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Finally hit Lvl50 Last Night - Impressions


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Overall I have really enjoyed the game. I played beta from August until launch and have been playing since then. I was playing 5 different characters at the same time and decided to focus on my Sith Assassin as the first to 50.


Chapter 1 was really cool, chapter 2 was sort of boring, but chapter 3 ramped up and got really exciting in my opinion.


I really enjoyed the 40-50 zones. Hoth was my favorite zone in the whole game and I thought Voss was really cool.


I definitely can't for 1.2 and beyond to see where they are going to take the game.


I think the general quest lines started to sort of get rehashed though on some of the worlds. It seems like each planet was the same old "we are at war with the republic and we have to drive them out."


Then I go to the next planet. Guess what. "The republic are here and we need to drive them out."


I am hoping in the future they get away from this and maybe focus on some story lines and content related to the individual planets. Some sort of internal conflict not related to the Empire and Republic would be cool.


Other than that I think they have done a great job on the game. I am a super casual player so this game is perfect for me.


Time to get into some PvP action now.

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