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Something feels lacking lately


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Ever since the Taris bonus series (Empire), I've noticed that more than half (it feels like 75%) of my character's lines are those same repeated stock lines. I didn't mind it before when it happened occasionally, but it's starting to get ridiculous.


But what's worse is that it feels like affection gain has dwindled to almost nothing. I think I got around 30 total from Quesh (admittedly a small planet), and now I've started Hoth and, again, I'm getting nothing. While on the topic of Quesh, it felt like I was playing a completely different game when going through that planet. The story was fairly weak and my character was, on multiple occasions, forced to say and do things completely out of character.


Is this just how things become later in the game, or have I hit a slow patch? I've been told Voss is great, so hopefully it's the latter, but I feel like all of the flavor of my character and my companions has been sucked dry suddenly.

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