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The Best 1.2 Change?


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For me, this little nugget made me very, very happy...


"The patch will also provide the option to skip the annoying orbital stations that act as interim locations between some planetary surfaces and your ship. “We’ll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks,” say Bioware. They’re also considering allowing speeders in spaceports, but that hasn’t been decided yet."


- From


Anyone else find this as happy-making as I did? If not, what's you're favorite incoming change?

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They said that in a recent QA. It's a good change. It is probably something that should have been in the game from the beginning.


Probably should have been in the game in the beginning?


So is this your opinion again or are you going to try to spin this as if you KNOW it was supposed to be in the game from the start?

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How much would you guys like to bet that when they do implement these, the TD's (Tortanic Doomsayers) will start posting about how Spaceports are now useless since they can be skipped?


A definite possibility. The more plausible thing is that guys like Knewt will just claim that "skipping spaceports" was something that should have been in the game at launch! :rolleyes::D

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"We are no longer including chopped up diapers in our Meatloaf and Lasagna recipies!"


I mean....why was it there in the first place? How has it become that THAT is a selling point?


I see no difference.

Edited by Ossos
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Ship Droid affection gain is obviously the best 1.2 change.


If it means I can cause C2 to self-destruct at -10000, I forsee much use of him in the future.


I understand he's only got half the explosive potential he could, but that's OK by me. ^^


But seriously, optimize the poor bot for his "non-combat" use by refining his setup a bit. Give him the option for dual generators since he can't actually fight and let him do his healing thing. It'd make a lot of people who otherwise lack a healer companion for a while quite happy, since we'd all then get a ship "medic" early on.

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The second best change in 1.2: Mute mods for the droids.


I love that. It's better than new content. It's better the Legacy.


Why? Because it's a constant annoyance to listen to those droids. And I mean constant - no matter what new content comes out, I will always be going to my ship or traversing it.


New content is a given, 100% certainty in any new MMO. Bug fixes are too. Large improvements are almost 100% guaranteed too. On the other hand, small gifts like mute mods, and I'm sorry to be sycophantic about it, shows the Bioware actually gives a rat's tail about the entire game. Annoying things like those droids that can grate a player's nerve enough to where they hit the mute button whenever they're on a ship (Esc works wonders for those conversations you miss b/c you don't hit unmute fast enough).

Edited by Bonezmccoy
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I like how you can get abilities from other classes, but they should be all categorized between force-users and non-force users. I mean a Sith Warrior using a flamethrower and a Smuggler using Force Choke? Uh-uh!


I think the Legacy cross-class ability gains should be between certain groups: Force users and Non-Force users. Bottom line, it's pretty cool. Now I can have my Sith Juggernaut learn Crushing Darkness, Lightning, Affliction and Death Field

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I like how you can get abilities from other classes, but they should be all categorized between force-users and non-force users. I mean a Sith Warrior using a flamethrower and a Smuggler using Force Choke? Uh-uh!


I think the Legacy cross-class ability gains should be between certain groups: Force users and Non-Force users. Bottom line, it's pretty cool. Now I can have my Sith Juggernaut learn Crushing Darkness, Lightning, Affliction and Death Field


as its been said before . if you set up that a parent is a force user its more then likely the kid will be too vader was a jedi/sith person so luke and lea are too so if you make your jedi/sith the parent or whatever and your alt their kid then you get the force power thing its common sence

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I like everything! Hahaha


But what I don't get is when people say "This stuff should've been in since the beginning." Come on. Most of this stuff was going to be in the game at first, and some was suggestions. But the stuff that was going to be in the game at first needed more polishing so they waited until the first 'big expansion'.

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While I love all the changes that are coming with 1.2... the BEST change for me is the customization feature of my UI. I hate the current state/look of it, and to be able to move it around to my liking is A Number One with me.
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