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Hi, I'm a sage.


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Maruaders can be pretty dangerous, but I think CC and the fact that the sorcs have the option of dps or healing means they're going to win, every time. Coming from a healing operative, I do think it's pretty funny seeing all y'all argue that "No, *I'm* the most OP!"


Besides, all the sorcs have to do is line up on the bridge and knock any marauders off when they get close. ;)

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I honestly didn't mean to derail the thread this badly into "8 Marauder vs 8 Sage Huttball".


I was just trying to say that Sorcs/Sages can be taken down pretty reliably by players who know how to do so.


Usually these players have also played Sorcs/Sages and understand the shortcomings of the specs, and how to recognize which one they're up against.


I really don't have a problem w/ them myself as a Pyro PT spec'd into 6 second interrupt.


All it takes is time.

Edited by Varicite
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Maruaders can be pretty dangerous, but I think CC and the fact that the sorcs have the option of dps or healing means they're going to win, every time. Coming from a healing operative, I do think it's pretty funny seeing all y'all argue that "No, *I'm* the most OP!"


Besides, all the sorcs have to do is line up on the bridge and knock any marauders off when they get close. ;)


You do know marauders are one of the few classes that actually *can* recover from being blown off an edge, right?

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This. 8 marauders vs 8 sages in voidstar would cream them.


Admittidely sorc/sage would win huttball


Wrong. Aoe root goes through resolve. As in even if the marauder has full resolve? They STILL get rooted. The sorc team would cream the marauder team in every single warzone.


You sir are in denial and are basing your OPINION on a one on one duel. This is like saying operatives/scoundrels are the best class in the game because they can beat a sentinel/marauder in a duel by CC'ing their rebuke and blowing every single cooldown rofl, even though 9 times out 10 in an actual warzone the marauder is going to bend the operative over because they never have all their cooldowns and the idiot sorc are dotting the marauder through rebuke to keep it restacking.


The fact is that every single hybrid sorc added to a warzone screws over the melee on the other team completely.


The hybrid sorc/sage spec simply breaks the game. It did in beta. It does now. That is why everyone is rerolling to sage/sorc...just like they did in beta *shocker*...


BTW keep using the excuse of "story" or "lighting is cool". Sage animations are horrible, the story is the WORST on the republic side and people are rerolling to them like crazy. Why? Cus hybrid sorc/sage is the most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a mmo, and melee has none of the tools they have in other games to counter it.


Like...spam cleanse from healers, immune to CC cooldowns, a second charge (heroic leap) or a shadowstep.


Anyone who doesn't think hybrid sorc/sage is STUPIDLY op is quite literally insane.

Edited by biowareftw
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Wrong. Aoe root goes through resolve. As in even if the marauder has full resolve? They STILL get rooted. The sorc team would cream the marauder team in every single warzone.


You sir are in denial and are basing your OPINION on a one on one duel. This is like saying operatives/scoundrels are the best class in the game because they can beat a sentinel/marauder in a duel by CC'ing their rebuke and blowing every single cooldown rofl, even though 9 times out 10 in an actual warzone the marauder is going to bend the operative over because they never have all their cooldowns and the idiot sorc are dotting the marauder through rebuke to keep it restacking.


The fact is that every single hybrid sorc added to a warzone screws over the melee on the other team completely.


The hybrid sorc/sage spec simply breaks the game. It did in beta. It does now. That is why everyone is rerolling to sage/sorc...just like they did in beta *shocker*...


BTW keep using the excuse of "story" or "lighting is cool". Sage animations are horrible, the story is the WORST on the republic side and people are rerolling to them like crazy. Why? Cus hybrid sorc/sage is the most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a mmo, and melee has none of the tools they have in other games to counter it.


Like...spam cleanse from healers, immune to CC cooldowns, a second charge (heroic leap) or a shadowstep.


Anyone who doesn't think hybrid sorc/sage is STUPIDLY op is quite literally insane.

1v1 the Mara wins. If all the Sorcs are focusing 1 Mara, the other 7 Maras will destroy them. If they aren't focusing, they're going 1v1.


