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In the 1.2 video, Did I see this right?


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Yeah, why don't up bring up more "amazing" stuff that has been "contributed" to the Star Wars lore, like black lightsabers, lightwips etc. :rolleyes:


I don't mind people having no regard whatsoever for the Star Wars franchise or lore, but when those same individuals get to influence the lore by making utter crap like this "canon", then it's all out the window.


Now, I'm going to wait and see what these Legacy abilities are all about, I can only hope it's nothing close to what I suspect it is, because that would be truly sad IMO.




More info from IGN:




"Other Legacy unlocks will not be available until you've leveled a class to 50, however. Such is the case with unlocking new skills. Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible, though with some significant limitations.


A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. "It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."




So no use in PvP it seems and only during a heroic moment use.

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OH right sorry. Having standards for games in 2012 = stupid. My mistake, I'm supposed to keep remembering how WoW was 8 years ago.


fine line between having "standards" and unrealistic expectations. i agree that some of the features being shown in the trailer should have been in at release, but attempting to claim that there is no work being done, or that 1.2 isnt a large patch is pretty frankly unfair. the game still needs some work, but then what game doesnt?

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To the people worried about balance and all:





"Other Legacy unlocks will not be available until you've leveled a class to 50, however. Such is the case with unlocking new skills. Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible, though with some significant limitations.


A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. "It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."




So no use in PvP it seems and only during a heroic moment use.

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let me let you in on a little secret.....now don't tell anyone else...but...Bioware did not make KOTOR 2 :eek:


Bioware gets popular game concept going.


Later implementation turns to bantha poodoo due to insufficient development. Happened when Bioware passed KOTOR to Obsidian, happening now with the whole Mythic/Bioware conglomeration as well. Big difference is being an MMO, they can actually add in the missing bits and fixes as they go along. I knew going in this game was incomplete and "in progress".

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Just because you hate it doesn't mean everyone else does. They're trying to make this to where the majority of the players enjoy the Legacy System...


Once you get away from the core of an IP, the very soul of it its over, especially Star Wars. SWG tried this and it's now the model of what not to do.


Sith Purebloods as Jedi?


I DEMAND a yoda species sith then.

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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


Maybe not exactly this, but yea, kinda this.


I don't understand how modern day developers get away with this stuff. People need to demand more for their money.

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omg really?..... different time period so it does not count?.... ok let me give an example here. on Hutta there is a quest that has you either kill a father and send the son to Korriban to be sith or let him go. So if you let him go don't you think his father would have taught him some force tricks to use along with his blaster? ....ya it's called having an opened mind and seeing that not every force user get found and trained one way or the other...or maybe they just escaped because they did not want that lifestyle.....hardly game breaking.

I didn't say it was game breaking. However, in my opinion, it does severely damages the integrity of the game. Class defining abilities should not be available to other classes.

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Yeah, why don't up bring up more "amazing" stuff that has been "contributed" to the Star Wars lore, like black lightsabers, lightwips etc. :rolleyes:


I don't mind people having no regard whatsoever for the Star Wars franchise or lore, but when those same individuals get to influence the lore by making utter crap like this "canon", then it's all out the window.


Now, I'm going to wait and see what these Legacy abilities are all about, I can only hope it's nothing close to what I suspect it is, because that would be truly sad IMO.




first off where did I say anything about lightwhips? lol it's people like you that don't get it. I was only bringing up facts about how someone other than a sith or Jedi could use the force....and what specifically did I say that makes any crap into canon? Canon is what was written and in the films correct? and maybe I am crazy but the certain BH I mentioned is in episode 1 and you maybe one of those people who hates the new trilogy but because you don't like it does not make it any less canon.

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Once you get away from the core of an IP, the very soul of it its over, especially Star Wars. SWG tried this and it's now the model of what not to do.


Sith Purebloods as Jedi?


I DEMAND a yoda species sith then.


Yoda species aren't even available as Jedi, why would they be available as Sith? xD

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The Legacy system is starting to go from things people were looking forward to things that are going to ruin it, the IGN article will kick up a storm

Players have the tendency to imagine up great things then get annoyed at Bioware/Developers for not implementing them or doing what they thought they should do.

Damned if they do, damned if they dont sometimes

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Lol Thats great, but what is the point then? Who actually does anything with their companion at level 50 other than dailies?


It's once you leveled A CLASS to 50.


You won't get the abilities until you have at lease one class at 50.

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Lol Thats great, but what is the point then? Who actually does anything with their companion at level 50 other than dailies?


Um. PVP. ._.



And by PVP i don't mean warzones, I mean duels, obviously.

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Maybe not exactly this, but yea, kinda this.


I don't understand how modern day developers get away with this stuff. People need to demand more for their money.


I have been getting 30 plus hours per month of entertainment since it released (likely closer to 100 plus the first month).

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Lore-wise, these changes are near absurd.


Well I don't know a damn thing about SW lore, and couldn't give a crap either way, but Bioware/EA/Lucas are here to make money, not to pacify the fanboys. And if making every creature in the galaxy force sensitive makes them more money, you can be sure they'll try and do it.

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fine line between having "standards" and unrealistic expectations. i agree that some of the features being shown in the trailer should have been in at release, but attempting to claim that there is no work being done, or that 1.2 isnt a large patch is pretty frankly unfair. the game still needs some work, but then what game doesnt?


I don't find having standards on EA, Bioware and Lucas Arts, which we can consider video game giants with a budget of reported 300 million is unfair. The only thing I consider worthy of this patch is the new FP, Op and Warzone. Everything else doesn't impress me, because it should have been in the game already. And like you said, the game still needs more work.


EA should have learned from DA2 and from past failed MMOs like WAR and SWG that you do not release an incomplete game. A bugged one, sure. That's expected. But never incomplete. No excuse for that.

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Once you get away from the core of an IP, the very soul of it its over, especially Star Wars. SWG tried this and it's now the model of what not to do.


Sith Purebloods as Jedi?


I DEMAND a yoda species sith then.


This was already in the game.


Spoilers for Jedi Knight



Praven, a Sith Pureblood and an apprentice of Darth Angral (Final boss of Act 1) turns away from the dark side, and goes to Tython where he trains as a Jedi.


Lord Scrouge (The Empires right hand man) becomes a companion for the Jedi Knight



I don't mind that at all. Unless you thought the Pureblood Sith were the equivalent of Yoda's species? IE: Yoda's species is only Lightside, Pureblood Sith only darkside?


But Yoda's species is never fleshed out. I think we see, what? 4? in the entire lore?

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