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Hate grav/tracer spam? You are the 99%


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Having played a BH, I heard lots of complaints about tracer spamming. However, any good BH should not be spamming it, in fact, at level 50, you should only cast it 2 (maybe 3 times opening) in succession, otherwise, rail shot\heatseeker\and unload should be commonly used. (I do however note that at lower levels spamming is more common since the other skills are not viable options due to skill points). At level 50 however, I find no issue with tracer/grav spammers. If I go up against a spammer, I can take them down with my combo and still have half health when they are dead. Furthermore, anyone going up against a spammer simply needs to send an interrupt and we are screwed.
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It's not as much of an issue at 50, as it is at 10-49. Mainly because most classes have the tools to adequately combat it. That being said, I was both horrified and amused, when I ran into a valor 65ish commando earlier, who backpedaled, whilst spamming grav round and ONLY grav round... Slaughtered him 1v1. Truly satisfying.
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The only time I really get owned with Grav/Tracer spam is when letting some CM/Merc stand behind me (or on a catwalk in HB) and spam on me whilst I fight another player.


My PT has a 6sec CD on Quell (spec'd) that also locks someone out of that ability for 4 seconds on a successful interrupt. One Quell interrupt and that CM/Merc spammer is dust, so long as I'm not sitting at stupid-low HP by the time I turn on them.


If I do get owned by my own inattentiveness or because I'm getting gang-banged by CM/Merc spammers, I just shake my head and click the spawn button. Grav/Tracer spammers aren't really that hard to beat. They're just a one-trick-pony and putting pressure on them will almost always make them start running around in circles whilst they're unable to cast their spammy-spam.

Edited by Paralassa
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Unfortunatelly Gunnery Commandoes and Arsenal Mercenaries aren't op at all on level 50 brackets. All classes have interrupts, knockbacks and stuns and they know how to use LoS.

Since you only got to 20ish, your data is pretty useless. YOu are missing 2 more skills on your rotation.



Completely correct. The only people who should be spamming Tracer Missile/Gravity Round are those who are sub-50 and don't have other effective skills yet. With that said, anyone who claims I am "dust" because they interrupt my Tracer Missile has another thing coming.

Edited by AndyEheler
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Having played a BH, I heard lots of complaints about tracer spamming. However, any good BH should not be spamming it, in fact, at level 50, you should only cast it 2 (maybe 3 times opening) in succession, otherwise, rail shot\heat seeker\and unload should be commonly used. (I do however note that at lower levels spamming is more common since the other skills are not viable options due to skill points). At level 50 however, I find no issue with tracer/grav spammers. If I go up against a spammer, I can take them down with my combo and still have half health when they are dead. Furthermore, anyone going up against a spammer simply needs to send an interrupt and we are screwed.


People, both spammers and whiners, just don't understand this. I changed from BH Bodyguard to Arsenal spec because my guild was heavy on healers. I cast that exact rotation (3 tracers, HS, and then unload or RS depending on cool downs). After getting through that, its tracers to keep my buffs up or if those three skills are all unavailable.

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It's not as much of an issue at 50, as it is at 10-49. Mainly because most classes have the tools to adequately combat it. That being said, I was both horrified and amused, when I ran into a valor 65ish commando earlier, who backpedaled, whilst spamming grav round and ONLY grav round... Slaughtered him 1v1. Truly satisfying.


I think most of the problem is people under level 25-30 or so depending on the class. You have one maybe two interrupts, and one of them might be 4m distance and/or on cool down. You're basically screwed if you can't los the attack.

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Play competitive lvl 50 PvP with an Arsenal Merc. Then get back to me.


It's not OP and it's not easy-mode.




I was just going to add something like this post. At level 50 merc/trooper dps are not the great. As with any class if left alone to free cast they will cause high damage. However, most regular pvpers wised up to this a long time ago and react accordingly. If people are planning to roll these classes just for this one ability then they will be greatly disappointed when they start fighting other players who know how to counter them.