Also, don't tell people to not use their opinions when everything I see in your post is opinion and presents no factual evidence. It's a bit hypocritical.


Also, you're missing the entire point of the discussion and talking about an example that was originally meant to prove a point and not spark another discussion entirely. GG


Also, just going by your name I'm assuming you're a troll or fanboi

Edited by nschlan
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Wrong. Aoe root goes through resolve. As in even if the marauder has full resolve? They STILL get rooted. The sorc team would cream the marauder team in every single warzone.


You sir are in denial and are basing your OPINION on a one on one duel. This is like saying operatives/scoundrels are the best class in the game because they can beat a sentinel/marauder in a duel by CC'ing their rebuke and blowing every single cooldown rofl.


The fact is that every single hybrid sorc added to a warzone screws over the melee on the other team completely.


The hybrid sorc/sage spec simply breaks the game. It did in beta. It does now. That is why everyone is rerolling to sage/sorc...just like they did in beta *shocker*...


Are you still running around spouting this nonsense?


I'd like to see where you're getting your info for all of these "rerolls" you keep trying to tell us are happening. I'm not aware of any sort of official census detailing class distribution for the servers.


Is it still based 100% on your anecdotal evidence of "I looked around in a few warzones on my server while I was leveling."?


Because that still doesn't mean anything to anyone.

Edited by Varicite
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As a Powertech, pryo spec, sages are all "free" kills 1v1. Thier spec doesn't matter. There only chance is to hope grapple is on CD when they run.


Nerfing them? I would honestly feel bad for them if that happened.

Can you link me to where these 1v1 BGs are? I'd love to take my Op there since she's far better suited for 1v1 than for Huttball.


Oh wait. 1v1 BGs don't exist.

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<I invented a QQ thread under the guise Im a sorc/sage>.


A good Mara/Sent will eat your face no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


A good Pyro/Vanguard will eat your face no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


A good sin/shadow will eat your face (built for tanking) no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


L2P and stop crying. Look at low level PvP zones and they're loaded with mara/sents and BH. News: There not the FoTM class, there just alot of them because they are pretty cool.


Heal and move on with the build you posted..lolz....

Edited by ImURmaster
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Are you still running around spouting this nonsense?


I'd like to see where you're getting your info for all of these "rerolls" you keep trying to tell us are happening. I'm not aware of any sort of official census detailing class distribution for the servers.


Is it still based 100% on your anecdotal evidence of "I looked around in a few warzones on my server while I was leveling."?


Because that still doesn't mean anything to anyone.


I did actually roll a sage *alt* for supplying my sentinel main with cybertech mods and droid armor because I wanted to focus on biochem on the sentinel.


But I still prefer playing sentinel and I don't even think I will go PvP as sage.

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Can you link me to where these 1v1 BGs are? I'd love to take my Op there since she's far better suited for 1v1 than for Huttball.


Oh wait. 1v1 BGs don't exist.


Your post has a childish tone to it, but I'll bite.


I end up in 1v1 all the time in WZ not intentionaly either, mostly guarding turrets. A PT has zero escape options, as much as I would like to get back to trying to win the match, being it scoring or cap. If someone wants to fight it out I have no choice but to humor him as running is not a option.


Also solo all the time in Ilum.


If you had stealth you could easly pick out solo targets, oh.. wait...

Edited by terrorball
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Wrong. Aoe root goes through resolve. As in even if the marauder has full resolve? They STILL get rooted. The sorc team would cream the marauder team in every single warzone.


You sir are in denial and are basing your OPINION on a one on one duel. This is like saying operatives/scoundrels are the best class in the game because they can beat a sentinel/marauder in a duel by CC'ing their rebuke and blowing every single cooldown rofl, even though 9 times out 10 in an actual warzone the marauder is going to bend the operative over because they never have all their cooldowns and the idiot sorc are dotting the marauder through rebuke to keep it restacking.


The fact is that every single hybrid sorc added to a warzone screws over the melee on the other team completely.


The hybrid sorc/sage spec simply breaks the game. It did in beta. It does now. That is why everyone is rerolling to sage/sorc...just like they did in beta *shocker*...


