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Legacy Ability Info from IGN


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I can understand the need to not put it in PvP.


But requiring a companion?


So, I work hard, get these cool abilities, and you're regulating them to solo content use only. Where's the social aspect?


I know, you'll argue that I could use them in Heroic 2's, but at end game it's all 4 man groups, or 8 mans. I don't think be able to use Force Choke, or flame thrower, etc, once every 20 minutes is going to break any encounters.


Maybe the compromise here is to require the Heroic Moment, but remove the Companion Requirement from Heroic Moment? It's not like it gives decent health regen anyway. (That is to say, it won't "break" any content where you don't have a companion. It also seems a bit silly that I need to have an ally present to be "heroic" : P )

Edited by Freeborne
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I agree, actually I am fine with this because It means I will not waste my time to strive to get something so useless. Good job, thanks for clarifying how absurd this is. Its like collecting pets in WoW. Something for players who like collecting useless things.

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Did you bother to read about 1.2?


Seriously have you read ANYTHING about it?


The removal of Ilum pvp?

The addition of another same-faction warzone?

The removal of light/dark side color crystal requirements?

The removal of achievement-based metrics for various speeders and making them vendor-sold?


Oh wait, the rackgoul raid that's got everyone in a buzz of excitement and anticipation is what you must be pumped over. Gotcha.


They're failing MMO gamers with this game. Look at the overwhelming backlash on their forums. People wouldn't be so upset if they didn't want something of higher quality. Just because you may be content with a sub-par MMO experience doesn't mean everyone else should be.

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So its useless, got it.


This guy said it best. Who cares about this? Leveling is already a joke as its incredibly easy to hit 50. They should be focusing on ways to make endgame more worthwhile through the Legacy system instead of making an already easy-to-level MMO even easier.

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The removal of Ilum pvp?

The addition of another same-faction warzone?

The removal of light/dark side color crystal requirements?

The removal of achievement-based metrics for various speeders and making them vendor-sold?


Oh wait, the rackgoul raid that's got everyone in a buzz of excitement and anticipation is what you must be pumped over. Gotcha.


They're failing MMO gamers with this game. Look at the overwhelming backlash on their forums. People wouldn't be so upset if they didn't want something of higher quality. Just because you may be content with a sub-par MMO experience doesn't mean everyone else should be.


Adding new Warzone.


Adding new flashpoint


Adding new operation.


Yup, that's all single player oriented all right.




What MMO do you play?

I'd like to know what you consider a good MMO to be.

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I don't recall Han Solo force choking anyone. is that in like a directors cut somewhere in some star wars universe that this would make sense in?


This is a roleplaying game, of the multiplayer variety.


It requires a bit of imagination and some out of the norm thinking.


Now I know lightsabers, laser blasters, using the force at all, space travel, hyperspace travel, interplanetary settlements and dozens of alien races are all perfectly explainable and normal for you to experience in this game.... so I can absolutely see why this would bother you....


It's almost akin to being able to mail a piece of gear your Orc DK was just wearing to your Dwarf Paladin, having it arrive instantly, and it fits perfect as well as adjusting to that toons' level. Kind of like....


Having multiple characters on the same account and it works in a synergistic manner.....



Yer right. What were they thinking?:rolleyes:

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"Other Legacy unlocks will not be available until you've leveled a class to 50, however. Such is the case with unlocking new skills. Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible, though with some significant limitations.


A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. "It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."




So no use in PvP it seems and only during a heroic moment use.



And my worries vanish. That does sound awesome. :)

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I get that they don't want to unbalance ops/wz's. Ok.


But at the same time, limiting the use to the duration of heroic moments means they'll be pretty rare. I don't think most of us use it on CD, and it's a long CD. I save it for emergencies, and I go hours between emergencies.


I think a reasonable compromise would be allowing the use of legacy abilities only when you have a companion out. That way their still out of ops/warzones, but you can use them regularly while questing.

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I feel 100% better about it now.


When I saw the video at first I was very anti. A smuggler with force choke??!?!


But I guess if it's a heroic moment then it's not too bad. At worst you might see people with crazy combos in flashpoints but all in all it adds to the 'fun/cool factor'.


Okay. I'm sold. All looking good so far.


Main thing I was happy about? ---- delaying 1.2. Now I have longer to get my crystal and speeder!


I like this - if a smuggler could force choke me in a warzone, then I would just quit. I don't want to see force lightning wielding bounty hunters. It isn't consistent with the SW theme, and so it would wreck my immersion. The way ti si being implemented, as a nice fun factor for those who want to use it - that is fine.

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Adding new Warzone.


Adding new flashpoint


Adding new operation.


Yup, that's all single player oriented all right.




