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Stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun


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That is all our 3 warzones are. It is terrible.


The 3 warzones we have are just a huge orgy of players it is never a simple 1v1 which is why stun is such a huge problem!


1 stun = getting attacked by several players with no return


So the fact we can get stunned 4 times over... it's no wonder people get infuriated playings in WZs.

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it is never a simple 1v1 which is why stun is such a huge problem!


Never worry about 1v1 in these Warzones, worry about working as a team.


I think that is the big misconception in this game, that key word.



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Never worry about 1v1 in these Warzones, worry about working as a team.


I think that is the big misconception in this game, that key word.




No point throwing that word at me. I understand that completely. Infact it annoys me just as much when no one passes or plays as a team in Huttball but that's another story lol.


I am talking about STUNS! The keyword in my thread if you never realised from the title.

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No point throwing that word at me. I understand that completely. Infact it annoys me just as much when no one passes or plays as a team in Huttball but that's another story lol.


I am talking about STUNS! The keyword in my thread if you never realised from the title.


Don't bother. The idiot seems to think if you move as a team you are stun-proof. Otherwise no one would be dumb enough to have poor enough reading comprehension to think you've talking about 1v1. The Devs in charge of PvP failed to fix this in Warhammer till it was too late and they have done the same thing here. It won't be fixed until it's too late to recover from. Only in the MMO world, and NFL head coaches, do you get rewarded with a new better job for failing at your previous one. Experience>Failing over and over when it comes to MMOs.

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