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In the 1.2 video, Did I see this right?


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What's wrong with a smuggler being able to swap out Dirty Kick for Force Choke balance-wise? They're both stuns, and it lets the smuggler be more unique. I'm guessing these new skills will only be PvE anyways, like the abilities you can use on non-lucent, non-elite mobs.


I'm also looking forward to playing a Pureblood Sentinel who struggles between light and dark side. Being encouraged to not just min/max light/dark is awesome.

Edited by Teirdome
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Ok, this patch looks awesome... but, I do not like the ability thing.... AT ALL. If they added it as a social, fine. But a Smuggler Force Choking? Ugh.

If they give out force powers to non-force toons....jumping the shark comes to mind.


Anyhow, giving out class defining abilities is a quick way for me to leave this game.

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Leveling alts does help. I am sitting on 14 leg points now running a lvl 50/ 45 PvP rank, 30 Gunslinger 10 PvP rank and a 27 Vanguard. Leveling the alts is a great way to make Legacy points. But not the only way, no.


I have a 50 and 3 alts in the 30s.


The point I was making that if instead of doing the alts, I spent the same time on my 50 - I would be way higher than legacy 22. You can accrue it much faster with high level content.

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SWTOR launched with a basic template filled in. That was it.


You could go out, download 50 MMORPG's F2P, B2P, P2P and all of them would have more features than SWTOR has.


You know what it feels like? It feels like this game's multiplayer/features were decided upon in 2005. By the time GW2 will drop, SWTOR will be so far behind in features, it'll be collecting dust until EA pushes it F2P with a B2W cash shop.


Games done. They made horrible, horrible decisions ala Warhammer, and they'll suffer for it, again.


That's the saddest part. Learn from your mistakes, and grow. They learnt nothing from Warhammer.


They better hope no private servers starts popping up. You'll see an Aion type situation then (Private server had more players than Official NA ones). Only SWTOR is less complex than Aion, so a private server would probably have the entire game working within 6 months.



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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


You do realize this game has Bioware Syndrome- released before the devs sensibly would have wanted it to be. Like KOTOR 2.


Their corporate masters wanted the Christmas-time sales more than a fully finished product. I expected that going in, and I'm enjoying what I'm seeing come along now.

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It's missing one key feature...


My Sorceror goes around murdering crippled old men. He orders his pet Deshade to eat people. He Force-shocks his own crew. In general, he puts up with absolutely zero shab from anyone. In spite of all that, somehow I cann't get rid of that bucket of bolts on my ship that kisses my arse every time I pass by. I can't kill it, and I guess that's fine... but can I please at least shock it into silence with a new /silencedroid command?

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You do realize this game has Bioware Syndrome- released before the devs sensibly would have wanted it to be. Like KOTOR 2.


Their corporate masters wanted the Christmas-time sales more than a fully finished product. I expected that going in, and I'm enjoying what I'm seeing come along now.


Bioware didn't do KOTOR 2 though.

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You do realize this game has Bioware Syndrome- released before the devs sensibly would have wanted it to be. Like KOTOR 2.


Their corporate masters wanted the Christmas-time sales more than a fully finished product. I expected that going in, and I'm enjoying what I'm seeing come along now.


let me let you in on a little secret.....now don't tell anyone else...but...Bioware did not make KOTOR 2 :eek:

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That's basically pre-Degobah Luke. Force sensitive, uses a blaster for the most part. Knows a few force tricks. I see no real problem.

Completely different era and context. In the Star Wars era force users are rare and anybody found to have force abilities would be sent to Korriban and trained as a Sith.


Yes, I know force sensitive people could develop some tricks. I believe there is a companion who is not a Jedi/Sith, but has a few force tricks. But adding it to the legacy system is a jumping the shark moment for this game. And it will come in the 2nd major content patch. If they are willing to make this move so early in the game's life, what are they willing to do in the future?

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What the crap is this bioware.


Why do I see party Queue for ranked Warzones and not Operation Queue?


Are you kidding me? So you are going to rank us on 4 man groups when we can't control how bad the other 4 players we get stuck with are?


Well, I am expecting to unsubscribe from this game shortly if this bullcrap keeps up.

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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


Welcome to MMOs. Enjoy your stay.

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What I find funny is the people upset at the fact a smuggler can force choke...guess no one had heard of Aurra Sing? or the fact the legacy system is making alts reletives...so maybe that smuggler is the son of some Sith lord/Jedi master who decided not to go into the family business....man people will cry just about anything...and yes I am crying about people crying!! :D


Yeah, why don't up bring up more "amazing" stuff that has been "contributed" to the Star Wars lore, like black lightsabers, lightwips etc. :rolleyes:


I don't mind people having no regard whatsoever for the Star Wars franchise or lore, but when those same individuals get to influence the lore by making utter crap like this "canon", then it's all out the window.


Now, I'm going to wait and see what these Legacy abilities are all about, I can only hope it's nothing close to what I suspect it is, because that would be truly sad IMO.



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Completely different era and context. In the Star Wars era force users are rare and anybody found to have force abilities would be sent to Korriban and trained as a Sith.


Yes, I know force sensitive people could develop some tricks. I believe there is a companion who is not a Jedi/Sith, but has a few force tricks. But adding it to the legacy system is a jumping the shark moment for this game. And it will come in the 2nd major content patch. If they are willing to make this move so early in the game's life, what are they willing to do in the future?


omg really?..... different time period so it does not count?.... ok let me give an example here. on Hutta there is a quest that has you either kill a father and send the son to Korriban to be sith or let him go. So if you let him go don't you think his father would have taught him some force tricks to use along with his blaster? ....ya it's called having an opened mind and seeing that not every force user get found and trained one way or the other...or maybe they just escaped because they did not want that lifestyle.....hardly game breaking.

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This is the game I was supposed to love for years and years..this upsets me. That is all.


This. I couldn't agree with this more. I followed this game from announcement for years, totally excited, pumped because I thought it would keep my occupied for years long after WoW fizzled away. Defended it tirelessly against skeptics. Instead I am disappoint. :(

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You do realize this game has Bioware Syndrome- released before the devs sensibly would have wanted it to be. Like KOTOR 2.


Their corporate masters wanted the Christmas-time sales more than a fully finished product. I expected that going in, and I'm enjoying what I'm seeing come along now.


KOTOR 2 was Obsidian, not Bioware.

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