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600k damage...how the hell...


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Just think with you brains (or use force).


To do 600 damage u need:


1. Not to die. Every standing - waiting behind white wall significally lowers your dps.


2. Not being attacked. Since sniper is made of paper with no heals, you will be burning your energy too fast trying to kill attacker before he kills you so even if you will win mini - "duels" you will spend time to recuperate hp/energy thus lowering your dps.


3. Enemy team must have good healers. Enemy team must have good presence on field thus u have a lot of targets for AoE, your dot's will tick their full duration etc. If enemy players are always waiting behind white wall while your team gang bang 5 vs 1 enemy soloes you will never score bug damage numbers.

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most i did was 570k as full marksman build.


full duration huttball were the stars aligned and I was never attacked.




Btw why people say lethality is useless? it eats up tanks


Generally speaking, Lethality Snipers say Marks is useless and Marks Snipers say Lethality is useless. They're both fine =p

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Generally speaking, Lethality Snipers say Marks is useless and Marks Snipers say Lethality is useless. They're both fine =p


Ive played extensively as both.


Lethality is hands-down better in soloqueue badPuG action. You WILL get more kills (unless you're just awful at adapting to the playstyle) and you WILL ruin people that normally think theyve got a sniper dead to rights (heavies, tanks).


Lethality is hands-down worse in a Team v Team situation where the other team's healers understand how to use the cleanse button and their dps hybrids that can cleanse cleanse themselves.... youll never do relevant damage to anyone. Was running some premade action a week or so ago, and every time we ran into a pubbie premade..


i might as well have been ******* in a corner. Clease cleanse cleanse. My damage went from the 400k+ range in every game when we were PuG stomping to sub 150k against alert healers.


In those situations.. marksman is fantastically better. Damage they have to heal to is better than damage they can pre-emptively cleanse for little cost. Not to mention what the cleansing does to your personal DD - Cull gets gutted. I could see Engineering also doing well on a premade team as a defensive player, but for offensive punch in premade v premade - Marskman, all the way.

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We had a bad team and lost but this one I found of me doing 657k, I can get as high as 800k if i push it. Will be in my video which is inc soon!





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Rank 85 Sniper

<Chronic Insanity>


i'm really interested in seeing that video!!


flyingfunghi, i still wanna see your livestream too...

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Lethality spec owns!


Just dinged level 50 a day ago, ran 1 EV run. Columi leggings and everything else is orange gear with daily mods and I got 570k in Voidstar. :)


Also just got done doing 490k in Civil War and bunch of low 400's in Huttball.


Snipers rock!

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It pretty much requires a Voidstar. Huttball is possible, but much less likely. Both require an enemy team that is healing a lot and clumped together, preferably taking as much damage as possible without dying.


A Sniper will need to land great Orbital Strikes and focus on AoE damage via Frag Grenade.


A Sorc that is 7/18/16 or some close variant needs only focus on his single target damage. Chain Lightning and Death Field are the only source of AoE.


Both can get numbers in excess of 600k Damage on Voidstar. I've only done it once on my Sniper and have done it several times as a Sorc. The reason it happens on my Sorc more often is because I don't have to try and AoE to pad the meters.


I'm sure I could get even higher numbers, but on Voidstar you should really be targeting their healers with everything you've got. With them trying to LoS you and stay as far back as possible, it's likely you won't be able to chain your spells to anything else as a Sorc nor would AoE be a smart choice as a Sniper.

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It pretty much requires a Voidstar. Huttball is possible, but much less likely. Both require an enemy team that is healing a lot and clumped together, preferably taking as much damage as possible without dying.


A Sniper will need to land great Orbital Strikes and focus on AoE damage via Frag Grenade.


A Sorc that is 7/18/16 or some close variant needs only focus on his single target damage. Chain Lightning and Death Field are the only source of AoE.


Both can get numbers in excess of 600k Damage on Voidstar. I've only done it once on my Sniper and have done it several times as a Sorc. The reason it happens on my Sorc more often is because I don't have to try and AoE to pad the meters.


