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Bugs and irritating things in PVP


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Hello Guys,


I am having a hard time on the following things:


Tab system:

I word "BAD"


Laggy PVP play:

I play as a marauder, i am carnage speced i have got a lot of abilities to immobilize my targets but i found it to be very very laggy and off! some examples!


Deathly trow

I use deathly trow but it doesn't trigger, i am in range and the target is in front of me. It happens a lot!



I use ravage, the target gets immobilized but when i am finished with the skill the target isn't in front of me anymore but behind me or on my left or right sometimes even out of range!


Force charge

When i use force charge it happens allot that i am landing where the target was ages ago!



Interrupts need to be INSTANT and need to be very very accurate, it simply isn't, it triggers late or not at all!


Assault, force scream and pretty much all the abilities

It often happens when i press assault rapidly it triggers the animation over and over without actually attacking!



Brrrrrr, if i use it between a group of ppl, you have to stand still and pray it triggers, the animation is way to long and often when i trigger it and try to start another ability during the animation it cancels the smash and starts with the other.. maybe an "as designed" but it supposed to be an instant cast not a channeled one!


And the last one:


Cloak of pain:

Often when i use it it goes on CD but if i look again it dint trigger at all! I don't know if the CD has been reset but i don't have any ways of resetting it!



Taking this all in account Bio needs to work on this ASAP, its starting to tick me off allot. I have canceled the account directly after the first month because there where to many bugs, my RL friends convinced me to come back but .... i think i made a mistake on that one!

Edited by TheRelic
Stop making your eyes bleed from spelling and grammar
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Sounds to me like a whole thread explaining that you have a laggy connection.




Except the tab targeting bit.


Sounds to me like you don't play a class with anything close to tight tolerances and/or are oblivious.


See what I did there?

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Sounds to me like you don't play a class with anything close to tight tolerances and/or are oblivious.


See what I did there?


Plenty of 4m & 10m range abilities, I'm constantly going in and out of range.



The point is, your assumption is that what sounds like a poor connection between you and the server is the fault of the server.


Have you looked into it at all before blaming Bioware?





Should pay more attention to poster names, the above poster was not the OP. :p

Edited by Jestunhi
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On my shadow I get the issue where I press my attack several times and the animation only partially plays and the ability dosen't go off. It mainly happens on my positional (rear) attack. I've come to the conclusion that it's lag related and the server things I'm not on the rear-quadrent of the target, even though I know I am. It notmally gives red text but when it happens in a pvp match, the text isn't there.


What also bugs me is using a knockback and having the target fly in the incorrect direction. :-/

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Biodrone to the rescue.


Didn't take long either.



The OP voices valid concerns and I personally share many of those experiences. This is all with ~50ms latency and 0.0 ability queue.


Smash especially is notoriously laggy and unresponsive. It constantly triggers the GCD without actually firing and is prone to interruption, despite being instant.


I also share the concerns about the range indicator. It's more than unreliable....it's borderline broken.

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The grammar and butchering of the English language in the OP made my eyes bleed, anyone care to translate what's going on while I wrap tourniquets around my optic nerves.


Every post on these boards butchers the language in one way or another. Welcome to the interweb.


Example: In your post you tacked two complete sentances together using a comma. You could of used a semicolon but two seprate sentances would also of been fine.



(just pulling at your leg. :p )

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The grammar and butchering of the English language in the OP made my eyes bleed, anyone care to translate what's going on while I wrap tourniquets around my optic nerves.


Tried to stop the bleeding!

Edited by TheRelic
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Every post on these boards butchers the language in one way or another. Welcome to the interweb.


Example: In your post you tacked two complete sentances together using a comma. You could of used a semicolon but two seprate sentances would also of been fine.



(just pulling at your leg. :p )


Thought I did use the semicolon,guess not. Nicely done.


You misspelled separate and sentences. This is fun.

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Some of it is def not you. I have a solid dsl connection and sometimes

when i force leap, i end up on their last position and not anywhere

near them. Ive used Ravage a trillion times and id say only 75% of the time i actually

hit them and its specced to no be int.


hell, a few times ive force lept or smashed and ended up with some city

as my back ground. cant see my guy at all but im still in the game.

then i get deserter and or booted to log in. I understand this game

is new and has bugs. but the problem is the bugs are soooo

annoying and can ruin end game play. ive all but lost my patience

with tor. now in 1.2 they are adding content when

they are ignoring

a lot of the major issues people are having. they got till june with me.

if there arent some awesome changes and fixes im gone

and i wont look back.

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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile constructive feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics. Don't forget that you can also use the In-Game Customer Service Portal to report any issues you encounter!


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


Thank you!

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