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Ideas before rated WZs are here.


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Here are some ideas I hope the devs can look into at least.


1. Has I've been pvping for awhile (VR70) I don't honestly see the problem people have with Sorcs/Sages or dps Troopers/BHs. I'm typically able to close the gap (Operative, but this is when I'm not in stealth) and kill them or wound them enough a buddy comes in a kills them. The one thing I think needs to be tweaked is immune shield BH/Troopers have especially for healing. Not only do they have Heavy Armor, a defensive shield (I think that is their ability as well I also see them with it on), healing, and occasionally a guard on. Their almost impossible to kill. Or they'll run into battle with immune shield on and just basically heal 6 people and you can't kill him and/or stop his healing. The immunity shield needs to be brought down to 3-8 seconds. Immune to interruption for 60 seconds is OP IMO, either that or they need to reduce the healing in PvP in general or for that class.


2. I also believe the push/pull with immobilization should fill up resolve more realizing in WZ's this can make or break a winning game. (Huttball being pulled and immobilized into a fire for instance). If I'm not mistaking I believe you have to sink talent points into that, I understand. But when Jarring Strike was 3 seconds it completely filled up resolve, now that its 1.5 its only 20-30%. But pull/push stun IMO is like a double stun its knocks you away from objective and immobilizes you and fills up 20-30% resolve(If movement impairment skills needs to be effected by resolve I'm fine with that as well).


3. And as for resolve itself, I believe that has its filling up it should not deplete while in combat. Example, you get pushed off a ramp your resolve fills up like 10-20% by the time you run back around to fight its depleted and basically he got a free CC on you. That's retarded, while in combat your resolve should only deplete when its full or until your OOC.


4. I also think your CC break should reset in WZ after death. I mean I know everyone is thinking the same thing when it happens to them. What's more annoying than using your CC break when you need to then you die. After your respawn you get chain stunned and then die and can't do a damn thing about because your CC break is on CD. Honestly, if I'm not mistaken in world PvP it resets when you die. So why wouldn't it do that in WZs?


These are some ideas I had. Please let me know what you think and don't have to be d-bags I'm not trolling just had some ideas I thought would balance the game alittle. And if I'm wrong on any ability and whatnot please correct me.

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