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Legacy Ability Info from IGN


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No new race,


They would have to add voice acting for it...


Let's face it, the voice acting is cool and all but it cripples the ability to add new stuff quickly.


Don't hold your breath dude.


Voices are tied to the base class and character's sex, not race.

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I don't recall Han Solo force choking anyone. is that in like a directors cut somewhere in some star wars universe that this would make sense in?


I don't recall Han Solo using a shotgun, yet smugglers do.


Conclusion? Maybe smugglers have some abilities Han didn't!

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Yeah that... No Warrior shooting lightning for me... I was already imagining all the Count Dooku style pwnage.


*shrugs* People thinking you'd be able to have what would be godmode combinations of classes aren't thinking MMO balance in the first place. Funny thing is, it'll work with World PvP and as a "crisis mode" for anything small scale.


What I'd like them to alter is simply making it a 20-minute cooldown ability, similar to FFXI's "two hour" abilities- sharing a cooldown with but not requiring your companion. That way, it's not an "always on" trick but you can pull them out in critical situations.

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I don't recall Han Solo using a shotgun, yet smugglers do.


Conclusion? Maybe smugglers have some abilities Han didn't!


I don't recall him crouching behind magic cover or going invisible either...


So by the original guy's logic we should only be able to use one gun, very rarely, and kill most of our opponents with witty remarks whilst nailing princesses...which I'm kinda currently doing now I guess.

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If you want to think that, then go right ahead.


And you can think that a small number of the tiny percentage of people that actually post on the forums represents anything. Seriously, you keep thinking that. I would imagine if the same tiny percentage disagreed you'd dismiss them. Must be nice to live in an echo chamber.


People only want care about "balance" if they aren't the benefitting from what ever is OP. If they are it's ok, if not then cue whine. So people actually want something that they can exploit or it's useless.

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*shrugs* People thinking you'd be able to have what would be godmode combinations of classes aren't thinking MMO balance in the first place. Funny thing is, it'll work with World PvP and as a "crisis mode" for anything small scale.


What I'd like them to alter is simply making it a 20-minute cooldown ability, similar to FFXI's "two hour" abilities- sharing a cooldown with but not requiring your companion. That way, it's not an "always on" trick but you can pull them out in critical situations.


So uh...




This game was done basically by the same people as I understand, lightining is in tune with Sith Warriors and it would be pretty damn easy to balance and even if they didn't want to implement something like morale, just *********** swapping my Saber Throw for a Force Lightning ability would make me pretty happy already as far as flavour goes, would it ruin the balance? Nope.

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So you only play for gear?




I play for a challenge. All of the current Operations aren't challenging at all. The level of satisfaction you feel after downing a very difficult boss that has given your guild trouble for weeks is something you really can't describe. That feeling doesn't exist in this game.


I hate to use WoW as an example but I'm being forced to.


When Ulduar first came out in WoW, this is when they first introduced Hard Modes (correct me if I'm wrong). In order to stand a chance against Hard Modes, you NEEDED to have the necessary gear in order to meet DPS requirements (killing the boss before he enrages) and to meet the HP requirements to survive some of the fights mechanics. Both of these are gained through acquiring better gear. These fights were very difficult and often took WEEKS just to kill one boss. Not to mention the fact that the gear you received from these Hard Mode bosses were far better than your current gear unlike in SWToR where Rakata/Battlemaster gear are barely considered upgrades (and sometimes downgrades depending on the horrid itemization of mods).


In one NIGHT of raiding Operations in SWToR, we could clear Nightmare Mode of both Karagga's and Eternity Vault (assuming our Soa attempts were bug-free which is extremely rare).

Edited by copasetic
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I use heroic moment all the time in pve. I tackle situations most are scared of even trying. It is a perk and something cool. Something like this allows small groups with companions the ability to do extra things. There is a huge percentage of players who continuously do small encounters with friends only. Hopefully companions get a look over too.


Do you complain about everything for the sheer pleasure of it?


Are you talking about that one ability that has a 20 minute CD which heals you and your companion for quite a bit? Yeah, I use that one all the time. :rolleyes:


Unless it's to solo the Champion mob for the Old Enemies daily in Beslavis (if you're Imperial, don't know the Republic counterpart), I never use that ability.


This simply proves my point that being able to use abilities during a "Heroic" time is a gimmick that's only available when you have a companion out? That's what all the fuss was about?


Of course I'm going to complain about inane stuff that doesn't add much value to the game. There's already absolutely no reason for me to go to any of the lower level planets once you hit 50, I still fail to see what this "Heroic" skill functionality can bring to the table besides enhancing your already crappy level 50 solo experience.

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Jeez can you imagine a Sorcerer with the Knight's Force Leap in Huttball...


Take ball -> Bubble -> Speedy Gonzalez -> FORCE LEAP across the platforms/hazards -> Knockback pesky melee -> Score


Game would be more broke, thank god it can't be used in PvP

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So uh...




