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other classes, and adv. class


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so this is my first MMORPG, and my first charachter.

im playing a jedi knight, and im leaning towards sentinel.

(im not sure how psyched i am about the dual light sabre thing, but meh.)

here's my first question:

is the only real difference between guardian and sentinel, defense vs. offense?


and the other question is:

so there are friends of mine in the guild, and they are other classes, when and where

can we actually do stuff together? the only people i see are either fellow Knights, or consulars. i get that we're on the jedi start world, but how long does that last?


thanks for the help!


~ Oz

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Guardian can spec for Melee DPS or Tank.

Sentinel is Melee DPS only.


After you leave your starter planet (somewhere about lvl 8-10) you'll be able to interact with the other classes. You'll first go to fleet and then to your capital world. Once you get to fleet you can get to the other starter planet, so it's posssible that someone who gets to fleet first can go to the other planet to play together. However they cannot take the other starter planet's quests other than heroics. Most of the time people just hook up once they get to their fleet/capital world.


BTW one small point, if you dual wield you'll need keep two lightsabers up to spec. You find yourself buying hilts, crystals and enhancements for TWO lightsabers. No big deal, but there is a cost to this. When you start crafting, you might want to look at the Artifice - Archeology - Treasure Hunting route so you can build your own upgrades. Here is a thread about crafting and crew skills


Edited by Owsley
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so this is my first MMORPG, and my first charachter.

im playing a jedi knight, and im leaning towards sentinel.

(im not sure how psyched i am about the dual light sabre thing, but meh.)

here's my first question:

is the only real difference between guardian and sentinel, defense vs. offense?


With guardiance, they can choose one or the other where as a Sentinels sole purpose in life is to just be on the offense.



and the other question is:

so there are friends of mine in the guild, and they are other classes, when and where

can we actually do stuff together? the only people i see are either fellow Knights, or consulars. i get that we're on the jedi start world, but how long does that last?


once you get around level 10 and finish up your class quest on the first planet, you will get a quest taking you to the republic fleet. from there you can meet up with your friends. The first flash point you will find you have access too is Esseles.

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Guardian has one defence (tank) skill tree and 2 damage skill trees. Sentinel has 3 damage specs.


The difference between tank specced guardian and damage specced guardian is defense/offence

The difference between tank specced guardian and sentinel is defense/offence


The difference between damage specced guardian and sentinel is not. There is no such difference. They just have slightly different abilities.



As for the other thing.

You can complete your starting planet in slightly over 2 hours. After that you'll be going through same planets as the people who started on the other starting planet through about

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