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Op Healing help?


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I've been playing DPS classes since the game began, but I enjoyed healing in other games so I decided to give Operative/Scoundrel a try. I love healing in this game, but it's trying: I'm getting torn apart by enemies and rebuked by allies.


The most common criticism I receive is that I'm not mobile enough for my class, that I die too quickly, or that I'm not healing enough. I've tried to correct all three, but they seem mutually exclusive to me at the moment. If I try and heal more people, I'm too stationary; if I increase my mobility, I can't heal many people for any substantial amount, and so forth. I went full Medicine spec, so I don't have many survival tools outside of stealth.


I understand that it's impossible to give specific advice without seeing me in action, but even general advice would be great. I like healing, but I hate being a poor player.

Edited by Chestnut_Bowl
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We also kinda need to know what level you're at, since things change a lot when you get the Operayive equivalent of Emergency Medpack (an instant heal that uses up a TA charge).


Until then, you're reliant on your HoT and the Underworld Medicine equivalent, really, and not significantly more mobile than any other healer, as your direct heal has a cast time.

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Well, the first question to ask is this: PvP or PvE? Based on the mobility, I'm assuming PvP, but you want to clearly state that, so you get the right type of advice.




We also kinda need to know what level you're at, since things change a lot when you get the Operayive equivalent of Emergency Medpack (an instant heal that uses up a TA charge).


Until then, you're reliant on your HoT and the Underworld Medicine equivalent, really, and not significantly more mobile than any other healer, as your direct heal has a cast time.


Level 41. I have all healing abilities, including Surgical Probe (Emergency Medpack) and Recuperative Nanotech (Kolto Cloud).

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atm operative fares a bit worse than the other healers in both pvp and pve.


in pvp, what i find works the most for me is starting from stealth and rolling into cover after the first heal so as to minimize people who tab target (in the 1-49bracket many people just hit what they see)


as far as real healing goes you are correct, you can either heal for more by being stationary or for less when you are mobile. try to take a place not easily reached (alcoves in mid in alderan, top floors in huttball, etc) and try to heal whoever is focused. if you see someone 1vs1 toss him some hots, if he is capable he should win.


try to keep yourself hotted and have 1-2more poeple running at least 1stack of hot. this iwll allow you to have a less rng dependant TA supply in case you need to move.


If you are focused refresh the hot and try to juke their interrupt with either infusion or DS, if they still interrupt your ki then you have to rely on your hot (dont be afraid of using RN too, even if you are by yourself), your sp (this is why it is important to have at least 2 people with hot, so as to gain TA when they lock you out of KI) and dont forget shiv if they are mellee.


all those (kp, rn, shiv, sp) are instants and by the time you execute/refresh them interrupt should have worn out allowing you 1-2ki until you are interrupted again.

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Maybe its player gear?


I have an older nostromo for left hand and a 5 button mouse for right hand. Two of the mouse buttons are alt and shift, so I can access over 30 keys without switching modes on nostromo. I also have two "assist" buttons on nostromo which I programmed Alt-T (thats the plain assist) and Alt-T Alt-F -- assist and focus. Then one of other nostromo modes adds the End key to all of my offensive actions (need to know which keys are what) - all attacks to focus and healing to normal target. There is more - like Home key is for self-mode, but this should give you an idea. :sul_grin:

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All of your issues can be solved by rerolling a sorc. =p




Sorcs are more survivable, more mobile, more efficient and more powerful in pretty much every conceivable way. The ONLY advantage you have is stealth and with the way combat works (getting stuck in it) it's not much of an advantage at all.

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While leveling I never bothered getting RN. I went into the leth tree to get the tox nade and stim boost.


You must keep KP up at all times on everyone and try not to look like a healer. What i mean is don't stand back alone shooting darts at people. Either jump out from a corner *bam *bam quick heals then start moving or get up into the crowd and act like you are stabbing people.


I rarely ever got singled out and could keep my team alive long enough to win most matches. Crit/surge is your friend for quick bursts.


If you do get marked by the other team...well there isn't much you can do. Our get out of trouvle abilities are very limiting.

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Sorcs are more survivable, more mobile, more efficient and more powerful in pretty much every conceivable way. The ONLY advantage you have is stealth and with the way combat works (getting stuck in it) it's not much of an advantage at all.




Do what I did and save yourself some grief and reroll as a Sorc.

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While leveling I never bothered getting RN. I went into the leth tree to get the tox nade and stim boost.


You must keep KP up at all times on everyone and try not to look like a healer. What i mean is don't stand back alone shooting darts at people. Either jump out from a corner *bam *bam quick heals then start moving or get up into the crowd and act like you are stabbing people.


I rarely ever got singled out and could keep my team alive long enough to win most matches. Crit/surge is your friend for quick bursts.


If you do get marked by the other team...well there isn't much you can do. Our get out of trouvle abilities are very limiting.


This works in the lower levels. Once your 50 and known to the opposing side *pretending* to be a DPS wont help. Pretty much as soon as i get seen in a WZ or Ilum I am marked to be Focused. They know my name and unfortunatly the damm smuggler outfit is pretty distinctive.

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atm operative fares a bit worse than the other healers in both pvp and pve.


in pvp, what i find works the most for me is starting from stealth and rolling into cover after the first heal so as to minimize people who tab target (in the 1-49bracket many people just hit what they see)


as far as real healing goes you are correct, you can either heal for more by being stationary or for less when you are mobile. try to take a place not easily reached (alcoves in mid in alderan, top floors in huttball, etc) and try to heal whoever is focused. if you see someone 1vs1 toss him some hots, if he is capable he should win.


try to keep yourself hotted and have 1-2more poeple running at least 1stack of hot. this iwll allow you to have a less rng dependant TA supply in case you need to move.


If you are focused refresh the hot and try to juke their interrupt with either infusion or DS, if they still interrupt your ki then you have to rely on your hot (dont be afraid of using RN too, even if you are by yourself), your sp (this is why it is important to have at least 2 people with hot, so as to gain TA when they lock you out of KI) and dont forget shiv if they are mellee.


all those (kp, rn, shiv, sp) are instants and by the time you execute/refresh them interrupt should have worn out allowing you 1-2ki until you are interrupted again.


This is a great post. If you're truly looking for constructive advice follow this.


As another op that's been a 50 healer for a couple months I can tell you that you can be a very effective healer in pvp. You'll need to stick out a rough couple weeks after you hit 50 however. Your survivability will go way up once you start to accumulate END and EXP, both of which are very prominent on pvp gear.

Edited by Not_Boab
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