason there were plenty of RPers in LotRO who felt that elves shouldn't have been a playable race at all since so few could properly RP them. Not that I was part of that group, but I certainly don't wish to see it becoming even more easy to have a Mary Sue.

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OP, I absolutely agree with you on some points. For example, a bazillion Purebloods running around as a Jedi/Smuggler/Trooper. Anyone, that played WoW, saw what happened due to the inclusion of Blood Elves into the Horde. They.were.all.you.saw.


Depending on the amount of Purebloods, levelled to 50, and players willing to roll a Pureblood Jedi/Smuggler/Trooper, this could happen as well. Barbie and Ken overtook the Horde in WoW. Purebloods overtake the Republic as #1 race in TOR. Although, I really don't think this something to get fired up about it.


However, with that said, I am very excited about this for the legacy system. Once I learned of the the family tree I planned my characters. How would they be related to each other? Should they be related? How in the blue blazes could my human IA and SW (matriarchs, and sisters, of the Night-rain legacy) be related to my Miraluka? Easy, via adoption.


Therefore, I must ask the ney-sayers of this new feature to legacy. How is it so far out of the realm of logic, for a legacy character to "adopt" a race from opposing faction? For example, once I reach 50 on my Miraluka (favorite race mind you) and unlock this feature. Why couldn't my Sith Warrior or Imperial Agent, take in an orphaned Miraluka to be raised in the Empire?


Additionally, I think people are forgetting we already have two alien races, that can be played by both factions. Zabrak and Twi-lek. I have yet to hear complaints about this. If Zabrak and Twi-leks can be played by both sides (I know, I know Zabrak = two different clans...Twi-lek Empiric slaves and the "lore" supports it) why can't the other races?


tl:dr version.....Why couldn't my SW or IA adopt a child, from the opposing faction, to be raised in the Empire?

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What are you guys worried about? A bunch of Chiss and Sith Purebloods running around on the Rep side? Yeah, 'cause I'm sure a lot of people are going to take one of those two races all the way to 50 on the Imp side and then roll another character of that species on the Rep side.


Because they loved the Republic faction so much that they naturally decided to roll Imp instead and invest time and effort on getting a character up to 50.


Sure some of us will take advantage of this system but I doubt there will be tons of Chiss and Sith Purebloods crowding the fleet.


I doubt that many who haven't already leveled a Chiss or SP to 50 and gotten the appropriate Legacy rank would bother to do this just to get one in the other faction. Some will of course, but probably not very many will go through the effort.

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I play TOR because of KotOR.


Thought BW did a good job in this era where they have complete freedom.


But now they are just ****** the lore.


What little that was left for me to stay subbed, went down the *******.

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No no no, you don't understand, I'm on an RP server, I often enough have to deal with terrible RPers who are doing everything they can to be a special little snowflake, I do not wish to see even more tools handed to them to achieve that goal. More should be taken away, if anything.


I'll have you know that for this very reason there were plenty of RPers in LotRO who felt that elves shouldn't have been a playable race at all since so few could properly RP them. Not that I was part of that group, but I certainly don't wish to see it becoming even more easy to have a Mary Sue.


Don't RPers want MORE options? I really don't understand this. Who are you to say someone is RPing their character wrong?



I play TOR because of KotOR.


Thought BW did a good job in this era where they have complete freedom.


But now they are just ****** the lore.


What little that was left for me to stay subbed, went down the *******.



HOW?! how does any of this break the lore or star wars where nothing is ever black and white and people defect all the time...



I mean seriously, Ord Mantell for Troopers shows a defection pretty much right off.



In the star wars universe why is it impossible for a Chiss to be force sensitive or at least somewhat force sensitive and learn lightning from his Inquisitor mom? Its not impossible at all.

Edited by Mormack
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