It just seems like more of the same 'omg nerf' posts. Players should really spend their time learning the counters to all these 'op' classes that are supposedly in the game. It will be more rewarding and enable you to form a play style to suit the game rather than waiting for Bioware to change the game to suit your play style.

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Unfortunatelly Gunnery Commandoes and Arsenal Mercenaries aren't op at all on level 50 brackets. All classes have interrupts, knockbacks and stuns and they know how to use LoS.

Since you only got to 20ish, your data is pretty useless. YOu are missing 2 more skills on your rotation.


I wish all classes had knockbacks. Operatives don't.


anyone going up against a spammer simply needs to send an interrupt and we are screwed.


4 second lockout on a 12 second CD, and that's your opportunity to pop your other three buttons on your bar.

Edited by Xenthum
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The issue with this spec on both sides isn't the "OPness" of grav/tracer, honestly the spec is kinda bad and fairly easy to shut down. The issue with this spec is when there are TWO magic missile heroes on you (Yes I know any TWO classes are rough) due to the fact that the debuffs are stacking right now which makes for a bad BAD day for anyone.


Yes I know, don't stand where 2 can shoot you but we all know it still happens sometimes... too many pulls/knockbacks/roots/stun in this game to not get planted out in the middle of no-mans land in front of two idiots bent over shooting missiles at you.


Like I said, as a scrapper smug with no gap closer, no "real" ranged ability, and a 12 sec interrupt killing a grav/tracer spammer still isn't hard AT ALL, however stuck in the middle of nowhere the stacking debuffs make healing through it almost impossible even with guard/heals.

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The issue with this spec on both sides isn't the "OPness" of grav/tracer, honestly the spec is kinda bad and fairly easy to shut down. The issue with this spec is when there are TWO magic missile heroes on you (Yes I know any TWO classes are rough) due to the fact that the debuffs are stacking right now which makes for a bad BAD day for anyone.


Yes I know, don't stand where 2 can shoot you but we all know it still happens sometimes... too many pulls/knockbacks/roots/stun in this game to not get planted out in the middle of no-mans land in front of two idiots bent over shooting missiles at you.


Like I said, as a scrapper smug with no gap closer, no "real" ranged ability, and a 12 sec interrupt killing a grav/tracer spammer still isn't hard AT ALL, however stuck in the middle of nowhere the stacking debuffs make healing through it almost impossible even with guard/heals.


Dev's said the debuffs stack but only one matters.



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Dev's said the debuffs stack but only one matters.




They also said the classes were mirrored, the turret in civil war didn't shoot twice, Illum wasn't broken, and the WZ's not counting was fixed so forgive me if I don't take everything they say as fact :)


Disclaimer: That may or may not be true however it does feel, and LOOK as though tracer missle hits hard with multiple debuffs on you though there is no way to tell without combat logs.

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Hard? Dont make me laugh. Healing Troopers are ridiculas hard to take down compared to sorcs.


You must have terrible sorcs on your server, because the ones who know how to use their defenive abilities at the right time and use their sprint to kite while also using LoS are a majory ***** to kill, and must be heavily focus-fired if guarded.


Merc/Commandos do not have the escapability that Sorcs/Sages have. If their knockback is on CD, they essentially end up standing there trying to outheal your damage and if they don't have their non-interruptible shield up, it's GG. They may try to kite or LoS, but aren't anywhere close to as good as it (as a class) as Sorcs/Sages are.

Edited by Mannic
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Right now, if there are no Tracer Missiles then any ranged-based team should just surrender when faced against some combination of Assassins/Marauders. This is pretty much the only ranged attack that hits enough to have enough stopping power against the two permier melee classes.