BTW keep using the excuse of "story" or "lighting is cool". Sage animations are horrible, the story is the WORST on the republic side and people are rerolling to them like crazy. Why? Cus hybrid sorc/sage is the most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a mmo, and melee has none of the tools they have in other games to counter it.


Like...spam cleanse from healers, immune to CC cooldowns, a second charge (heroic leap) or a shadowstep.


Anyone who doesn't think hybrid sorc/sage is STUPIDLY op is quite literally insane.


Drivel. I hope you type fast so you didn't spend much time writing this.

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My class is incredibly silly. This is my spec.




http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201Zfc0MdRrhZcMcRsMz.1 (Sorcerer version)


340~ Expertise.


It isn't even optimized, but it is a spec that suits my playstyle, and I can beat full battlemaster geared people. I have an answer for everything, can heal myself, and get away really easily. I'd say the only thing that even comes remotely close to giving me trouble is good operatives/scoundrels and Powertechs/vanguards. Even then, it is still drastically in my favor.


Every game now is against 5 sages or sorcerers + other on my server.


We are the best healers, best at utility, and because of this it makes us great to have in bulk. I'd like to see more things get moved up high enough into the trees so hybrid specs aren't viable at all.


Kinetic Collapse/Backlash and Electric Bindings/Force wake, combined with Madness/Wrath and Telekinetic Balance/Presence of Mind are the criminals. Please fix this, thanks.



no you cant


you just lied your entire post,


i doubt you're even a sage



sorcs/sages are weaker and weaker as gear levels progress


the class is ina rough spot tbh

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I realy dont understand why bioware instant nerfed operative/scoundrels and still didnt change anyting bout sorcerer/sages. They are simply dominating the games.

Today i saw a sage get 12 medal. He is every kind of medals heal/dmg/total dmg/ solo kill.

After scoundrel nerf i hardly get 8-9 medals . Funny thing i cant even hit 5k as burst dps class anymore.

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I realy dont understand why bioware instant nerfed operative/scoundrels and still didnt change anyting bout sorcerer/sages. They are simply dominating the games.

Today i saw a sage get 12 medal. He is every kind of medals heal/dmg/total dmg/ solo kill.

After scoundrel nerf i hardly get 8-9 medals . Funny thing i cant even hit 5k as burst dps class anymore.


That "Sage" is probably a Shadow. Sage is fine. Medals don't mean anything and if you think they do, you have no idea what you're doing. Of course you can't hit 5k, your damage got nerfed (in favor of chain CC I might add) and Surge got nerfed. NO ONE does that anymore.

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I realy dont understand why bioware instant nerfed operative/scoundrels and still didnt change anyting bout sorcerer/sages. They are simply dominating the games.

Today i saw a sage get 12 medal. He is every kind of medals heal/dmg/total dmg/ solo kill.

After scoundrel nerf i hardly get 8-9 medals . Funny thing i cant even hit 5k as burst dps class anymore.


Medals don't mean jack after 1.1.5 anyway.


Also, scoundrels are doing fine.

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Can you link me to where these 1v1 BGs are? I'd love to take my Op there since she's far better suited for 1v1 than for Huttball.


Oh wait. 1v1 BGs don't exist.


^. What does exist? Warzones consisting mostly of one AC whom people are rolling because it is not OP, is challenging ( L O L) and is "weak at high levels".


It was damn near impossible for me to die as a hybrid specced sage to any melee in a warzone. Why? My first CC is automatic (shield breaking). My second CC turns into a stun on dmg or I can just use the stun. Both are instant cast. My main attack autokites and I also have a ranged slow I can put on the melee. My last CC works through full resolve on multiple melee.


The ONLY way the melee is killing me is if it is a 1 on 1 with no line of site and I refuse to heal myself during all the CC. It would take me at least a minute to kill myself on a sage/sorc while playing a marauder/sent. That is if there is noone else hitting me with an aoe root that goes through my full resolve.


Like the poster I linked above said. There are no one on ones in this game. Hell there aren't even 1 on 1's in Ilum on a high pop server.


The fact is sorc/sage when hybrid specced is the HARDEST dps to take down solo. By the time you can kill them you are dead from the other hybrid sorc/sages.


