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Legacy idea


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This may help server population balance somewhat too. How many times yuh been in ilum or a hutt ball match and thought to yourself, " damn if i was just on the otherside i wouldnt constantly get hutt ball or just roam endlessly looking for Pubs" as is the case on my server cause there pop is pretty low


So why not allow with legacy the option to purchase the mirror class to your 50 on the other faction on your server? In my case the mirror to my sniper on pub side. Might go a long way to putting some pop balance on server and genuinely makes legacy valuable. Heck the mirror toon could be a long lost cousin:)


Thoughts and flames if there are any would be apreciated




Edit: Just for clarifictaion i dont knw what valor youd start with or what tier gear, havent even thought about that till now. Personally i could deal with crappy gear and a lowball valorlevel. Just being able to swap factions without having to level up would be a neat feature

Edited by Horndrid
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Personally if I wanted to play on the republic side I would have made a character there to start with. I also don't like the idea of "free" max leveled characters being given out. It'd be the same problem as in Beta where you have a high level toon and no idea how they work. I'd rather have extra character slots as a perk.


Besides the classes aren't exactly "Mirrored" they may be close but not really.


This would just be another big red "easy" button.


No Thanks!

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