This game was done basically by the same people as I understand, lightining is in tune with Sith Warriors and it would be pretty damn easy to balance and even if they didn't want to implement something like morale, just *********** swapping my Saber Throw for a Force Lightning ability would make me pretty happy already as far as flavour goes, would it ruin the balance? Nope.



Nope. Just a special ability on a 20 minute cooldown that gives you access to your Legacy abilities for a few minutes, that can be used without your companion out. Something like Morale would be closer to the "technique point" special attacks they also use in FFXI.


Straight up animation/graphics swaps for abilities would be another thing entirely from what they have in the Legacy system as-is, and I don't see that as a bad thing either. Merely different. I'd love to see a Legacy option being able to swap for animations like that.

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I have to say that I'm a little disappointed with this idea. A bounty hunter shooting force lightning? A Sith wearing robes firing a flamethrower out of his wrist? We don't know what abilities will carry over, but it just doesn't make sense or sound like fun.


So my BH can shoot lightning once every 20 minutes while I'm soloing, fine. Unless that ability has a huge damage multiplier I think I'll stick to my normal abilities thank you.


I like SWTOR, but this is just a really weak idea.


Also, these abilities have nothing to do with an alt being the "offspring" of your main, that's rediculous. So my Human BH who never had a kid suddenly has a Zabrak child that is .... I can't even finish the sentence it's so retarded.

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Also, these abilities have nothing to do with an alt being the "offspring" of your main, that's rediculous. So my Human BH who never had a kid suddenly has a Zabrak child that is .... I can't even finish the sentence it's so retarded.



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Heroic moment is such a long cool down this seems like such a trivial and worthless system....


What the FK do legacy levels have to do with anything?


It's official, this game has unskilled and non innovative developers but great writers.

Edited by Kurfer
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Heroic moment is such a long cool down this seems like such a trivial and worthless system....


What the FK do legacy levels have to do with anything?


It's official, this game has unskilled and non innovative developers but great writers.


Oh look. It's you again. :rolleyes:

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I have to say that I'm a little disappointed with this idea. A bounty hunter shooting force lightning? A Sith wearing robes firing a flamethrower out of his wrist? We don't know what abilities will carry over, but it just doesn't make sense or sound like fun.


So my BH can shoot lightning once every 20 minutes while I'm soloing, fine. Unless that ability has a huge damage multiplier I think I'll stick to my normal abilities thank you.


I like SWTOR, but this is just a really weak idea.


Also, these abilities have nothing to do with an alt being the "offspring" of your main, that's rediculous. So my Human BH who never had a kid suddenly has a Zabrak child that is .... I can't even finish the sentence it's so retarded.


...adopted when your BH found him after taking out his parents on a job, and felt guilty about abandoning the kid. He's been your ship gofer ever since until being old enough to choose his own path, and he's picked up the occasional trick since he lived around you and your armor for most of his young life.


Legacy doesn't equal "genetic offspring". It's your legacy- your skills and abilities - at least partially passed on to others later. A protoge, a student, a child you raised- any of those.

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i don't recall him crouching behind magic cover or going invisible either...


So by the original guy's logic we should only be able to use one gun, very rarely, and kill most of our opponents with witty remarks whilst nailing princesses...which i'm kinda currently doing now i guess.


irl? :D

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Forget the useless abilities for a moment and lets focus on how the Legacy ssytem will allow you to unlock races for classes you couldnt before!


Think about this for a second.....you will be able to play a race (Sith) that was locked out for a class (ex Bounty Hunter) so you can reroll a new alt and level him up!!!


Hurray? Why not just allow all the races to play as every class from the start because in essence ITS THE SAME THING . This is like selling someone a car without a roof and then saying that once you drive 50,000 miles we will throw in the roof it should have came with. Gee thanks? This isnt a feature. They didnt add anything to the game at all. Sad

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Forget the useless abilities for a moment and lets focus on how the Legacy ssytem will allow you to unlock races for classes you couldnt before!


Think about this for a second.....you will be able to play a race (Sith) that was locked out for a class (ex Bounty Hunter) so you can reroll a new alt and level him up!!!


Hurray? Why not just allow all the races to play as every class from the start because in essence ITS THE SAME THING . This is like selling someone a car without a roof and then saying that once you drive 50,000 miles we will throw in the roof it should have came with. Gee thanks? This isnt a feature. They didnt add anything to the game at all. Sad


Except you have to build the roof from scratch.

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So non-jedi/sith characters can use force powers in certain heroic situations?




What do the jedi/sith get in return? Occasional blaster use in heroic situations? Occasional use of flame throwers in heroic situations? Maybe my SI gets to wear heavy armor in some situations? If so, do we have to carry and equip that stuff in case we might get to use it? Even if we have to equip it in a slot we could use for something else? Sounds awkward: "Hang on Mr. Boss, I need to stop everything and put on this armor. The game just notified me that I can use heavy armor and a blaster for the next 30 seconds."


Not too sure I'm very happy with this arrangement (if what I'm reading is true).




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