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Custom droids


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I would like to expand the ship droid into something more useful, he does get access to gear but i dont think hes a viable companion other than sending off to mission but even then he has no bonus and you can change his affection lik eyour other companions


I would like to be able not only change what he looks like with body parts but also his abilities.


It would be great if we could make our own droids, that could look like an R2 unit or huminoid or even those big battle droids.


But just as important as what they look like is what they could do. By having custom parts we could make them into a useful battle companion: A droid that could tank, heal or DPS to compliment our main character.


But you could also add parts to make them crafters so if you do alot or Armo mech you can get/find/win parts that would boost their skill in crafting.


Later for battle droids we could even have an e-sport gladiator battles competions.

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