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Best 1v1 class, Annigilation Maradeur or Darkness Assasin?


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I am very exiceted to know from pro pvpers and duelers which class is the best for dueling right now at level 50. I've heard that currently Darkness Assasin and Annihilation Maradeur are very strong.
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Annihilation marauder will win anytime (when both players are equally skilled and know the weaknesses of both classes)


I have a lv50 mara and a lv50 assassin and I can easily kill marauders with my assassin BUT there is no assassin on my server that can kill my marauder.

Why? Cuz I know the weaknesses of the assassin and I know when to pop my CD's.

Edited by WokeSmeed
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A DoT spec should always beat a tank spec if proper LoS/kiting is employed all other things weighted equally (because they can wear them down and kite them while they bleed out and cannot reheal themselves).


If both played by top 1% skill players - annihilation marauder. If both played by typical players, darkness assassin.

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Tank specced assassins will destroy every class in a 1v1. Marauder/Operative follow after that.


Incorrect. If the Anni Mara plays correctly he will win every time. The problem with most Marauders is they don't reopen after the Force Shroud falls off, and they don't correctly address Force Lightning. The Mara needs to force CDs, play smart and then hit hard, too many open into the Tankassn's defenses and then only the last 3s of their 20s burst are effective, which get negated by a Force Lightning.

Edited by subrosian
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Annihilation marauder will win anytime (when both players are equally skilled and know the weaknesses of both classes)


I have a lv50 mara and a lv50 assassin and I can easily kill marauders with my assassin BUT there is no assassin on my server that can kill my marauder.

Why? Cuz I know the weaknesses of the assassin and I know when to pop my CD's.


plz share. i am semi casual and don't necessarily have the time to learn all the ins and outs of the classes. I do know when they cast pebbles/lightning to use force camo. i usually lead with obfuscate and activate cloak of pain when that wears off, then saber ward around 50%


I think pyro PTs, snipers, and tank assassins in dps gear are pretty strong 1v1 from a marauder perspective. I usually pop a power stim when I face these guys

Edited by HBninjaX
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plz share. i am semi casual and don't necessarily have the time to learn all the ins and outs of the classes. I do know when they cast pebbles/lightning to use force camo. i usually lead with obfuscate and activate cloak of pain when that wears off, then saber ward around 50%


I think pyro PTs, snipers, and tank assassins in dps gear are pretty strong 1v1 from a marauder perspective. I usually pop a power stim when I face these guys


There are 2 DRs you need to watch for - Deflection and Force Shroud. You already know about Force Lightning , and of course they apply Discharge and Wither to you. They may open with Crushing Darkness as well, so you're opening into having 3 things up on you, with the potential of them shrugging of your opener.


As far as the rest of the fight, its dynamic, so where you go from there depends. You generally want to apply steady pressure and burst once their DRs are burned.

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Tips when fighting an assassin as a marauder : NEVER use your CC breaker on their stun or knockdown, keep it for when they vanish and sap you (if you don't, the assassin can heal himself to full HP with "Seethe" and you will be screwed a.k.a. ***** move). When they use "Force Shroud", use only weapon damage abilites (annihilate, ravage, battering assault, ...). When they use "Deflection", try to DoT the assassin with "Deadly Saber" and use your vanish after. When the assassin uses his force shroud and deflection together, just vanish till his CD's go down.


Tips when fighting a marauder as an assassin : STOP attacking the marauder when he pops "Cloak of Pain" or else he will get 20% damage reduction for 30 seconds. If you stop attacking them, it only lasts for 6 seconds. When a marauder pops "Saber Ward" try to kite him for 12 seconds till his "Saber Ward" wears off.

If the marauder used his CC breaker for your stun, wait for his resolve bar to get empty, use vanish and sap the marauder to heal yourself to full hp. (this is a ***** move, I NEVER use it but if you're desperate and you really want to win the fight, you can use this)


There are much more tips but these are the basics you have to know when fighting one of both.

Edited by WokeSmeed
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I have both and a Darkness spec's Assassin with a 27/2/12 or 27/0/14 build will win 90% of the time. The Marauder just has no room for any mistake and a blown ability could literally mean the death of you.


To understand how to fight a Darkness spec's Assassin with the spec I just mentioned, you have to understand how easy and strong that build is: you're effectively spamming Trash (that has a 40%+ crit rate because of the 4-piece PvE set you should be wearing) until you get Energize to then spam Shock. Once you get 3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness, the Assassin will use Force Lightning that is uninterruptable and self-heals for a low amount.


Honestly, in this situation, no matter how skilled the Marauder is, if the Assassin outgears him, he will most likely lose. If gear is equal, then as a Marauder you have to use your Force Camouflage when the Assassin pops Force Shroud; you have to use Terrifying Roar (your 6-second AoE stun) when the assassin pops his version of Saber Ward; if the assassin Force Vanishes then stuns you to gain HP back, use your trinket (only time you should use it); other than that, follow your normal rotation if you're Anni-based and make sure to not use FS or any force-based attacks if Force Shroud is on (remember that Force Shroud will last a Darkness spec's Assassin a good 6 seconds).


Ultimately, this is a very difficult fight. Darkness spec's Assassins are just too strong right now for the utility they bring to the party and given how easy they are to play -- and it's my main char so I'm not talking about of my butt. They're definitely going to get the nerf bat in 1.2.

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Operative/Scoundrel just CCs the Marauder/Sent for what? 8sec or more? If they come out of stealth and I don't have my stunbreak up I'm always dead bfor I gain control over my character again. Only got Champion Gear tho. Still... that's ridiculous. In an open 1v1 fight (no out of stealth BOOM URE DEAD ****) a Marauder will win vs pretty much every class IF you're able to stay in melee range AND know how to play. Edited by DynamiCtagez
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