Now obviously if Tracer Missile is used on someone who is not a premier class they'd get pounded pretty badly, but the same goes for Marauder/Assassin versus most other classes too. It's overpowered but it's almost needed to balance out the two other powerhouse classes. Currently you kind of have Marauder/Merc/Assassin mutually annihilating each other which leaves an even playing field for other classes. If Merc falls out of those unholy trinity, so to speak, melee would dominate all non-Huttball maps.

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I have no idea why bioware built the whole gunnery tree on the least desirable skill...a channeled ability that if you don't use the entire rest of the tree is trash and the animation sucks...it is literally "pew pew" let some of the other skills in the tree apply the buffs/debuffs like hammershot so I can move...waiting around for CoF procs from a weird looking lightning bolt was not what I signed up for when I picked the class and Assault is garbage for commandos so in the 50s it's heal or retire since by then most players have figured out how easy it is to shutdown gunnery unless your protected in a premade.
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Your entire post is invalid.Same thing can be said about SI lightning.Or worse the bad Operatives players running around backstabbing because they are not aware they actually have a rifle.


See my sig.You have played low-midd lvl pvp. Go and play in full battlemaster gear against well geard assassins etc and come back and tell me grav round in OP.When you do that you will come back to the forums and complain about how you get killed by mele classes with inzane high burst damage killing you in 5 seconds because they dont have to channel their skills at the same time they have combat stealth interrupt etcetc. As i said then come back and see if you still feel the same way.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Ok so anyone who complains about tracers and gravs need to find a different tactic because there are so many casts that can beat the spammers every time. If I spammed grav after grav after grav I'd be dead pretty soon.


I use grav twice then it's on to other casts until they are dead or I am. I've also played as a Sentinel and I can always stop a BH and his tracer spam.


Gravs and tracers get absorbed pretty easy by shields and they can be interupted very easily and stopping the player from using it for a while.It's all about knowing your casts. The spammers can't play therefore you should be able to take them down even easier. I mean it's like playing against a class that has one cast! Easy!

Edited by goggletan
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Ok so anyone who complains about tracers and gravs need to find a different tactic because there are so many casts that can beat the spammers every time. If I spammed grav after grav after grav I'd be dead pretty soon.


I use grav twice then it's on to other casts until they are dead or I am. I've also played as a Sentinel and I can always stop a BH and his tracer spam.


Gravs and tracers get absorbed pretty easy by shields and they can be interupted very easily and stopping the player from using it for a while.It's all about knowing your casts. The spammers can't play therefore you should be able to take them down even easier. I mean it's like playing against a class that has one cast! Easy!


That applies to a 1 on 1 yes, but if you're spammed by three grav round troopers you won't survive easily. I was in a match yesterday with 3 troopers and all they were doing is grav round grav round grav round. First of all the loud noise is annoying as hell and it does too much damage. Second is the fact that some troopers are standing like OMG OMG OMG when you interrupt their grav round because for some it seems it's the only thing they can do. It just shouldn't be possible to do such an amount of damage with just spamming 1 ability.

Edited by Drungus
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That applies to a 1 on 1 yes, but if you're spammed by three grav round troopers you won't survive easily. I was in a match yesterday with 3 troopers and all they were doing is grav round grav round grav round. First of all the loud noise is annoying as hell and it does too much damage. Second is the fact that some troopers are standing like OMG OMG OMG when you interrupt their grav round because for some it seems it's the only thing they can do. It just shouldn't be possible to do such an amount of damage with just spamming 1 ability.


You could also say that going up against 3 of any of the same class that you woudn't survive easily. I can barely ever kill operatives one on one. Should they be nerfed because of all their stuns and the fact that they can do most of their casts on the run while we stand there and can do anything about it? No, because it's how the game is and if it wasn't then we'd all have the same class. It'd be like playing Chess with every piece being a Pawn.


In the end it's an easy cast to get around. The Troopers at the top at the end of a match use 80% of their casts, Troopers who suck use Grav. Why wouldn't you want them to spam it? If you see someone just spamming Grav/Tracer mark them because they'll be super easy to take down.

Edited by goggletan
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