I'm sure I could get even higher numbers, but on Voidstar you should really be targeting their healers with everything you've got. With them trying to LoS you and stay as far back as possible, it's likely you won't be able to chain your spells to anything else as a Sorc nor would AoE be a smart choice as a Sniper.


I had a game of Voidstar last night where a gunslinger was above 600k damage. He mostly invested all his talent points to boost his AoE capabilities. I was talking to him in Teamspeak and he said his goal was to whittle down as many foes as possible while others do the killing. It showed on the score screen as his kill count was lower than one would expect for 600k+ damage (in the low 20s).


But yeah...Voidstar is the map for AoE damage galore.

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anyway, i've respecced again since my first post, going with mm/engineer hybrid now

it's much better to take down single targets then leth spec

but now i'm still at 200-300k per match average, which is ok i guess...


i still wanna watch other snipers average 300-600k every match as some mm specs claim to do, so gimme a shout if you have a stream or good vids :p

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300k is reasonable for an "every match" type of deal once you are used to a spec. Lethality reaches these numbers a bit easier. I don't understand your comment about how Lethality has trouble killing a single target - in my opinion Lethality can take down the first target more reliably then a Marksman can. A Marksman will likely take down the second target quicker though, as the Lethailty is recharging in energy.
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anyway, i've respecced again since my first post, going with mm/engineer hybrid now

it's much better to take down single targets then leth spec

but now i'm still at 200-300k per match average, which is ok i guess...


i still wanna watch other snipers average 300-600k every match as some mm specs claim to do, so gimme a shout if you have a stream or good vids :p


It can be done it is only going to happen against games that go the full duration, particularly voidstar.


In a quick Huttball or Alderaan? no way.

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Mainly for any class to get 600k+ dmg, it has to be a voidstar match with you having tons of expertise and some skill against a most likey pug opposition with little or no skill or little to no expertise gear or most likely a combo of both :D...


That's my 2 cents... and what I've noticed...

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After hearing people claim they can do 500k as a sniper with a pure single target spec I tried it out... marksman... I'm definitely doing less damage than lethality but 500k as pure single target spec is possible.


I think I'm a convert away from Lethality now ... you apparently don't have to pad meters with AOE to acheive high damage numbers as a Sniper.

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After hearing people claim they can do 500k as a sniper with a pure single target spec I tried it out... marksman... I'm definitely doing less damage than lethality but 500k as pure single target spec is possible.


I think I'm a convert away from Lethality now ... you apparently don't have to pad meters with AOE to acheive high damage numbers as a Sniper.


i know, right?

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That's the thing people don't realize. As a Sniper you have to purposefully AoE to get the 600k range thus sacrificing single target DPS. Don't do this though, it's usually not worth it unless they lack healers or you have a coordinated AoE effort going on.
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I've recently shifted from a MM pvp spec to MM/Leth hybrid spec. Main reason is that on my server, tank/healer groups are being more common place than anything. I've still got the burst to kill (or chase off) healers and do pretty good continual damage to the tanks.



I may try out a Engineering/Lethality spec this weekend but I do enjoy having ballistic dampeners, ambush knock back, ambush penetration and quicker cast time, 10 second leg shot, and a little extra energy regen.


The only class I feel weak against are concealment operatives, but I felt weak to them with my marksman spec. At least with my hybrid spec, I get a speed increase once I use debilitate to run away.

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300k is reasonable for an "every match" type of deal once you are used to a spec. Lethality reaches these numbers a bit easier. I don't understand your comment about how Lethality has trouble killing a single target - in my opinion Lethality can take down the first target more reliably then a Marksman can. A Marksman will likely take down the second target quicker though, as the Lethailty is recharging in energy.


lets say for example you have to take out the enemy ballhandler running towards your endzone, he's about to score

I can take him out faster when i'm specced MM/ENG than LETH or LETH/ENG

the biggest damage will be done in a few seconds ( shatter shot, instant snipe with laze, followthrough, ambush+explosive probe, takedown) (and legshot or interrogation droid to slow down)


while with LETH my dots are still ticking when the ballhandler lives long enough to score


although I must admit that I cant take down a heavily geared tank with his defence CD's on, even with all my burst from MM/ENG or I have to get lucky with crits and adrenal

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I've recently shifted from a MM pvp spec to MM/Leth hybrid spec. Main reason is that on my server, tank/healer groups are being more common place than anything. I've still got the burst to kill (or chase off) healers and do pretty good continual damage to the tanks.