The only counter is a tank guarding a melee who is being spam healed. That isn't a counter. Why? Because it is much easier to stack hybrid sorc/sages and have the guard on the healer. It can be done with far less skilled players and makes the game faceroll for the entire team.


Now go back to your RP/PVE servers where everyone doesn't roll one stupid op AC and stack the hell out of them. Most of the people in this thread are on garbage servers and have never even played a hybrid sorc/sage stack lol.

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^. What does exist? Warzones consisting mostly of one AC whom people are rolling because it is not OP, is challenging ( L O L) and is "weak at high levels".


It was damn near impossible for me to die as a hybrid specced sage to any melee in a warzone. Why? My first CC is automatic (shield breaking). My second CC turns into a stun on dmg or I can just use the stun. Both are instant cast. My main attack autokites and I also have a ranged slow I can put on the melee. My last CC works through full resolve on multiple melee.


The ONLY way the melee is killing me is if it is a 1 on 1 with no line of site and I refuse to heal myself during all the CC. It would take me at least a minute to kill myself on a sage/sorc while playing a marauder/sent. That is if there is noone else hitting me with an aoe root that goes through my full resolve.


Like the poster I linked above said. There are no one on ones in this game. Hell there aren't even 1 on 1's in Ilum on a high pop server.


The fact is sorc/sage when hybrid specced is the HARDEST dps to take down solo. By the time you can kill them you are dead from the other hybrid sorc/sages.


The only counter is a tank guarding a melee who is being spam healed. That isn't a counter. Why? Because it is much easier to stack hybrid sorc/sages and have the guard on the healer. It can be done with far less skilled players and makes the game faceroll for the entire team.


Now go back to your RP/PVE servers where everyone doesn't roll one stupid op AC and stack the hell out of them. Most of the people in this thread are on garbage servers and have never even played a hybrid sorc/sage stack lol.


This post is so full of fail I don't even know where to begin. Oh well, have fun being a delusional scrub.

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^. What does exist? Warzones consisting mostly of one AC whom people are rolling because it is not OP, is challenging ( L O L) and is "weak at high levels".


It was damn near impossible for me to die as a hybrid specced sage to any melee in a warzone. Why? My first CC is automatic (shield breaking). My second CC turns into a stun on dmg or I can just use the stun. Both are instant cast. My main attack autokites and I also have a ranged slow I can put on the melee. My last CC works through full resolve on multiple melee.


The ONLY way the melee is killing me is if it is a 1 on 1 with no line of site and I refuse to heal myself during all the CC. It would take me at least a minute to kill myself on a sage/sorc while playing a marauder/sent. That is if there is noone else hitting me with an aoe root that goes through my full resolve.


Like the poster I linked above said. There are no one on ones in this game. Hell there aren't even 1 on 1's in Ilum on a high pop server.


The fact is sorc/sage when hybrid specced is the HARDEST dps to take down solo. By the time you can kill them you are dead from the other hybrid sorc/sages.


The only counter is a tank guarding a melee who is being spam healed. That isn't a counter. Why? Because it is much easier to stack hybrid sorc/sages and have the guard on the healer. It can be done with far less skilled players and makes the game faceroll for the entire team.


Now go back to your RP/PVE servers where everyone doesn't roll one stupid op AC and stack the hell out of them. Most of the people in this thread are on garbage servers and have never even played a hybrid sorc/sage stack lol.


Commando healer is the hardest to take down solo, not hybrid sorc/sage. As far as dps goes, well-played mara/sent also outclasses hybrid Sorc/Sage for the hardest to take down solo. I'd argue that Pyro Powertechs and tank Sins are also above hybrid Sorcs on that list.


Also, still waiting on that official census info to back up your statements.


Edit: My server is the second most populated PvP server in SWTOR, and boasts the best faction balance period of all PvP servers. I certainly do NOT see people all rerolling Sorcs/Sages at all.


In fact, right now the FOTM seems to be ... Marauders, Bounty Hunters, and Assassins. Imagine that, alll 3 of the best dueling classes.

