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Easiest route to 50?


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Played a Marauder up to 42 (Wasn't TOO horrible, especially with a guild)



I'm now looking to reroll a class that's easymode to 50 (Fast, doesn't have a Marauder-like rotation, etc)



Basically, I'm new to MMOs, and I can't seem to focus well enough to keep track of what my rotation should be, where I should be, what happens if I get interrupted, etc, which makes a Marauder "hard" .. Not that it really stopped me.



I'm half-keybinded, half-clicker, I rarely die in flashpoints (Which are my favorite things)


I'd also like a guild to play with that focuses on PvE (Leveling and, eventually, endgame) and doesn't mind helping low level players running flashpoints.


Doesn't matter what server you're on really, as long as it's NOT a PvP server.



TL;DR Looking for guild, server doesn't matter as long as it's a PvE US server, want to coast to 50 in a decent amount of time without some superhuge rotation.

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Can't help you unless you're willing to play on a PVP server. There's actually not a significant difference while leveling, but most good guilds run on PVP servers because it creates the *option* of world PVP at the end-game. Edited by subrosian
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Can't help you unless you're willing to play on a PVP server. There's actually not a significant difference while leveling, but most good guilds run on PVP servers because it creates the *option* of world PVP at the end-game.


The one time I tried leveling on a PvP server was fine until I got to Tatooine. I was a Trooper, and there were a ton of Sith running about killing questers, which ruined the game at the time for me. No point in wanting to find a class with survivability if you're just going to get dropped by a random from the other faction twice your level.

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Merc/Commando is the easiest, most faceroll solo PvE class.




I leveled a Commando to 50 using my dps comp for everything except a few of the hardest hitting elites (still did easy elites with him though). Leveled a few random toons, and then did it again on a Mercenary. Once at 50 on my merc though i just started gearing up Mako my healing comp and used her for doing Ilum and Belsavis dailies.


I have a PT, Mar, Assassin to level 42-47, Jugg, GS, OP to level 30-36, but cant get my sorc/sage higher then 18. Of all those AC's, the Comm/Merc leveled the fastest.

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