What MMO do you play?

I'd like to know what you consider a good MMO to be.


Flashpoint - Don't need to bother with at all if you're in a raiding guild. You can get all the gear you need from normal/hard runs of any current Operation. I stopped doing FPs the second I started raiding. I hate to use WoW as an example but at least in WoW, instances were still worth running since you could use the tokens for dual spec gear/Biometric Alloy equivalent/crafting materials/Reputation for more gear or crafting stuff/etc.


Operation - Will most likely be extremely buggy with annoying issues that I expect to be similar to Soa's issues (that they still haven't fixed yet, btw).


Warzone - Sure it will be fun for the first couple days but will quickly become dull and boring once you realize there's no point in doing this, especially if you're already decked in Battlemaster gear. Rated Warzones are what BW should be focusing on and it looks like they are already failing in this category since as everyone feared, they are only allowing Parties to queue instead of Operations (meaning two separate premades instead of one Operation).

Edited by copasetic
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I don't recall Han Solo force choking anyone. is that in like a directors cut somewhere in some star wars universe that this would make sense in?


Point of order. It's a LEGACY skill.


It's not what Han Solo can do that matters, it's what the off spring of Han and Leia Solo could do that is represented by this skill.

Edited by Freeborne
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I'm pretty happy about racial unlocks being tied to your level 50 characters. My one level 50 is a chiss bounty hunter, and my main hope with the legacy race options was making a Chiss sorceror. Looks like I'm good to go.
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Flashpoint - Don't need to bother with at all if you're in a raiding guild. You can get all the gear you need from normal/hard runs of any current Operation. I stopped doing FPs the second I started raiding. I hate to use WoW as an example but at least in WoW, instances were still worth running since you could use the tokens for dual spec gear/Biometric Alloy equivalent/crafting materials/Reputation for more gear or crafting stuff/etc.


Operation - Will most likely be extremely buggy with annoying issues that I expect to be similar to Soa's issues (that they still haven't fixed yet, btw).


Warzone - Sure it will be fun for the first couple days but will quickly become dull and boring once you realize there's no point in doing this, especially if you're already decked in Battlemaster gear. Rated Warzones are what BW should be focusing on and it looks like they are already failing in this category since as everyone feared, they are only allowing Parties to queue instead of Operations (meaning two separate premades instead of one Operation).


So you only play for gear?



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So you only play for gear?




Why else are you playing for?


The deep, meaningful team-building experience that this game enthralls?


Or the amazing, completely polished Flashpoints/Operations that do not ever bug out and would never hamper guild progression (Soa is such a great boss)?


This tells me that you either don't have a Level 50 character or if you do, after multiple weeks of being at 50, you're still wearing Blues/Oranges.


I have two chars at 50. One is a Sin Tank that only needs to do Operations and grind a bit of WZs to get BM. My other Level 50 is a Marauder that also only needs to do Operations and quite a few WZs to get my Champion/BM gear. But with tomorrow's patch, this should fasten the process exponentially, thank God.


Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that without the thirst/obsession to get my character better gear, there is absolutely no reason for me to play this game. And that goes for most MMO, however others offer different features that don't always have to do with gear progression (i.e. EVE Online).

Edited by lollermittens
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The best news we got is that MOST of us that are playing on ghost town servers and only staying because of our legacy levels can freely re-roll on one of the fewer high pop servers.


Since the legacy system is basically useless. :)


Not sure why everyone expect any less? Can't wait to get my guild to re-roll; they were all waiting for legacy system announcement first. I think this won't be a hard sale :)

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Anything about the new race?


No new race,


They would have to add voice acting for it...


Let's face it, the voice acting is cool and all but it cripples the ability to add new stuff quickly.


Don't hold your breath dude.

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So it's a gimmick? Got it.


For a minute I thought that this game was done in terms of balance but since it will be related to solo experiences, it's a completely useless gimmick.


I use heroic moment all the time in pve. I tackle situations most are scared of even trying. It is a perk and something cool. Something like this allows small groups with companions the ability to do extra things. There is a huge percentage of players who continuously do small encounters with friends only. Hopefully companions get a look over too.


Do you complain about everything for the sheer pleasure of it?

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No new race,


They would have to add voice acting for it...


Let's face it, the voice acting is cool and all but it cripples the ability to add new stuff quickly.


Don't hold your breath dude.


The voice acting is straight forward. Get a new voice ... get them to read the script and record it. It is actually the issue of character scale, textures and animation that takes time. Bioware has already stated they plan on adding non-human races but it is the game play mechanics that take the most time. I would bet Bioware isn't planning on yet another pointless human race ... the fans vocally already are displeased with the lack of variety that adds.

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