Edited by Varicite
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I realy dont understand why bioware instant nerfed operative/scoundrels and still didnt change anyting bout sorcerer/sages. They are simply dominating the games.

Today i saw a sage get 12 medal. He is every kind of medals heal/dmg/total dmg/ solo kill.

After scoundrel nerf i hardly get 8-9 medals . Funny thing i cant even hit 5k as burst dps class anymore.


operatives/scoundrals are as strong as ever



quick example


didnt have trinket up


scoundrel took me from 90% to 8% before i could move



thats nerfed right?

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Commando healer is the hardest to take down solo, not hybrid sorc/sage. As far as dps goes, well-played mara/sent also outclasses hybrid Sorc/Sage for the hardest to take down solo. I'd argue that Pyro Powertechs and tank Sins are also above hybrid Sorcs on that list.


Also, still waiting on that official census info to back up your statements.


Easily. I have a hard time killing a Commando healer. I kill Sorcs so easily I have a hard time "Noticing" any of them for being better than the other. A Good Sentinel/Marauder will blow up a sage/sorc everytime in a WZ. Sorcs are very very squishy IMO they are a terrible 1v1 class.

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Your post has a childish tone to it, but I'll bite.


I end up in 1v1 all the time in WZ not intentionaly either, mostly guarding turrets. A PT has zero escape options, as much as I would like to get back to trying to win the match, being it scoring or cap. If someone wants to fight it out I have no choice but to humor him as running is not a option.


Also solo all the time in Ilum.


If you had stealth you could easly pick out solo targets, oh.. wait...

"All the time" "Mostly guarding turrets?" Doesn't sound "All the time" to me. Sounds like a fraction of the time in just one of the three BGs. Even in the rare times you do go 1v1 in Alderaan, it's not really 1v1 since one side will bring in reinforcements extremely soon or they're doing something wrong.


Yes, I can find easy targets and take them down quickly, but that's only against bad players that leave themselves vulnerable. I mean, thankfully there are a ton of bad players for me to pick on, but if I faced any real competition then my Op has some problems. WZs are not balanced for 1v1 play. Stop comparing a class's performance to 1v1.

Edited by hulkweazel
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Commando healer is the hardest to take down solo, not hybrid sorc/sage. As far as dps goes, well-played mara/sent also outclasses hybrid Sorc/Sage for the hardest to take down solo. I'd argue that Pyro Powertechs and tank Sins are also above hybrid Sorcs on that list.


Also, still waiting on that official census info to back up your statements.


Edit: My server is the second most populated PvP server in SWTOR, and boasts the best faction balance period of all PvP servers. I certainly do NOT see people all rerolling Sorcs/Sages at all.


In fact, right now the FOTM seems to be ... Marauders, Bounty Hunters, and Assassins. Imagine that, alll 3 of the best dueling classes.


Do me a favor. Read my post again, then read your reply. Is a commando/merc healer a dps? Newsflash all HEAL SPECS are supposed to be hard to kill.


BTW bounty hunters are horrible at dueling unless they are a powertech. You probably don't even know they have 2 ac's though, so what is the point...


What magical pvp high pop server is this where people aren't playing hybrid sorcs and mass rerolling sages lol. It sure as hell ain't fatman.


I could prob double your dmg as a pure tk/lightning spec to be honest. You are that clueless...

Edited by biowareftw
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no you cant


you just lied your entire post,


i doubt you're even a sage



sorcs/sages are weaker and weaker as gear levels progress


the class is ina rough spot tbh


I post several videos on this forums. Not my fault you weren't around to see the links.


Sages and Sorcerers are more than fine, and the person who was "ohhh, 3.2k crits" that is with subpar expertise, surge, and power on full battlemaster geared people. Telekinetic wave 3.2k crit followed by a 2k crit double cast, followed by a project double cast total crit for 5k, followed by a force in balance crit for 2.5k~. That is over 11k damage when most people even in full battlemasters are at 18k~ HP. Let's not include if they are all gathered up, almost all of this damage is hitting 3 people at least.


And like I said, I don't even got full gear. I took a break from that character to play a powertech.


I'm sorry there are so many bad sorcerers/sages. The class isn't that hard. Not that any class in this game is.

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