I may try out a Engineering/Lethality spec this weekend but I do enjoy having ballistic dampeners, ambush knock back, ambush penetration and quicker cast time, 10 second leg shot, and a little extra energy regen.


The only class I feel weak against are concealment operatives, but I felt weak to them with my marksman spec. At least with my hybrid spec, I get a speed increase once I use debilitate to run away.


Wait till healers start being alert and cleansing your DoTs. The tank/heals premades on Port Nowhere, i couldnt break 150k as Lethality. Cleanse everywhere... because all their rDPS (troopers, sages) can cleanse too, and do.

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Wait till healers start being alert and cleansing your DoTs. The tank/heals premades on Port Nowhere, i couldnt break 150k as Lethality. Cleanse everywhere... because all their rDPS (troopers, sages) can cleanse too, and do.


Sages can't cleanse our dots =p

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lets say for example you have to take out the enemy ballhandler running towards your endzone, he's about to score

I can take him out faster when i'm specced MM/ENG than LETH or LETH/ENG

the biggest damage will be done in a few seconds ( shatter shot, instant snipe with laze, followthrough, ambush+explosive probe, takedown) (and legshot or interrogation droid to slow down)


while with LETH my dots are still ticking when the ballhandler lives long enough to score


although I must admit that I cant take down a heavily geared tank with his defence CD's on, even with all my burst from MM/ENG or I have to get lucky with crits and adrenal


Lethality DoTs aren't the real damage dealers. It's Cull. Lethality does more damage in a ~7.5s cycle and Marksman does more damage in a ~4.5s cycle. Lethality can be mobile for all but ~3.0s of their cycle. This part is math, the rest is subjective.


In your case of a ball runner running towards the endzone, if he scores before the Cull can be used then it's possible you could have taken him down with Marksman before. After the Cull, you are ahead of Marksman in terms of their damage output. In my experience I generally have those extra 3 seconds, but that won't always be the case.


I personally enjoy the mobility that was granted to me allowing me to position my Culls. With Marksman, I had to mostly stay immobile while the target ran away from me. In Huttball, I liked the delayed burst that Lethality granted me over the snap burst that Marksman had.


Neither one is automatically "better" then the other in my view, I've just always preferred Lethality. The reason I questioned what you wrote is because it seems you have a different view of the topic.

Edited by Ayestes
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Wait till healers start being alert and cleansing your DoTs. The tank/heals premades on Port Nowhere, i couldnt break 150k as Lethality. Cleanse everywhere... because all their rDPS (troopers, sages) can cleanse too, and do.


I already know Lethality in its current design will be dead in competitive play. DoT interruptions on capping objective points killed it against even terribads. I'm just doing a hybrid spec for now for fun. I leveled up and cleared nightmares with marksman spec. I'm just saying right now, there are plenty of clueless people that can dispel lethality poisons that don't and there seems to be no shortage of tank/healer combos on my server.


If I bother to do ranked warzones on my sniper, I'll be marksman spec. I don't see anything in the engineering tree (as it currently is) that would all that great for us. Plasma probe would be the only "good" thing to at least slow down capturing objectives. I can't speak of premades on your server, but for Davik's Estate, it's quickly becoming the tank/healer {or bastardization of tank and healer} combos. For example, pure dps lack behind a dps that potentially put a guard on a healer and taunt.

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Bro, do not think you will be sitting there with large glowing red cover field like a baws in marksman.


With 30 m range taunts on 15 sec CD u will be - 30 % damage 24/7 in rated. And you will be completely helpless against.


So easy: VG or PT taunts you for 6 sec and moves to his ranged buisness out of your range/LoS. Then he AoE taunts you for 6 sec. After 3 sec he taunts you again for 6 sec.

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