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Emergency Fleet Pass Republic/Empire


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I'm not gonna make this look fancy and what-not, just a question of why does the republic emergency fleet pass take you to the tython and ord mantell shuttle, when the empire one takes you to the quick travel point? Not that I'm pissed about it, just takes a few seconds to get up there, but why is it like that?
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Um the Emergency Fleet Pass takes you to the Fleet Station not to a shuttle or a Quick Travel point. I've used it on my republic characters with no problem. Also is it possible you've never been to fleet station .. and used the quick travel points there. Thoguh honestly I dont think the Quick travel points matter thre until you move from the fleet station to a fleet ship. Edited by Kindara
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In 1.2 Republic characters get spaced when they try to use fleet pass. Bioware doesn't like Republic.


Okay, the serious answer is you may need the correct quick travel point on the fleet before it can be used.

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